Heading To A New World

"That's about the whole story." Kaguya cradled a cup of hot tea in her hands, taking a sip and finding the taste quite pleasant.

Kaguya recounted her experiences from beginning to end, feeling an involuntary sense of relief. She had never shared this secret with anyone, not even with the likes of Black Zetsu, the loli, or Mei Terumi.

Now that she finally had someone to confide in, her heart felt much lighter.

"Is that all?" Qiao Xiaoqing leaned in, her big, bright eyes fixed on Kaguya. "It seems like you're still hiding a lot from me."

"How could I be?" Kaguya said in surprise. "I've told you everything I should; I'm not hiding anything from you."

"Really?" Qiao Xiaoqing looked skeptical, squinting her eyes and humming. "You seemed to skip over Terumi Mei and Konan on purpose. What's going on there? There must be something fishy."

"There's nothing," Kaguya quickly waved her hands, forcing a smile.

For some reason, she felt as if she'd been caught cheating. Was it just her imagination?

At that moment, a gentle glow appeared out of nowhere, like strands of light winding around Kaguya, gradually enveloping her entire body and lifting her into the air.

Kaguya knew that her time in the real world was up, and she would be returning to the main god space.

"What is this?"

Qiao Xiaoqing stared blankly at Kaguya, who was suspended in mid-air, a vague sense of unease creeping over her.

"Sorry, my time is up," Kaguya said with a smile to Qiao Xiaoqing. "I have to go back."

Qiao Xiaoqing opened her mouth; she still had many things she wanted to say and many questions, but the words that came out were just a few short ones.

"Safe travels, come back soon."


Seeing Qiao Xiaoqing's somewhat pale face, Kaguya felt a slight pang of heartache, but there was nothing she could do. This was beyond her control. All she could do, as Qiao Xiaoqing had said, was to return soon.

Qiao Xiaoqing bit her lip, her eyes brimming with tears as she tried to hold back her sobs, forcing a smile.

As Qiao Xiaoqing wallowed in sadness, a mischievous voice broke through.

"I think blue and white striped panties suit you better. Teddy bear panties are just too tacky."

Qiao Xiaoqing's pale face instantly turned bright red, like a boiled shrimp. She suddenly remembered a serious issue—last time, without her knowledge, she had bathed with her brother. Her usually careless nature had allowed her to forget, but Kaguya's reminder brought it all back.

"Pervert!" Qiao Xiaoqing clenched her fists tightly, veins popping on her forehead, her face red with heat. She grabbed a cup from the table and threw it. "Go to hell!"


The gentle white light faded, revealing Kaguya's figure.

"I was just giving her a suggestion. Is that necessary? Besides, it's not like I haven't seen it before." Kaguya rubbed her slightly reddened forehead.

Just then, a metallic-sounding voice rang out.

"Rest time is over. Please choose the next world. If no selection is made within the allotted time, a random space will be selected. Please make your choice promptly."

Relaxation always seemed so short, like a holiday that felt long but was over in the blink of an eye.

Kaguya approached the white orb. A projection appeared on its surface, displaying various text. One line caught her attention.

"Since the world level is lower than the host's level, the host's strength will be suppressed. What does this mean?" Kaguya asked, blinking in curiosity.

"Each world is different, and the amount of power allowed varies. If the host's power exceeds the world's limits, it will be suppressed to some extent."

"That's a rip-off."

Kaguya's mouth twitched, though she understood. Imagine if a Super Saiyan entered the Naruto world—it would be too easy to dominate.

"But the host need not worry. The suppression will vary by world and will not significantly reduce power. As the host's power increases, the suppression will gradually diminish and eventually disappear," the system explained calmly.

"I see," Kaguya pondered. "So, over time, the suppression will decrease?"

"Yes. Additionally, as compensation, the host's abilities will be further enhanced once suppression is lifted," the system elaborated patiently.

"I see."

If that's the case, wouldn't choosing a lower-level world be advantageous? Kaguya mused.

However, the system's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Please note that lower-level worlds do not mean easier challenges. To compensate for their lower power levels, these worlds often present higher difficulty and more demanding task requirements."

So there's no free lunch. Kaguya sighed, though she had expected this. Otherwise, lower-level worlds would become mere experience farms, losing their original meaning.

"Please consider carefully. Ten minutes remain. If no choice is made within that time, a random world will be selected," the system reminded her with its usual calm, emotionless tone.

High-level worlds were out of the question—she would be crushed. Lower-level worlds were more difficult than they seemed. As for worlds of the same level, they were safe but offered fewer rewards.

The time to choose had come.

Kaguya rested her chin in her hand, her mind racing as she pondered.

Suddenly, an idea struck her, and she smiled.

Why not choose a world slightly lower than her current power level? This would offer a balance of difficulty and reward, better than worlds of the same level. She also wanted to test the waters, to see how the system operated. Only by understanding its rules could she make the best choices.

Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated.