A Storm Is Brewing

At dawn, the clouds dispersed, and the rain ceased. The sky was blue and the white clouds drifted, reflecting in the clear waters of the lake outside the villa. The gentle breeze rippled across the water, mirroring the sky. Leaves rustled, wildflowers swayed in the wind, and the surrounding forested hills added a sense of tranquility.

The bright sunlight streamed through the windows like threads, illuminating Kaguya's face, which was as beautiful as jade, like a scene from a painting.

Kaguya's long eyelashes fluttered gently as she slowly opened her eyes, her vision hazy as if veiled in mist.

After a moment, Kaguya fully awakened and tried to get up, only to find herself tightly embraced by a pair of arms. She turned her head and saw a familiar and pretty face before her.

She suddenly remembered the events of the previous day.

Last night, amid the thunderstorm and howling winds, this girl claimed she was there to protect Kaguya, but she was actually terrified of thunderstorms herself, so she came to Kaguya's room. Kaguya found this hard to criticize.

Suddenly, Kaguya felt something soft and smooth in her grasp, and she couldn't resist squeezing it a few more times.


Qiao Xiaoqing's brows furrowed slightly, as if a bit uncomfortable. Her pale arms held Kaguya tightly, and she snuggled closer, her frown gradually easing.

Now Kaguya realized what she was squeezing. Her mouth twitched as she tried to withdraw her hand from Qiao Xiaoqing's embrace, but Qiao Xiaoqing clung to her like a sloth, making it impossible to pry her loose.

It wasn't until nearly noon that Qiao Xiaoqing yawned and opened her sleepy eyes. She had been restless the night before, not falling asleep until well past midnight.

"According to reports, a civilian aircraft flying from Yao City to the imperial capital experienced a fire due to mechanical failure. Thanks to the crew's efforts, the plane made an emergency landing at 6:13 p.m. at the imperial capital airport with no casualties. Our special commentator will now provide in-depth analysis."

After breakfast, Kaguya and Qiao Xiaoqing sat on the sofa, sipping tea and listening to the news report. When the news about the plane's emergency landing came on, Qiao Xiaoqing's brow furrowed slightly.

Kaguya watched with interest, knowing it was her doing, even though the news didn't mention her involvement.

"That's nonsense," Qiao Xiaoqing scoffed. "The news today is full of lies, always covering things up."

"What's wrong?" Kaguya asked, putting down her teacup in surprise.

"The plane was clearly at the Summer Palace. When did it land at the airport?" Qiao Xiaoqing snorted. "You can tell it's fake. But I guess they can't exactly tell the audience it was some fox spirit."

"Fox spirit?" Kaguya asked curiously.

"There's a rumor that some fox spirit saved the plane. It's nonsense," Qiao Xiaoqing said, suddenly leaning in with curiosity. "That fox spirit supposedly had silver hair and wore a fox mask. You have a fox mask too, right? Could it be you?"

"No way," Kaguya quickly waved her hand with a nervous laugh.

Qiao Xiaoqing leaned in, her bright eyes fixed intently on Kaguya.

Kaguya felt a wave of tension and her expression grew slightly unnatural.

Just as Kaguya thought she was exposed, Qiao Xiaoqing sat back with a sigh. "How could it be? There's no such thing as a fox spirit. All those movies about heroes with powers and I've never seen anyone with real superpowers."

Kaguya was momentarily stunned. Qiao Xiaoqing didn't seem to be lying. Could it be that this world had no superpowers or people with extraordinary abilities?

Kaguya hadn't believed in such things herself until they happened to her. It always seemed to her that in such a vast world, there must be spirits and monsters.

"Is your hair natural?" Qiao Xiaoqing sat beside Kaguya, curiously touching a lock of her silver hair.

"No," Kaguya said, already having prepared an explanation. She shook her head. "I dyed it for cosplay."

"It's so beautiful," Qiao Xiaoqing said, full of envy. "Even after dyeing, your hair is still in such good condition."

Just as Qiao Xiaoqing was about to speak again, her phone rang with a series of crisp tones. She pulled it out of her pocket, and her expression changed when she saw the number.

"What's wrong? Is there something going on?" Kaguya noticed her change in expression.

"Yeah, something came up," Qiao Xiaoqing said apologetically. "I was hoping to spend more time with you. Sorry."

"It's fine. If you have things to do, go ahead," Kaguya said with a gentle smile.

"If you need anything, just ask Aunt Liu," Qiao Xiaoqing said hurriedly, grabbing her handbag. "I'll be going now."


Though Kaguya didn't know why Qiao Xiaoqing left in such a hurry, she had some guesses. It was likely related to her work, possibly something urgent.

Watching Qiao Xiaoqing leave, Kaguya knew it was also time for her to go. It was a pleasant surprise to have met her first upon returning.

She took one last look at the photo on the second-floor bookshelf, then made a quick gesture in the air. A black portal appeared before her. With light steps, Kaguya walked through it, and the portal slowly closed behind her, vanishing completely.

The villa returned to its usual state, with only the television continuing its incessant chatter.

"Due to the impact of the South China Sea arbitration case, tensions in the South China Sea continue to escalate. The US military has deployed three aircraft carrier battle groups near the South China Sea islands, while our navy has also dispatched fleets to the South China Sea. Both sides have been in a standoff for over ten days. The international community urges restraint between China and the US to avoid triggering conflict."

Having left the place where she had lived for over ten years, Kaguya looked at the familiar buildings, feeling a mix of emotions. She had just visited her home and seen her parents, who had aged considerably since she last saw them, their temples now touched with gray, which made her heart ache.

Kaguya had considered revealing the truth to them, but the words wouldn't come. She ultimately decided not to reunite with them. Her parents were very traditional, and in her current form, she feared they wouldn't be able to accept the reality. Besides, what good would it do to tell them? She couldn't stay here, and it would only make them worry more.

Instead, she transferred some energy into their bodies, subtly enhancing their health. While she couldn't grant them great power, she could at least ensure they were healthy, free from illness, and could enjoy a longer life.

Kaguya resolved that she must complete the system's mission and return alive.