Blinded By Lust And Desire

Kaguya stepped lightly, moving toward the direction of the scream. Through the gaps in the railing, she could clearly see the scene in the distance.

"As long as you earn money for me, I'll give you more drugs," two men said with evil grins as they looked down at the girls half-lying on the ground.

"Yes," the girls responded weakly, their eyes glazed, clearly under the influence of drugs.

"Boss, look at this one," said a man in a white suit to the one-eyed man beside him.

A girl lay on the ground, her face flushed unnaturally, her mouth slightly open with drool trailing from the corner. Her body trembled continuously.

"Oh," the man called Boss sighed, "she's done for. She's rotting and smells foul. Dispose of her as waste and find a replacement."

"Give me more drugs," the girl pleaded, her hand trembling as she reached toward them, her eyes filled with longing for the drugs.

The man in the white suit smirked, raising his fist high and punching the girl hard in the face. She let out a scream and collapsed, unconscious.

"Go pick up some more stupid women from the slums," the man in the white suit sneered.

The one-eyed Boss sneered back, "After all, those trash will do anything for money."

"Also, Boss, we should expand our drug distribution channels," the man in the white suit suggested with a fawning smile, handing a cigarette to the one-eyed man.

The one-eyed man took the cigarette, lit it with a lighter, and exhaled a ring of smoke. "You're right. I'll go discuss it with Lord Zebel."

"How about discussing it with me?" a crisp voice with a hint of sweetness interrupted.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" the man in the white suit shouted, drawing his gun and aiming it toward the voice.

From behind the screen stepped a beautiful silver-haired girl who smiled gently at them. Her eyes, like pools of water, flashed with an icy coldness.

Yet the two men failed to notice the killing intent in Kaguya's eyes, distracted by her beauty instead. Their gazes fixated on Kaguya, practically drooling.

The girl before them had silver hair almost touching the ground, skin as smooth as porcelain, features delicate as if painted, with bright eyes and a graceful figure. Her chest was full and ample, captivating to behold.

"Hey, Boss," the man in the white suit said excitedly, his eyes filled with lust. "This is a rare catch, coming to us willingly."

"She must be an assassin sent by some organization," the one-eyed Boss sneered. "What a fool, thinking they can kill me with just one girl."

"That's perfect. Let's capture her and have some fun. It's been ages since we've had a beauty like this. With that face and body, just imagine her in bed," the man in the white suit leered, practically drooling.

"Shut up," the one-eyed Boss smacked his head, then grinned slyly. "Such a rare beauty should be sent to the higher-ups. If they're pleased, who knows…"

"You're so wise, Boss," the man in the white suit praised eagerly.

"Seize this beauty!" the Boss commanded.

"Yes, sir!"

At his command, a group of black-suited bodyguards wearing sunglasses rushed into the room, armed with electric batons and guns, advancing toward Kaguya.

"Damn it," the one-eyed Boss cursed. "Be careful not to harm this beauty. If she gets a scratch, I'll take your heads off!"

They were so blinded by lust, they failed to consider how a young girl could confidently confront them alone without strength.

"You think you can catch me?" Kaguya smirked, her smile serene. "You're not worthy."

The black-suited guards hesitated, captivated by the silver-haired girl's radiant smile. In that instant, they felt the world spin around them, realizing in horror that their bodies, headless, were spraying crimson blood.

They wanted to scream, but no sound came out.

With a thud, two heads hit the ground, and the stench of blood filled the room.

The man in the white suit and the one-eyed Boss were shocked, their lewd thoughts extinguished like cold water over their heads. They hadn't expected the lamb they planned to devour to turn into a tiger.

They finally realized that the silver-haired girl was not an ordinary weak girl but likely a powerful, cold-blooded killer.

"Stop her, dead or alive!" the one-eyed Boss commanded, regretting the loss of such a beauty but prioritizing his life.

"Get her!"

More armed men rushed in, equipped with firearms, crouching and aiming at Kaguya. These men appeared well-trained, more like Imperial soldiers than ordinary bodyguards, wielding expensive weapons.


A relentless barrage of bullets rained down like a storm, forming a metallic curtain aimed at Kaguya, filling the air with acrid smoke.

The one-eyed Boss lamented losing such a beauty. If he could have delivered her to a high-ranking official, he could have been rewarded handsomely, his future secure.

But now, this beauty was likely riddled with bullets.

In his frustration, the Boss resented her decision. Why hadn't she chosen to become a high-ranking official's concubine, living in luxury and prestige?

While he brooded, the smoke was blown away by the autumn breeze through the window. Yet what appeared was not the bullet-riddled body he expected but an incredible sight.

Everyone was stunned, their jaws agape, some so shocked they dropped their guns without noticing.

Before them stood the beautiful silver-haired girl, her alabaster arm raised. In front of her hovered countless bullets.

The bullets seemed suspended by an invisible force, gleaming coldly.

"How is this possible?" the one-eyed Boss gasped, eyes wide with disbelief.

With a series of metallic clinks, the bullets fell to the floor.

Kaguya, expressionless, dragged her long sword as she approached them step by step, her eyes glinting coldly. "You will all die."