Recognizing Women by Their Scent

Speaking of which, there is an interesting story.

Air, Fal, and Luna, three young sisters, went out of the palace to purchase some items but unexpectedly encountered a group of bandits in the forest.

The three sisters were just young girls without any real strength. Even Fal, who knew a bit of martial arts, was just displaying fancy footwork in the bandits' eyes. They were no match for the bandits.

Just as the three girls were about to be captured, Kurome appeared and swiftly defeated the bandits, saving the three young girls.

Perhaps it was a feeling of closeness to their savior or Kurome's formidable strength that inspired their admiration, but the three sisters were immediately infatuated with Kurome. Even when Kaguya rescued them, they did not show this level of admiration.

It should be noted that they were all around the same age, and Kurome was only a few years older but so powerful, leaving them full of admiration.

Because the three young girls were quite weak, they naturally revered those stronger than themselves. Kaguya, being the princess, had an increasingly imposing presence, which made them gradually fearful of her. Even the lively Fal dared not be too casual in front of Kaguya.

At this moment, a girl close to their age and immensely powerful, like Kurome, became someone they naturally gravitated toward.

However, Kurome was not accustomed to such attention. She did not know how to interact with them, often choosing to avoid them, but today she could not escape.

Looking at these vibrant young girls, Kaguya couldn't help but feel a bit envious, thinking that this was the life she desired.

Suddenly, Captain Ieyasu approached Kaguya and whispered something to her, causing Kaguya to frown slightly. She gestured for him to follow her.

Once inside the study, Kaguya sat on a luxurious, soft chair and said, "It's quiet here, so let's talk here."

"Yes," Captain Ieyasu bowed slightly, "According to the information returned by our spies, something unusual may be happening in the imperial capital."

"Unusual?" Kaguya frowned, her fair fingers lightly tapping the armrest of the chair. "Go on."

"It's like this. More than a month ago, intelligence indicated that Prime Minister Honest had made some moves, purging officials opposing him and secretly cultivating a large force," Captain Ieyasu said seriously.

"Isn't that what the minister has always done?" Kaguya asked curiously.

"Yes, normally this wouldn't be extraordinary," Captain Ieyasu paused before continuing, "But this time, the scale is unprecedented. Not only has he purged the ministers in the court, but even the lower-ranked officers and those stationed outside have been replaced with his own people. Most crucially, there are rumors that the minister has already taken control of the Emperor, which explains these actions."

"Controlled the Emperor?" Kaguya's face turned serious as she pondered this. Suddenly, she laughed, "It seems Prime Minister Honest is planning to move against me."

"What?" Captain Ieyasu was shocked, "You are the Princess. How dare he?"

"Is there anything he wouldn't dare?" Kaguya scoffed. "He's a short-sighted coward who only cares about his own gains. Now that I've become a threat to him, he's not going to sit by and watch me grow stronger. With the imperial guards having just fought a war against the northern tribes and suffered significant losses, he's surely thinking of making his move."

"Doesn't he fear the Emperor's wrath?" Captain Ieyasu was taken aback, "Could it be true that the Emperor has been controlled?"

"If I'm not mistaken, he has not only taken control of the Emperor but also seized power over the Empire. He's likely drafting a declaration of war against me," Kaguya chuckled, her beautiful eyes filled with mockery.

"Should we begin taking action then? There are tens of thousands of imperial soldiers in the Princess's domain. I'm concerned they might rebel," Captain Ieyasu pondered, a glint of menace flashing in his eyes. "Should we deal with them all?" He made a cutting gesture.

"Not necessary," Kaguya waved dismissively, "Those imperial soldiers, though numerous, are poorly trained and ill-equipped, hardly a threat. Our real enemy lies elsewhere."

"Are you referring to…" Captain Ieyasu's eyes widened.

"Yes, the Empire's strongest general, Esdeath," Kaguya stood and gazed out the window at the clouds. "She is my greatest adversary; the rest are insignificant."

"And what about those imperial soldiers?" Captain Ieyasu hesitated.

"Leaving them is a risk. Do this," Kaguya suddenly turned to Ieyasu and said, "Send five thousand troops to infiltrate their camp and capture them by surprise. If they resist, eliminate them. If they surrender, allow them to return home, or if they wish to join the guards, they may do so after thorough screening to prevent spies from infiltrating."

"Yes." Captain Ieyasu bowed respectfully.

Watching Ieyasu's figure retreat, Kaguya sighed, looking out the window. She had hoped to rest for a while, but it seemed that was not to be. If her guess was correct, Prime Minister Honest would strike within a month, ushering in a new battle.

Just then, a pair of soft white hands suddenly covered Kaguya's eyes from behind.

"Guess who?"

"Sayo, stop it."

Kaguya knew it was Sayo even with her eyes closed. Even if Sayo tried to disguise her voice, the fragrance she carried was unmistakable.

Could this be the legendary ability to recognize people by scent? Kaguya mused.

"How boring, can't you pretend to guess wrong to make me happy?" Sayo feigned dissatisfaction.

"Next time, I promise," Kaguya turned around and smiled gently.

"You're not sincere," Sayo pouted, then smiled, "Here, I made you some pastries; try them."

She held out a delicate box from which a refreshing and enticing aroma wafted.

At that moment, a cold snort suddenly sounded in the room.