That's Too Bullying!

The dungeon was dark and eerie, with only a few dim oil lamps flickering along the sides of the corridor, casting shadowy glows. Walking under the faint light, shadows loomed around.

Descending the stairs, the coldness intensified, and the air was filled with the stench of rotting earth. The dungeon was deathly silent, the only sounds were the echoing of footsteps and faint heartbeats, creating an unsettling atmosphere.

Though the dungeon appeared as bright as day to Kaguya, she habitually took a lamp, and with light steps, she swiftly reached the front of a cell.

In the lamp's bright light, Kaguya saw a girl curled up on a pile of straw inside; it was Seryu, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Apparently disturbed by the light, Seryu lifted her head and shielded her eyes with her hand, squinting against the brightness. Having been deprived of sunlight for so long, her eyes were unaccustomed to the harsh light.

Her once-pretty face was now much thinner, with an unhealthy pallor, and her spirit seemed listless and weak.

"How have you been lately?" Kaguya asked as she walked over and crouched down with a smile.

Recognizing Kaguya, Seryu snorted lightly and turned her head away, clearly showing her hostility toward Kaguya. She clutched her stomach, too weak to even hurl insults, indicating she had suffered greatly during this time.

"What, don't want to talk to me?" Kaguya asked with a smile.

Seryu turned her back on Kaguya, lying sideways on the straw, motionless and seemingly ignoring Kaguya's words as if she hadn't heard them.

"Well," Kaguya said, scratching her silver hair apologetically, "I'm sorry about before, I didn't think to instruct the servants to prepare some tasty food for you."

Just then, Seryu turned her head back, eyes filled with anger, and shouted loudly, "Stop pretending, I will never submit to you!"

Before she finished her sentence, a "gurgle" sound emanated from her stomach, causing her face to turn red with embarrassment. She bit her lip, glaring at Kaguya with eyes full of defiance, as if ready to fight to the end.

"I was going to let you out," Kaguya sighed, "but since you don't want to leave, I won't force you."

Hearing this, Seryu paused, then turned away, snorting coldly, "No matter how you try to sweet-talk me, it won't work."

"Since you're so adamant, I'll be going," Kaguya said, taking a paper-wrapped item from her bag. "This is Osmanthus Cake made by Chef Ayre. It's quite good; do you want to try it?"

After unwrapping the paper, a refreshing fragrance wafted through the air, fresh and elegant with a hint of floral scent. Of course, the flower wasn't osmanthus, which didn't exist in this world, but another type that was even more fragrant.

Seryu's eyes seemed to be drawn to the cake in Kaguya's hand, and she couldn't help swallowing hard. Realizing Kaguya was watching her, she snorted and turned her head away, her gaze still flickering with interest.

"If you don't want it, I'll eat it myself," Kaguya chuckled.

Opening her red lips, she took a small bite, and the sweet, soft fragrance spread through her mouth, leaving a lingering taste.

Suddenly, Seryu turned around, her eyes full of longing, reaching out as if to speak. But seeing Kaguya finish the cake in just a few bites, her face fell, looking utterly dejected.

"I'll be leaving," Kaguya said, wiping her lips with a white handkerchief, and turned to leave. As she was about to go, she added, "Since you don't seem to like eating, your bread rations will be halved from now on."

"That's too cruel!" Seryu shouted, biting her lip, her fists clenched tightly, eyes burning with rage.

Seryu had been surviving on a small piece of hard, rock-like black bread each day. Though small and tasteless, it was just enough to barely sustain her. If halved again, there would be only a fist-sized piece left—how cruel!

"Since you don't enjoy it anyway," Kaguya laughed, "I'll be going. Let me know when you've made up your mind." With that, Kaguya turned and walked away.

"I will never yield to you!" Seryu shouted angrily, grabbing a stone and hurling it at Kaguya with all her might.

Unfortunately, due to prolonged malnutrition, her body was extremely weak, lacking any strength. The stone merely hit the distant wall with a "thud" and bounced off.

"I will not give in," Seryu whispered to herself as she watched Kaguya's retreating figure, as if trying to convince herself.

Suddenly, Seryu seemed to remember something, urgently standing up and searching the ground for something. Finding nothing, she moved to the straw pile but still found nothing.

Her face showed anxiety—she couldn't find today's piece of black bread. Her daily food was already very limited, barely enough to fill her stomach. Without today's ration of black bread, she'd have to endure the gnawing hunger again, a pain she wished to avoid.

Where could it be?

Suddenly, Seryu froze, realization dawning. Clutching the iron bars, she peered out and saw her black bread in the far corner against the wall.

In her anger earlier, she had thrown the black bread at Kaguya, mistaking it for a stone.

Because the bread was hard as a rock and looked like one, she hadn't noticed before throwing it.

Defeated, Seryu slumped down as if drained of all energy, hugging her knees and burying her head in her arms. Her body shook with silent sobs, and soon, the sound of her weeping echoed in the silent cell.

She was crying.

Seryu had never been treated so harshly or suffered such hardship—it was truly too much.

She had long contemplated giving in. But seeing Kaguya, all her grievances and suffering surged forth, uncontrollable. She regretted speaking as soon as she did, but pride kept her from yielding or begging that hateful person for mercy.

But she could no longer endure the hunger and torment each day brought. What should she do now? Would she have to return to her previous life? The thought sent a shiver through her.

Reflecting on her recent hardships, Seryu could no longer hold back and began to cry loudly, clutching her knees.