Pitiful Kurome

"No, no." Faced with Kaguya's questioning, Kurome appeared somewhat flustered, turning her head away, unable to meet Kaguya's gaze, and stammered softly.

"Are you still trying to deceive me?" Kaguya's eyebrows furrowed as she fixed her eyes on Kurome. Seeing her stubbornness, Kaguya's tone turned stern.

At this moment, Kurome' face was drained of color, pale as a sheet of paper, her body weak and trembling, soaked in sweat that had already saturated her clothes, revealing her shapely figure.

Most crucial was the dark mark on her forehead that seemed impossible to dispel, extending across her chest and limbs. Others might not see it, but with Kaguya's powerful ocular technique, it was clear as a dark spot on white paper, indicative of having consumed a strengthening drug.

Perhaps aware of her guilt, Kurome felt uneasy, keeping her head down, biting her lip, and nervously fidgeting with her clothes.

"I've told you countless times not to take that drug, why won't you listen?" Kaguya was genuinely angry. "Don't you know the consequences of taking that drug? And when did you secretly keep some? Didn't we agree that all of it had been destroyed?"

That drug for enhancing the human body was extremely potent. Though it could greatly enhance one's abilities in a short time, the side effects were severe and the damage to the body was incalculable. It severely depleted one's potential and life force; each use shortened one's life by several years and was difficult to remove.

Originally, Kaguya had spent a long time detoxifying her, managing to clear out most of the toxins. Those seemingly flirtatious punishments were actually Kaguya helping her detoxify, something she had been unaware of.

But now Kaguya was truly angry, as Kurome had ignored her warnings.

Kaguya's eyes, like clear water, were fixed on Kurome, seeing her defiant expression. Suddenly, Kaguya sighed and said, "Fine, I won't care anymore. Do whatever you want." With that, she turned and walked away without looking back.

Kurome trembled, her face pale, raising her head, feeling at a loss. The princess had always been gentle and kind; she had never seen her so angry before. After hesitating for a moment, she bit her lip and quickly followed.

As evening approached, the setting sun cast long shadows, and the pink clouds gradually faded. The north wind howled, bringing with it a chilling cold.

Kaguya strode ahead, her silver hair swaying in the cold wind. Behind her, a small figure followed in her footsteps, Kurome.

Kurome looked like a timid child who had done something wrong, pitiful and hesitant.

Finally, as if making up her mind, Kurome bit her lip and quickened her pace, reaching out with a small, pale hand to gently tug at Kaguya's fingers.

But Kaguya remained unmoved, snorting as she flung Kurome' hand away.

Kurome' eyes reddened slightly, not knowing what to do. Still, she did not give up, reaching out again, only to have Kaguya coldly brush her away.

Kurome sniffled, taking a deep breath to keep her tears from falling.

Though Kaguya did not turn back, she could clearly sense Kurome' little movements. Several times, Kaguya's heart softened, almost turning around, but she ultimately steeled herself to refuse, needing to teach Kurome a lesson. Otherwise, what if she did it again?

That drug was like drinking poison to quench thirst, ultimately harming one's own body.

At this moment, Kurome felt dizzy, her vision blurring, her body heavy as if weighed down, stumbling and staggering.

Having just endured a fierce battle and taken drugs that stimulated her body, her weak frame was nearing collapse.

Finally, Kurome could hold on no longer, her body swaying before collapsing with a "thud." She struggled to lift her head, gazing dimly at the silver-haired girl in the distance, trying to rise on shaking arms, but ultimately her vision darkened, and she fainted.

When she awoke, she found herself cradled in someone's arms, silver hair brushing gently against her face, familiar and warm, filling her with a sense of comfort and easing her anxious heart.

"Are you awake?" A gentle, familiar voice sounded by her ear.

"Mm." Kurome softly responded.

"You won't do this again, will you?" Kaguya snorted, speaking irritably.

"No." Kurome replied timidly, her defiant demeanor entirely gone.

Kaguya felt amused but did not show it, maintaining a stern expression.

"You must be hungry," Kaguya's tone softened considerably, speaking gently, "Let's go eat."

"Mm." Kurome obediently answered, burying her head deeper into Kaguya's embrace.

The cold moonlight draped like silk, falling on the two girls, rendering the scene serene and harmonious.

In a dense forest, a tall man was fleeing frantically, glancing back frequently until he confirmed no one was following, then stopped, leaning against a tree to catch his breath, sweat streaming down his face.

His hair was spiky, with a long ponytail trailing behind, and a four-pointed star on his forehead. His skin was bronze, muscles bulging, wearing only a short white shirt revealing his abs, with tight-fitting pants below.

He was Syura, the son of Minister Honest.

Now, Syura had lost his previous arrogance, appearing ragged, his clothes torn, body covered in wounds, some still bleeding.

Breathing heavily, Syura looked back with a vicious expression, slamming his fist against the tree, cursing, "Those two bitches, one day I'll tear you to pieces."