Harsh Lesson

The team's victory at the qualifier was a cause for celebration, and where better to celebrate than at their favorite ramen place? The bustling restaurant was alive with chatter, the clattering of chopsticks, and the rich aroma of sizzling broth. Haruki, Aiko, Mei, Riku, and the rest of the friend group had claimed a large table in the corner, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of hanging lanterns.

Haruki slurped a steaming bowl of ramen, his eyes closing in satisfaction. "Ah, nothing beats this after a big win. This is what I call a victory feast."

Aiko, who was busily stuffing her face with noodles, looked up and laughed. "You know, Haruki, for someone who's always so serious, you sure do eat like a champion."

Mei, still working on her first bowl, chimed in between bites. "You should've seen Haruki's face when he found out they had extra spicy ramen. He looked like he was about to breathe fire."

Riku, who had been trying to balance a mountain of dumplings on his chopsticks, looked up with a grin. "I'm just taking in the moment. Besides, I'm saving room for dessert. You guys are going to need to roll me out of here."

"Riku, you're going to explode if you keep eating like that!" Yumi, another member of the friend group, said, laughing as she nibbled on some gyoza.

Haruki shot Riku a mock glare. "If you keep eating like that, you'll be the reason we need a bigger table next time."

Tomoya, who had been quietly enjoying his ramen, finally spoke up. "You know, I'm more impressed by the way you managed to eat all those dumplings. It's like watching a competitive eater in action."

Riku's grin widened. "Hey, I've got to keep my energy up. Who knows what kind of food challenges we'll face next?"


Just as they were finishing their meal, Coach Nakamura walked in, his expression serious but with a hint of a smile. He pulled up a chair and sat down with them.

"Great job today, team. You all did well," Coach said, his tone warm but commanding attention. "But I've got some news. We've arranged a friendly match for you."

The group looked up, intrigued. "A friendly match? Against who?" Haruki asked, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

Coach Nakamura's expression became more serious. "We're up against one of the top 10 high school archery teams. They're known for their precision and speed. This is a chance to test your skills against some of the best."

The team's enthusiasm dimmed slightly. "Wait, so you're saying we're facing a top team?" Mei asked, her excitement turning into apprehension.

"Exactly," Coach confirmed. "This is an opportunity to see where you stand. I want you to be prepared for a tough fight."


The following week, the match took place at a state-of-the-art archery arena. The tension in the air was palpable as the two teams lined up. The Shikura High team, including the entire friend group, stood side by side, their faces set in determined expressions. Their opponents, a well-coached team from Shizuku High, looked imposing and confident.

The announcer's voice echoed through the arena. "Welcome to today's friendly match between Shikura High School and Shizuku High School. We will begin with the first round!"


Haruki stepped up to the line, his heart pounding with both excitement and nerves. He took a deep breath, steadying himself. His bow was drawn back smoothly, and he released the arrow with practiced ease. The arrow flew true, hitting the target's center.

The crowd cheered, but Shizuku's top shooter, a tall and lean figure with a focused gaze, took his turn next. His draw was swift and powerful, his arrow landing just slightly closer to the bullseye than Haruki's.

"That's some serious skill," Haruki muttered, his eyes narrowing as he prepared for the next round.


Aiko took her position, her hands steady despite the mounting pressure. She aimed carefully, her bowstring pulled back with precision. Her arrow sailed through the air, striking the target with pinpoint accuracy.

The Shizuku shooter, a girl with a calm demeanor, matched Aiko's performance, her arrow hitting the bullseye with almost no deviation. The scores were neck and neck, and the tension was rising.

"Keep it up, Aiko!" Mei encouraged, her voice barely audible over the crowd's roars.


Mei approached the shooting line, her focus intense. She drew back her bowstring, her entire body in sync with the motion. Her arrow flew with a clean release, hitting the target firmly but not quite at the center.

The opposing shooter, a confident boy, took his turn. His shot was flawless, the arrow landing squarely in the bullseye. Shizuku's team seemed to pull ahead, and the mood on Shikura's side grew somber.


The final round was crucial. Haruki, Aiko, Mei, and the rest of the team regrouped, exchanging worried glances. They were up against Shizuku's remaining shooters, who had proven their skill.

Haruki stepped up first. His arrow flew, but the pressure of the match seemed to affect his precision, landing just outside the bullseye. Aiko and Mei followed, their arrows landing similarly off-center. Shizuku's shooters, on the other hand, delivered flawless shots, securing their victory.

As the final scores were tallied, Shizuku High emerged victorious, their team celebrating with high-fives and cheers.


The team trudged back to the changing room, their spirits dampened by the loss. Coach Nakamura waited for them, his expression stern.

"This was a lesson," Coach began, his voice steady. "You've been celebrating too early and not pushing yourselves hard enough. You need to understand that the tournament is coming up, and it's crucial for both our school and for you. You've seen what top-level competition looks like. Now it's time to get serious."

The team listened in silence, absorbing the gravity of the situation. Haruki finally spoke up, his voice resolute. "We understand, Coach. We'll work harder and come back stronger."

Coach Nakamura nodded approvingly. "That's the spirit. Don't let this defeat get you down. Use it as motivation to push through and achieve your goals."


As the team left the arena, they were quiet, each lost in their thoughts. Riku, who had been watching from the sidelines, approached them.

"Well, that was a humbling experience," Riku said, attempting to lighten the mood. "But hey, at least you guys looked good doing it!"

Haruki chuckled despite himself. "Thanks, Riku. We'll definitely need to step up our game."

Aiko gave a small smile. "We'll make sure this doesn't happen again."