Facing youreself

Haruki's alarm clock blared, dragging him out of a restless sleep. The image of Satori's flawless shots from their match lingered in his mind, like a haunting refrain he couldn't escape. He had barely slept, the defeat gnawing at him with each passing hour. He forced himself out of bed, the weight of his loss pressing heavily on his shoulders.

He dressed in his school uniform with practiced efficiency, his movements mechanical. At school, he greeted his friends with a forced smile, masking the turmoil inside. His friends noticed the strain but didn't press him. They could tell something was wrong, but Haruki brushed off their concerns with quick, half-hearted reassurances.

"Hey, Haruki, you seem off," Aiko said one morning as they walked to class.

"I'm fine," Haruki replied, offering a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Just a little tired."

The days blended together in a blur of routine. Haruki continued to put on a brave face, but the internal struggle was evident to those close to him. His friends tried to help, but he deflected their concern, not ready to face his own feelings or share them with anyone.

As a week passed, Haruki's façade began to crack. He was exhausted from the pretense and frustrated by his inability to shake off the disappointment. His practice sessions felt futile, and he couldn't shake the image of Satori's perfect shots from his mind.

One evening, feeling particularly overwhelmed, Haruki decided to reach out to Riku. He dialed his number, his heart pounding as he waited for the call to connect.

"Hey, Haruki, what's up?" Riku answered, his voice cheerful.

"Hey, Riku," Haruki said, his tone subdued. "I wanted to ask a favor."

"Sure, what is it?" Riku asked.

"I was wondering if I could practice at your archery field," Haruki said. "I really need to focus and get better."

Riku paused for a moment. "It's a long way, are you sure?"

"I'm sure," Haruki replied with determination. "I need this."

"Alright, I'll let the security know you're coming. They'll give you access," Riku said. "Don't sweat it."

"Thanks, Riku," Haruki said, genuinely grateful.

"No problem," Riku said before hanging up.

That night, Haruki gathered his archery equipment and made his way to the field. The journey was long, but he didn't mind the distance. His only focus was on improving, on overcoming the feeling of inadequacy that had plagued him since his match with Satori.

When Haruki arrived at the field, it was eerily quiet. He set up his bow and arrows, feeling a mix of anticipation and dread. He took a deep breath and began his practice.

Shot 1: Haruki positioned himself at the shooting line. His stance was steady, feet shoulder-width apart, and he held the bow with a firm grip. His fingers were placed precisely on the string, and his gaze was fixed on the target. He drew the bow back, focusing on the bullseye. His release was smooth, but the arrow flew wide, missing the target entirely. Haruki frowned, frustration creeping in.

Shot 2: He adjusted his stance, positioning his feet more securely. His hands felt clammy as he drew back the bow. He focused on his breath, trying to steady his shaking hands. The arrow left the bow with a slight quiver and missed the target again. The image of Satori's perfect shot flashed in Haruki's mind, intensifying his self-doubt.

Shot 3: Determined to correct his mistake, Haruki rechecked his stance, feet firmly planted, and adjusted his grip. He drew the bow back with renewed resolve. His head was slightly tilted, and his focus was unwavering. The arrow soared, but it veered off course, landing nowhere near the bullseye. Haruki slammed his fist into his palm, a mix of anger and frustration bubbling to the surface.

Shot 4: Haruki took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind. He focused on his form, ensuring every movement was precise. His hands were steady as he drew back the bow. He visualized the bullseye, but the arrow still missed. The image of Satori's flawless performance played repeatedly in his mind, amplifying his frustration. Haruki slapped himself on the forehead, trying to shake off the negative thoughts.

Shot 5: Night had fallen, and the field was now dimly lit. Haruki's muscles ached from the relentless practice, but he continued. His stance was now solid, his grip firm, and his focus sharp. Despite his efforts, the arrow missed the target once more. Exhausted and disheartened, Haruki felt a pang of despair. He had come all this way, but the improvement he sought seemed elusive.

Finally, Haruki gathered his equipment, his shoulders slumped with exhaustion. The field had become his battlefield, and tonight, it felt like he had lost. He trudged home, his body sore and his spirit battered. As he lay down in bed, the weight of the day settled heavily on him, and he drifted into a deep, restless sleep, the image of Satori's perfect shots still haunting his dreams.

The journey to overcome his defeat was far from over, but Haruki knew that he had to confront his failures head-on. With each practice session, he was slowly piecing himself back together, determined to rise above the shadows of his past performance and forge a path to redemption.