Insanely Dangerous Bait

To the mournful and deep sound of horns, the northern tribes' army began their assault. Hoofbeats pounded, and the roaring of drums filled the air. Flags fluttered fiercely in the cold wind. The vast army surged forward like a tidal wave, dark and overwhelming.

Ahead, a unit of less than a thousand soldiers stood guard, fully armed and clad in black iron armor. They held cold spears and carried sharp steel swords at their waists, with small crossbows slung across their backs. Despite being outnumbered by dozens of times, their faces showed no fear. Their will was firm, their formation was disciplined, and the killing intent was nearly tangible.

Though less than a thousand strong, they carried the momentum of a mighty army.

Among this unit, a silver-haired girl walked gracefully forward, with bright eyes and pearly teeth, and brows like painted lines. Her shoulders were slender, and her chest was full and proudly prominent, like a budding flower ready to bloom, revealing a hint of alabaster whiteness that captivated the soul.

At the sight of the silver-haired girl stepping forward, the tribesmen became excited, raising their spirits as they howled like wolves. Their charge quickened, even at the expense of their formation becoming chaotic.

Of course, from such a distance, they couldn't clearly see the silver-haired girl's face. Their excitement wasn't driven by lust but by the prospect of a rich reward.

Earlier, Prince Seika had decreed that anyone who captured the Imperial Princess alive would be ennobled, granted vast lands, and given countless riches. The promise of titles and fertile lands was an immense lure for those from the barren, frozen north.

But was this reward so easily obtained?

As the enemy soldiers surged like a tidal wave, the soldiers of the Imperial Guard wore serious expressions. Their heartbeats quickened, and sweat formed on the hands gripping their spears. To say they weren't nervous in the face of such overwhelming numbers would be a lie, but their faith in their Princess was unshakeable. To them, their Princess was omnipotent.

At this critical moment, the Princess walked calmly forward, her posture elegant and her expression relaxed, even with a faint smile on her lips.

She raised her alabaster-like arm, and a vast chakra gathered in her palm. Her eyes, like clear autumn waters, moved slowly, exuding extraordinary beauty.

Meanwhile, the northern tribesmen halted their charge in confusion. They were alarmed to find that the sky had suddenly darkened as if day had turned to night. Looking up, they widened their eyes in terror, some collapsing weakly to the ground, paralyzed by fear.

Above them, a massive meteor had appeared in the sky.

The meteor was enormous, the size of several football fields, blocking out the sun and casting the land into shadow. Its surface burned fiercely due to air friction, forming a massive fireball with an intimidating presence.

In the eyes of the terrified soldiers, the colossal meteor, with a long tail of flame, descended slowly yet swiftly toward them.

Suddenly, they recalled a rumor that a commander had offended the Imperial Princess not long ago, and she had obliterated an army of ten thousand with such a meteor.

They had previously scoffed at the rumor as absurd. How could such a feat be possible? But now they realized the truth of it.

A blinding flash cut through the sky, followed by a deafening explosion. The ground shook violently, rocks shattered, and debris flew in all directions. The shockwave, mixed with a fierce gale, swept forth like a tsunami, tearing through everything in its path.

Though many of the Imperial Guard had witnessed the Princess's Heavenly Obstacle Quaking Star before, they were still astonished by the sight when they opened their eyes.

In the meteor's wake, a vast crater with a diameter of a kilometer had formed, unfathomably deep. The area surrounding the impact site was devastated, with rocks turned to dust, the land leveled, and the forest's trees snapped in half, ablaze with raging flames and billowing smoke.

Kaguya's exquisite face flushed slightly, her rosy lips parted gently as she breathed heavily. Her ample chest heaved, and sweat formed on her brow.

After her intense battle with Esdeath, Kaguya was already drained. Now, without rest or recovery, she unleashed another powerful jutsu, leaving her feeling a bit strained.

But at least the northern tribes' forces were destroyed, allowing her some time to rest.

Kaguya steadied her breathing, exhaling softly as she surveyed the devastated land wrought by the meteor.

Suddenly, her eyes focused sharply.

On the horizon, a black line appeared, growing thicker and longer, like a tidal wave surging forth.

Kaguya saw clearly that this was not a tidal wave but an army, the northern tribes' army.

Clad in leather armor, gripping spears, and striding forward with a fierce momentum, they were a formidable force, incomparable to the previous group.

Kaguya realized that the previous troops were mere cannon fodder, meant to draw fire, while the real main force lay behind.

Her brows furrowed slightly. An army of tens of thousands used as bait — these northern tribesmen were truly ruthless, bordering on madness.

Meanwhile, in a distant camp.

"Your Highness," General Hank rushed over, unable to hide his smile, "Just as you predicted, using that technique consumes an enormous amount of energy. The Imperial Princess can no longer use it a second time."

"Excellent," Seika said, rising from a throne of white tiger hide, a hint of joy flashing across his face. "Order the troops to advance and crush the enemy. Ensure the Imperial Princess is captured alive."

"Yes, sir."