The Loli's Unease

"You must have spent a lot of time making this," Kaguya said softly, looking at the scars on Luna's hand.

"Yes," Far replied, a bit puzzled by the Princess's question, but answered truthfully.

"Thank you," Kaguya released Luna's soft hand, removed the fox mask from her face, and smiled gently. "I really like it."

The three little girls were stunned. They had heard from the villagers that the Princess was the most beautiful woman in the Empire, which they didn't quite believe. How could anyone be so beautiful? It had to be a rumor. But seeing her now, they realized it was true; they had never seen someone so breathtaking. It took them a moment to come to their senses.

When she did, Luna waved her hands quickly, saying, "It's nothing; it's what we should do."

As she spoke, Luna suddenly froze, staring at her hand. The scars from weaving the bracelet, cut by the grass leaves, had completely vanished, leaving no trace. Her skin looked as fresh and smooth as if reborn.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, right?" Kaguya asked with a soft smile.

Luna was taken aback, realizing that the Princess had healed her hand. She quickly said, "Th-thank you, Princess." Her face turned red with shyness.

Kaguya put the delicate bracelet on her wrist, her eyes, like autumn water, smiling at the three little girls before her.

"You didn't just come to see me for this, did you?"

As if their plan had been seen through, the three little girls exchanged glances, their faces flushed with embarrassment, and they seemed uneasy.

"Go on," Kaguya chuckled, "I'm not that scary."

Air hesitated, then finally spoke up, "It's an honor to have the Princess take us in, but..." Her lips moved slightly, unable to finish her sentence.

"But what will happen to us?" Far blurted out straightforwardly.

Having finally expressed their concerns, the three girls felt uneasy, unsure of what the Princess would do or if she'd be angry at their ploy.

"So that's what this is about," Kaguya realized, finding it both amusing and endearing. "You were worried about this?"

"Even if it's a small matter, and the Princess might not care, it's a big deal for us. We hope you can tell us honestly," Far said.

"Far," Air called out urgently, worried about Far's impulsiveness. What if the Princess got angry?

But Kaguya didn't respond as Air feared. Instead, she smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry for not considering this and informing you. But I had already instructed someone. You will be my personal attendants and help me with some tasks."


The girls beamed with joy. Becoming attendants to the Princess was beyond their wildest dreams. They had thought finding a job to support themselves would be good enough.

"Now are you reassured?" Kaguya laughed softly, reaching out to ruffle Luna's hair gently.

"Yes," Luna nodded emphatically.

The three of them had been like drifting duckweed, unsure of their fate, or like wildflowers blown away by the wind. But this unexpected opportunity meant they might never go hungry again.

In times of cruel rule and chaos, people often wanted nothing more than to fill their stomachs.

The Princess's return to the capital immediately drew attention from citizens and various parties. Countless people gathered on either side of the road, eager to catch a glimpse of the Empire's most beautiful woman. However, they were destined to be disappointed, as Kaguya was lying on her soft velvet bed, catching up on sleep.

Meanwhile, the three sisters frequently peeked out of the carriage, their eyes wide with wonder at the bustling capital. Having always lived in the countryside, they had never seen such a prosperous place, and the sights left them dazzled.

"Is she the Empire's ruthless princess?" a girl whispered from the shadows.

This girl was tall and curvy, with long purple hair, slender brows, brown eyes, and black-framed glasses. Her features were strikingly beautiful, with a particularly captivating pair of long legs.

If Kaguya had been there, she would have recognized the purple-haired girl as Sheele, who had been torn in half by Seryu's Teigu in battle.

"Yes, that's her," the blonde girl next to her said, gritting her teeth in hatred. "She's the one who slaughtered thousands of innocent civilians."

She was Leone, who had battled Kaguya over half a month ago. Her wounds had completely healed. Because Kaguya had taken her time enjoying the journey, her pace was slow, allowing Night Raid to travel ahead and catch up with Leone.

"Is she our target?" Sheele asked softly, her eyes fixed on the ornate carriage in the middle of the road.

"Yes, she is," Leone replied gravely.

"Should we act now?" Sheele glanced at Leone, clutching her large scissors.

"No, there are too many civilians on the street now. If we attack recklessly, we might harm them," Leone said, her expression serious. "And this person is incredibly powerful; we can't defeat her alone."

"Is she really that strong?" Sheele asked, her eyes wide with surprise at Leone's tone of resignation.

"She really is. No, she's several times stronger than I said," Leone said, watching the carriage fade into the distance, her voice filled with reluctance. "That person is terrifying."

"Finally back," Kaguya said as she stepped down from the carriage, stretching and yawning as she rubbed her eyes.

Despite the luxurious carriage and the attentive guards and maids, the long journey was still tiring.

"Is this the palace?" Far asked, her large eyes shining with excitement, occasionally exclaiming in awe.

"Far, be quiet," Air whispered, "This is the palace, not home."

"I know," Far said, pouting and folding her arms in dissatisfaction.

"Let's go," Kaguya smiled at them. "I've already instructed the kitchen to prepare a feast. It should be ready now."

Just as Kaguya finished speaking, a chilling flash of light shot toward her like lightning, reaching her in an instant.