A Young Girl's Thoughts

A purple-haired girl wearing a white, semi-transparent long dress sat quietly on a luxurious bed covered with velvet. She was beautiful, her demeanor elegant, and her clear eyes were gazing out the window, seemingly lost in thought.

The sky was blue with wispy clouds, and the lake's surface was clear, reflecting the blue sky and clouds. The colorful leaves swayed as they fell, and the gentle breeze ruffled the pool's surface, creating shimmering ripples.

"How are you feeling? Better?"

A melodious voice, like the ringing of silver bells, startled the purple-haired girl. She quickly turned her head toward the sound.

A stunning silver-haired girl approached gracefully, her eyebrows like distant autumn hills, her eyes like rippling autumn waters. Her shoulders were slender, and her waist was slim. Her chest stood proudly, as if budding and ready to bloom. Her steps were light, her posture elegant. Though she wore no makeup, she was even more dazzling and captivating.

"Are you the Princess?" The purple-haired girl's eyes focused as she tried to get up, but she felt weak and fell toward the edge of the bed.

A fair hand reached out, supporting her shoulder. The purple-haired girl looked up to see the Princess.

"Relax," Kaguya said, helping her back onto the bed and covering her with a blanket. "I'm not a bad person, and I did save you."

"Really?" Sheele replied softly, "Thank you for saving me, Princess."

"It's nothing. Just don't try to assassinate me again," Kaguya chuckled, taking an apple from nearby and slowly peeling it with a knife.

"Oh, you already know?" Sheele looked flustered, quickly bowing her head in apology, "I'm very sorry."

"That's all in the past, and besides, you didn't go through with it, did you?" Kaguya laughed gently. "In a way, I should thank you for sparing me."

Sheele's face turned red, and she nervously adjusted her glasses.

"How are you feeling now? Any better?" Kaguya asked, looking the purple-haired girl up and down, noticing she looked much better than before.

"I'm much better now, no longer in any real danger," Sheele replied with gratitude. "Thank you for saving me, otherwise, I would be dead now."

"I told you there's no need to thank me," Kaguya suddenly flashed a mischievous smile. "If you really want to repay me, you could offer yourself to me."

"Huh?" Sheele froze, her expression blank as if she didn't understand.

"I'm kidding. Here, have some fruit," Kaguya said, handing over the peeled apple. "You're still recovering, so eat well to regain your strength."

"Oh," Sheele seemed to snap out of a dream, hurriedly taking the apple.

"By the way," Kaguya suddenly remembered something, "how was the cake at lunch today?"

Influenced by Air's culinary skills, Kaguya's passion for cooking was rekindled, prompting her to showcase a few dishes and desserts not found in this world, much to the delight of Air, the young chef.

The cake was made with eggs, milk, fruit juice, and cream. The base was a soft cake sponge, topped with cream cheese and garnished with fruit. It was visually appealing and delicious, leaving a lingering taste.

"Oh, it was wonderful," Sheele smiled, "Very delicious."

Hearing praise from the bespectacled girl made Kaguya feel a bit smug.

Then Sheele added, "But the outer layer was quite hard and difficult to chew. It would be better if it were softer."

"The outer layer?" Kaguya was puzzled, unsure what Sheele meant.

"Yes, that yellow layer on the outside," Sheele tilted her head, tapping her chin with her finger.

"Huh?" Kaguya's face filled with black lines as she stared dumbfounded at the purple-haired girl before her.

Hey, that was the wrapping paper! How could you eat the wrapping paper without realizing it's not meant to be eaten?

Kaguya's mouth twitched. She had just experienced the cluelessness of this airheaded girl.

As the sun set, leaving Sheele's room, Kaguya stretched, her ample bosom particularly noticeable.

Since the intense battle, the various factions seemed to have sensed something, falling into a sudden silence. The Minister's forces had returned to the capital, and Night Raid had vanished, as if evaporating. The northern tribes' restless posture had also begun to calm.

But Kaguya knew that the northern tribes would most likely launch an offensive by winter. The northern winters were harsh, with snow and ice making food scarce. The Empire's oppression and excessive taxation had left the northern tribes with insufficient food to support the whole tribe.

If things continued this way, many would likely starve before spring. Meanwhile, in the south, Kaguya's territory was rich in water and resources. While people lived modestly, they were better off compared to the northern tribes. Especially with Kaguya opening the granaries to help the people and removing heavy taxes, many had surplus grain.

To the northern tribes, the southern people were fat sheep, and plunder seemed the best solution.

Lost in thought, Kaguya wandered aimlessly through the palace, contemplating the current situation. Suddenly, sensing something, she looked ahead.

Near the lakeside swing sat a short-haired blonde girl, her delicate and lovely appearance and petite figure made her look youthful, only about ten years old. It was the long-lost Fa.

She seemed dejected, holding the swing's ropes with her hands, gently pushing the ground with her slender legs, the swing creaking as it swayed. She lacked her usual liveliness. In Kaguya's memory, she was a lively girl, her face always adorned with a bright smile, but now she seemed lonely, like a solitary wild goose.

"Fal, what are you doing?" Kaguya approached with a smile.


Fal jumped in surprise, turning her head with wide eyes. She hadn't expected the Princess to appear here, and in her shock, she lost her grip and fell from the swing.