
Kaguya looked around and found nothing but ruins here. It seemed that the kitchen and other facilities were also buried under the debris. It looked like she would have to hunt for some wild game tonight.

Despite what many TV shows depict, eating roasted meat while out hunting is far from enjoyable. Without seasonings, the meat tastes awful, with a heavy gamey flavor that's hard to stomach. Kaguya used to dislike scallions, ginger, and spices like star anise, but now she understood their purpose—to mask the gamey taste.

Just as Kaguya was about to leave, she heard light footsteps from outside.

After a few rustling sounds, six or seven ninjas appeared. Judging by the headbands, they were Konoha ninjas. One of them, she recognized as the leader of Team 10, Sarutobi Asuma.

"She's the one dressed like this who killed Master Chiriku," a bald monk pointed at Kaguya and shouted.

Unfortunately for Kaguya, today was one of the rare days she decided to wear her Akatsuki cloak.

"Did you do all this?" Asuma stared at Kaguya and asked sternly.

"You might not believe this, but I'm just passing through," Kaguya replied helplessly, feeling like an innocent cat blamed for a fishy smell.

"Stop lying. Even if it wasn't you, it was one of your accomplices," the bald monk shouted.

"Accusing the innocent will send you to hell where you'll have your tongue pulled out," Kaguya glanced at the monk hiding behind the ninjas and said.

The monk trembled violently when Kaguya's crystalline eyes glanced at him. His eyes widened in terror, and he shook like a leaf.

It wasn't until one of the ninjas patted him that he was freed from the terrifying illusion. The monk's eyes were wide, cold sweat dripping down his face, and he shivered, clutching his mouth, even sticking his fingers inside to check.

"Genjutsu," Asuma said gravely.

"That's right. I just showed him the consequences of falsely accusing someone," Kaguya smiled lightly.

Asuma stared at Kaguya, then suddenly paused, taking a closer look at the beautiful silver-haired girl before him. "You're Kaguya," he said.

"Oh, someone still recognizes me," Kaguya's lips curled into a smile, and she waved at him. "Long time no see, Asuma-sensei."

"Why did you join Akatsuki?" Asuma asked seriously. "Did you kill Danzo a while ago?"

"Yes, I did kill him," Kaguya nodded. "I had a grudge against him, and I sought revenge. Isn't that normal?"

"These monks had no grudge against you. Why did you kill them?" Asuma asked sternly.

"You can't just say anything. I've never killed these monks. It has nothing to do with me. I was just passing by, looking for a meal," Kaguya raised her eyebrows.

"Do you think we'll believe that?" a Konoha ninja shouted from the side.

"Whether I say it or not is my business. Whether you believe it or not is yours," Kaguya shrugged.

"Sorry, but until this is cleared up, we have to detain you," Asuma said sternly, drawing his chakra blades and assuming a fighting stance.

Kaguya sighed helplessly. She felt like she was taking the blame for something she didn't do. No good fortune came her way, but trouble always found her.

"Sorry," Kaguya's pretty face wrinkled in exasperation, "but I'm hungry now. Let's discuss this later."

As soon as she finished speaking, chakra surged from her body, and she floated lightly into the air like a feather, turning and flying into the sky.


Asuma stomped heavily on the ground and leaped into the air, swinging his chakra blade forcefully. Sharp chakra wind blades shot towards Kaguya.

The ninjas on the ground also launched shurikens and kunai at her, creating a dense barrage that filled the sky like a swarm of locusts.

Kaguya snorted lightly, raised her smooth arm, and aimed below, releasing her repulsive force. The incoming projectiles seemed to hit an invisible wall, instantly ricocheting back as if it were raining iron.


Judging by the screams from below, several people got hit. Whether anyone died was uncertain, but since they attacked her first, their fate was deserved.

Kaguya paid them no further attention, flying through the clouds and heading off into the distance.

After about half an hour of flight, Kaguya descended from the sky. While the view above was beautiful, with clouds, blue sky, and sunlight, it was also extremely cold, and the strong air currents required her to wrap herself in a chakra shield, which consumed considerable energy.

Moreover, flying in the open sky made her an easy target, likely to be shot down sooner or later.


Kaguya's stomach was already rumbling. She had lost count of how many days she'd been eating rice balls, utterly tired of them. They were bland, lacking vegetables or seasoning, and tasted like wax.

A rustling sound came from the grass. Suddenly, a girl emerged and locked eyes with Kaguya. Both were momentarily stunned.



Indeed, the girl in front of her had blonde hair tied in a ponytail, with long bangs covering part of her face, wearing a purple crop top. She was Yamanaka Ino.

"You Konoha traitor," Ino's eyes narrowed as she aimed a kunai at Kaguya, her tone cold.

"I didn't expect to meet an old acquaintance here," Kaguya remarked, "The world is small."

"What are you doing here?" Ino suddenly paused, "Did you have something to do with the incident at Fire Temple?"

"What do you think?" Kaguya smiled slightly, wanting to tease her.

"It really was you," Ino took two steps back, watching Kaguya warily.

Kaguya was speechless. Did she really look like someone who committed such acts?