Night Guy


The ground trembled, rocks shattered, and smoke billowed as shockwaves sent dust flying in all directions.

Kakashi lowered his arm from his eyes and stared at the distant scene with shock, muttering, "Is this the power of all eight gates open?"

The Eight Gates Release Formation is a technique that removes the body's natural limits, unleashing its full potential. When the limits are removed, the power can exceed that of the Five Kage many times over.

Guy floated in the air, panting heavily, as red sweat instantly evaporated into steam. The Eight Gates technique inflicted immense harm on the body, and even opening the Seventh Gate placed a heavy burden on it. With all eight gates open, the damage and pain were unimaginable.

"Is it over?" Kakashi asked, his Sharingan fixed on the dust-covered area in the distance. "But the final blow..."

Just then, a figure leaped high from the dust, sweeping the debris away. It was Kaguya.

Kaguya no longer maintained her previous composure. Her body was covered in dust and dotted with small wounds, but her powerful regenerative abilities healed them almost instantly. She wiped a faint trace of blood from her mouth and glanced at her now slightly damaged clothing, her cold eyes flickering with anger.

"Not even Evening Elephant could defeat her?" Kakashi watched the silver-haired girl in the air with shock, momentarily at a loss.

"This person...she withstood my continuous Evening Elephant," Guy thought through gritted teeth, the intense pain making it difficult for him to speak. His muscles were severely torn, and the bones in his arms and legs were fractured. He stood purely by willpower.

Gaara, Lee, and even Neji, standing farther away, were struck speechless. As their peer, they could not fathom how Kaguya possessed such immense power. This was beyond human capability—perhaps only a god could wield such strength.

At that moment, a glint of coldness appeared in Kaguya's clear eyes. She raised her flawless, snow-white arm, and nine Truth-Seeking Balls gathered into a black sphere in her palm. The sphere rapidly expanded, like a balloon. In no time, the black sphere had grown a hundredfold, resembling a small mountain lifted by Kaguya into the air.

"What's she doing?" Kakashi's pupils shrank. "This is bad! Warn our allies on the battlefield!"

Before Kakashi finished speaking, the black sphere in Kaguya's hand shot toward the horizon like a bolt of black lightning.

"Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball."


A blinding light cut through the sky, illuminating the earth as if it were daylight. Then a deafening explosion reverberated through the heavens as powerful shockwaves unleashed fierce winds that swept across the land, sending stones flying and dust swirling. In the distance, smoke billowed and flames shot skyward as a massive mushroom cloud rose.

Fortunately, the Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball did not land on the battlefield but far away, sparing those on the battlefield.

"Could it be because of her injuries?" Kakashi wondered, furrowing his brow. "Is that why she missed?"

"It looks like there's only one option left," Guy said, clenching his fists. "No matter what, she's too dangerous."

"Do you really mean that?" Kakashi's eyes narrowed.

Guy didn't say anything more, only nodded slightly. If he had held back before, he was now determined to kill Kaguya. Her threat to the ninja alliance was simply too great. If the Expansive Truth-Seeking Ball had landed on the battlefield...

Guy crouched, his right foot forward and left foot back, hands resting on the ground in a sprinter's stance. The chakra within him intensified, burning like red flames, with embers dancing and flickering around him.

"Guy-sensei," Rock Lee wiped the tears from his face, clenched his hands into fists, and showed a determined expression.

Guy's entire body shuddered, and the chakra within him erupted violently, raging around him like a storm, the winds as sharp as blades.

"Is there a technique stronger than Evening Elephant?" Neji struggled to maintain his footing against the gale.

"Night Guy!"

With a powerful shout, Guy stomped the ground, creating a crater as the rocks shattered, and he launched himself like a red dragon toward Kaguya.

Guy's speed was incredible, like lightning, and in an instant, he was in front of Kaguya. She had just begun to raise her arm and didn't even have time to activate Yomotsu Hirasaka.


An earth-shattering explosion ensued, shaking the ground violently. Rocks were thrown into the air, and dust billowed as the shockwave leveled everything within a ten-kilometer radius, leaving the landscape devastated. The air surged like a tsunami, and dust filled the sky.

The dust gradually settled, revealing a shattered landscape with large chunks of rock strewn about, as if after an earthquake. The others struggled to get back on their feet, coughing from the intense shockwave that had even caused minor internal injuries.

"Guy-sensei!" Rock Lee was the first to get up and shouted toward the distance.

"That was Guy's final attack," Kakashi said as he stood up, looking around nervously. "How did it go?"

As the dust cleared, Kakashi was shocked to see a massive chasm, tens of meters wide, hundreds of meters long, and ten meters deep, stretching into the distance, still smoldering with smoke and reeking of burnt earth. This was the power of Guy's attack.

In the distance, in a depression amid the rocky debris, lay a charred body with bright red lines. It was Guy. His life was nearly exhausted, and his body was covered with injuries inflicted by the violent chakra. The red lines marked the major chakra pathways, now completely destroyed. His entire body was beginning to crumble, and he was close to death.



Kakashi and Rock Lee, seeing Guy's charred body lying in the rocks, hurriedly ran toward him. But halfway there, they stopped as if frozen, staring in shock at the figure ahead.

Before them stood a beautiful silver-haired girl, her mist-like hair swaying in the wind. Her flawless skin looked soft and smooth, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyes were as clear as a pool of water. Her nose was delicate, her lips full and glossy, and her figure was shapely and graceful.

But she was in a disheveled state. Her once-beautiful kimono, embroidered with pink cherry blossoms, was now tattered, with both sleeves missing, exposing her white arms. Her collar was torn, revealing glimpses of her creamy shoulders.

It was Kaguya.