Hell On Earth

Ieyasu and Sayo were stunned by the horrific scene inside the warehouse and didn't even notice when Kaguya came up behind them.

The warehouse was filled with numerous large iron cages, neatly arranged. The cages were rusty, stained with dark red blood, and emitted a nauseating smell.

Inside these cages were people.

They were naked, their bodies covered in scars, with no unblemished skin. Emaciated and skeletal, their faces wore expressions of lifeless numbness, like zombies. Some had gone insane, constantly wailing and banging their heads against the cages, even though blood was pouring from their wounds.

In the center of the warehouse were various torture devices, enough to make one's hair stand on end. The instruments were stained with dark red marks, dried blood, while some were still wet, exuding a fresh, bloody smell, indicating recent use.

Beside the torture devices were severed limbs and corpses strewn about, emitting a putrid stench.

Suddenly, Ieyasu felt something cold drip onto his face. He looked up, his pupils shrinking sharply.

He saw more than a dozen people hanging from the ceiling.

Their bodies were battered, with flesh torn and bleeding, exposing white bones. Most had died from the torture, and those who hadn't were barely clinging to life, unlikely to survive much longer.

"Now you understand why I killed them," Kaguya sighed softly.

"You mean, these are all..." Sayo said, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Yes," Kaguya replied quietly, "luring strangers into their home with sweet words, then torturing them to death—that was the nature of this family."

"Bastards!" Ieyasu shouted angrily. "They're inhuman!"

"This is the darkness of the imperial capital," Kaguya said solemnly. "It's a brutal reality, a living hell."

The horrific scene had overwhelmed Ieyasu and Sayo, leaving them struggling to process it. The atmosphere fell silent.

"Um," Ieyasu's face turned red, and he awkwardly scratched his head, expressing gratitude. "Thank you for saving us. If not for you, we might have..."

"It was nothing, just a whim," Kaguya smiled faintly, waving her hand dismissively.

"We were wrong to blame you," Sayo said, her pretty face flushed with embarrassment. She apologized, bowing to Kaguya.

Sayo was still shaken, knowing that without Kaguya's intervention, she might have ended up like the people in the warehouse. This thought sent chills down her spine. She was deeply grateful to Kaguya, seeing her as a savior.

"It's fine, I don't mind," Kaguya said with a playful smile, lifting Sayo's chin with her slender fingers. "As long as you make it up to me."

"How do I do that?" Sayo was startled by Kaguya's gesture, stammering slightly, her face turning pink.

"You'll find out in the future," Kaguya said with a mysterious smile.

The intimate scene made Ieyasu stare in shock. The two pretty faces so close together were like twin lotus flowers, dazzling to behold.

Noticing Ieyasu's expression, Sayo quickly moved away from Kaguya and angrily stomped on his foot.

"What are you looking at?"

"Ow, Sayo," Ieyasu yelped, hopping in pain, "You're too ruthless!"

"Hmph," Sayo turned away, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"I wasn't looking at you," Ieyasu muttered.

"Oh?" Sayo paused, a mischievous smile on her face. "Then who were you looking at?"

"Tch, none of your business."

Amid the roaring flames, the cries of anguish gradually faded into silence, leaving only the crackling of burning wood and the mournful wail of the wind.

The prisoners in the warehouse had been poisoned and had no hope of survival. Even if they were freed now, it would be too late. They were already the walking dead, their fates sealed the moment they were thrown into that prison.

"Let's go," Kaguya suddenly said, breaking the heavy silence. "The imperial army has taken notice. We should leave now."

Ieyasu and Sayo nodded silently, following Kaguya into the distance. The events of the day had been too overwhelming, and they needed time to process. They had always thought the imperial capital was a beautiful place, but now they realized, as Kaguya had said, how naive they had been.

"Do you think the empire is dark?" Kaguya asked, turning to them.

Ieyasu fell silent, while Sayo gently shook her head, though their expressions spoke volumes.

"The empire has rotted from top to bottom," Kaguya said, gazing into the distance. "The ministers in the capital hoard power, form cliques, eliminate dissent, and oppress the people, leaving them in misery and war. Night Raid is just one of the resistance groups."

"Are you..." Sayo said, surprised.

"No," Kaguya shook her head, "I'm not connected to them."

"Then who are you?" Ieyasu asked, puzzled.

"I'm the princess's royal guard," Kaguya said, turning to them with a gentle smile.

She had already decided on her identity. It wouldn't be wise to reveal she was the princess, as it would only arouse suspicion. Claiming to be a guard would earn more trust.

Sure enough, Sayo's expression showed sudden realization, and she exclaimed, "Amazing! No wonder you're so strong."

"What are your plans now?" Kaguya asked.

"We don't know," Ieyasu said, scratching his head.

Sayo also shook her head. The day's events had dampened their spirits. The beautiful image they had of the capital was shattered, leaving them unsure of what to do.

"If that's the case, I have a question for you," Kaguya said seriously, her smile fading. "Would you like to become 'magical girls' and help me save the world?"