Come with me—let's kill!

Najenda ultimately could not persuade Kaguya. She paused and looked back at the princess's palace, recalling Kaguya's resolute words:

"If you cannot protect the people of this country, then I will."

When the princess spoke these words, they were powerful and resonant, with an unparalleled sincerity that made Najenda feel a bit ashamed of herself.

In truth, she did not agree with the Revolutionary Army's decision to bring the northern tribes into the country. She knew how much harm they could cause to the people. But she had convinced herself it was necessary to overthrow the empire's cruel rule and achieve ultimate victory.

Yet Kaguya's righteous words moved her, causing her to waver. Could it be that what she was doing was wrong?

Najenda quickly shook her head, trying to dispel the thought. She believed that only by joining forces with the northern tribes could they defeat the mighty imperial army.

However, with a princess like Kaguya, her people were likely very fortunate.

Najenda took one last look at the princess's palace amidst the drizzling autumn rain and turned to leave.

Kaguya watched Najenda's figure disappear into the distance through the window, sipping her tea with a sigh.

Najenda had come hoping to form an alliance with Kaguya to overthrow Minister Ornest. Even if Kaguya refused, Najenda hoped to persuade her to allow their army to pass through her territory and launch an attack on the imperial capital.

But unfortunately, Kaguya could not join forces with them and would never allow the northern tribes to pass through her land. Allowing them through would bring great harm to her territory and damage her reputation—something she would never allow.

"Knock, knock, knock."

At that moment, a crisp knocking sound came from the door.

"Come in."

An orange-haired girl entered, her figure delicate and her face beautiful—it was Seryu.

"What do you want?" Seryu said bluntly, still not very friendly toward Kaguya, turning her head slightly.

"Nothing much, I have something for you," Kaguya said with a slight smile.

"What is it?" Seryu asked, lifting her chin defiantly, sounding displeased.

"You want to eliminate evil and promote justice, right?" Kaguya asked, holding her teacup and taking a slow sip.

"So what if I do? What are you up to?" Seryu looked at Kaguya suspiciously, wondering if this was some kind of scheme.

"Nothing. Since you agreed," Kaguya said, a sly smile playing on her lips as she blinked her captivating eyes, "come with me to kill some people."

The next morning.

The sky was overcast with dark clouds, and a light drizzle fell. The cold autumn wind blew gently, carrying a biting chill.

In the square outside the princess's palace, five thousand fully armed soldiers were ready to march. At the princess's command, the army set off toward the north.

The roads were muddy and difficult to traverse due to the rain. The soldiers trudged along, their steps sinking into the ground. Fortunately, they had practiced marching in harsh weather during training, so while progress was slow, it was manageable.

Kaguya rode a white horse, dressed in red and black attire, with a long sword at her waist. Her long silver hair was tied back, and her beautiful face, though less seductive, exuded a sense of heroism, catching the eye. Her horse was tall and armored, presenting an imposing sight that complemented Kaguya perfectly.

Flanking her were Seryu and Kurome.

Seryu seemed to still hold a grudge over her time in the dungeon, showing Kaguya little kindness. However, she was kind and cheerful with others, like an energetic girl next door.

Initially, Seryu had no intention of joining the campaign, but upon hearing of the northern tribes' atrocities, her sense of justice was inflamed. She was determined to eradicate the evil invaders.

Kurome, on the other hand, was straightforward. Hearing she could kill and might see her sister, she eagerly agreed to come along. In some ways, she was easier to persuade than Seryu.

As for Air, Fal, and Luna, it was inappropriate to bring them to war, so they stayed at the princess's palace. Kaguya also ordered Sayo to return to the palace and strengthen its defenses to prevent any surprise attacks.

Kaguya's army advanced tirelessly toward the north. Meanwhile, reports from the front kept coming in, painting an increasingly grim picture.

The northern tribes' army numbered around 400,000—a massive force. Upon hearing this, many fell silent, their expressions growing serious. Even the ever-optimistic Captain Ieyasu, who trusted in Kaguya's strength, felt uneasy.

After all, they faced a force twenty times their size. The northern tribes were no weaklings; they were survivors of the harsh north, far stronger than average soldiers.

While ordinary officers were anxious, the three young women remained calm and composed. Kurome cared for nothing but her sister, eager to fight the northern tribes. Seryu's sense of justice made her eager to face the enemy.

Kaguya, however, was at ease, reading a book while riding her horse. Initially, everyone thought it was a military book, but upon closer inspection, they realized it was titled "Love Guide."