Annihilate in One Fell Swoop

Just as the words fell like a stream of clear spring water, a sudden outcry erupted from within the northern tribes' army, as if they were enduring immense pain, causing one's hair to stand on end.

At first, there were only a few cries, but then the wails became more numerous and piercing, echoing one after another. The soldiers in the northern tribes' army began to panic. Unaware of what was happening, they pushed and shoved each other, trying to flee forward. Occasionally, someone would fall to the ground, immediately trampled into mush underfoot, never to rise again.

The army of the tribes descended into chaos, with soldiers fleeing blindly in all directions. Although minor commanders shouted orders to restore order, their efforts were futile, and the chaos only worsened. Some minor commanders were even killed by their own men. The soldiers' eyes were filled with deep fear, and panic spread like a plague through the ranks.

The soldiers of the Imperial Guard exchanged glances, bewildered by the events unfolding before them. They had no idea what was happening to the northern barbarians that was causing them to turn on each other.

Standing at the forefront of the Imperial Guard, Kaguya seemed unsurprised by the unfolding events, having anticipated them. Instead of being alarmed, she watched the chaos with great interest.

"What have you done?" The prince of the northern tribes shouted in anger and disbelief at Kaguya's feet.

"You'll see soon enough." Kaguya blinked her autumn-water-like eyes, giving a mysterious smile.

At that moment, it was as if the northern tribes' army had plunged into a boiling cauldron of oil, suddenly erupting. Countless soldiers swarmed aimlessly like headless flies, fleeing in terror.

Some even ran toward the Imperial Guard, losing their heads in panic, and were promptly beheaded.

Suddenly, a monster burst from the crowd, towering three times the height of a man, with muscular, rock-hard skin. Ordinary swords and blades were incapable of inflicting much harm on it, instead arousing its ferocity. With a mighty sweep of its massive arm, it shattered a swath of northern soldiers.

Those who could not escape were seized by the creature's enormous claws and torn apart amidst a shower of blood, their screams abruptly silenced.

Innards and intestines scattered across the ground as the monster dug into a victim's chest, pulling out a still-beating heart and devouring it.

Witnessing this horrific scene, the soldiers of the northern tribes were terrified out of their wits and fled for their lives. Yet more monsters appeared around them, leaving them nowhere to escape.

Kaguya watched calmly as the northern tribes fell into paralyzing fear, chuckling softly.

"It seems the outcome is satisfactory."

The terrifying scene before them was the result of Kaguya's prior arrangements. This story began months earlier when a plague swept through Kaguya's domain, turning many citizens into dangerous creatures. The situation grew so dire that Kaguya had to handle it personally, even being forced to kill tens of thousands of infected people.

The virus responsible for that plague was now the very cause of the panic and chaos among the northern tribes.

After the outbreak, Kaguya searched for a solution to prevent similar incidents in the future. This pursuit was thanks in part to Seryu, as Kaguya believed Dr. Stylish was the true culprit behind the plague, a notion supported by the original story. Seryu, being well-acquainted with him, had much of her equipment crafted by Dr. Stylish.

Under Kaguya's coercion, Seryu reluctantly investigated Dr. Stylish's laboratory, hoping to uncover something. Surprisingly, she found the exact formula, a cure, and even various strains of the mutant virus.

Knowing she would face the northern tribes, whose numbers far exceeded the Imperial Guard, Kaguya needed a method to cause significant damage to the enemy army. Although her strength was formidable and she possessed many powerful large-scale ninjutsu techniques, she needed to conserve some of her energy as a precaution against running out of stamina at a critical moment.

Kaguya carried the vial of the virus with her and secretly released it during the battle. Due to the virus's highly contagious nature, it quickly spread, infecting many soldiers within the northern tribes' army. She had already administered the antidote to the Imperial Guard, preventing them from being infected, and the creatures would not attack those who had taken the antidote.

"It seems effective," Kaguya nodded slightly. However, she frowned, finding the creatures' method of combat quite unsightly. It was too gruesome, and the stench was revolting.

"You actually resorted to this," the prince of the northern tribes exclaimed in anger and disbelief. "Using such a method is truly inhuman. I didn't expect you to be such a wicked woman."

"Wicked, my foot," Kaguya's anger flared as she furrowed her brows, fury boiling within her. She kicked him in the stomach. "When you said that, did you think about yourself? If you hadn't led tens of thousands to invade my domain, would I have resorted to this? And your army pillages my land—why don't you mention that? Have you considered the feelings of the ordinary people you oppress?"

Kaguya's fury rose at his words. To him, bullying others was justified, yet being bullied was intolerable. Such double standards and twisted logic were revolting, reminiscent of certain national policies from her previous world.

Prince Seika attempted to argue further, but before he could speak, Kaguya stomped him into the mud. She was disinclined to waste time with such a person, feeling that conversing with him lowered her intelligence.

While Kaguya watched the show unfold, a brilliant beam of light suddenly flashed from afar. It carried searing heat, slicing through the sky and heading straight for the unsuspecting Kaguya.