During the Date

"Let me make this clear first: the date only lasts for one day," Kaguya huffed. "And you better not go back on your promise."

"Of course," Esdeath replied, a smile spreading across her face as she linked arms with Kaguya. "Don't be so serious, darling." She reached out with her pale fingers, playfully pinching Kaguya's cheek.

"Alright, alright, I get it," Kaguya said, feeling a bit annoyed as she looked at Esdeath, who now resembled a lovestruck girl. She sighed inwardly, regretting her decision. It would have been easier just to fight.

Yesterday, Kaguya had agreed to go on a date with Esdeath in exchange for releasing Leona. At first, Kaguya thought it wouldn't be a big deal—just a day-long date she could breeze through. But to her surprise, Esdeath took it very seriously, even planning the location.

Originally, Esdeath wanted the date to be in the Imperial Capital, the bustling heart of the Empire, a city full of life, with busy streets, countless shops, and picturesque parks—a perfect place for a date.

But as a wanted Imperial princess, how could Kaguya possibly go there? That would be walking straight into a trap.

Naturally, Kaguya rejected the idea outright.

With no other choice, they settled for a nearby small town, where the streets were wide, the shops plentiful, and the scenery pleasantly serene.

"So this is what love feels like," Esdeath said, her face glowing with happiness.

"Sorry, I'm not feeling it at all," Kaguya replied. "And could you please put me down?"

As it turned out, Esdeath was carrying Kaguya in her arms—specifically, in a princess carry.

"Huh?" Esdeath said with a puzzled look. "Isn't this what love is?"

"The issue is, who stays in this position the whole time?" Kaguya retorted. "Don't you find it strange?"

"I think it's perfectly normal, darling," Esdeath said, bringing her face closer to Kaguya's and smiling. "It feels very romantic to me."

"You've never been in love before, so how would you know what it feels like?" Kaguya shot back. "And haven't you noticed how people are looking at us strangely?"

Esdeath looked up and saw that many people in the small town were indeed staring at them, some whispering among themselves.

But they weren't staring because of the way Esdeath was carrying Kaguya. Rather, it was the sight of two exceptionally beautiful girls that caught their attention. This small town was not a big city, so they weren't used to seeing girls with such presence and beauty.

"I like it, so why should I care about the gazes of commoners?" Esdeath said dismissively. "They're just weaklings without power. Does a giant elephant care about the tiny ants?"

However, due to Kaguya's dissatisfaction, Esdeath finally set her down—though not without sneaking a quick kiss on Kaguya's cheek as she did so.

The kiss was light as a feather, but Kaguya could clearly feel the softness of Esdeath's lips and the faint fragrance that lingered.

To be honest, Kaguya didn't particularly dislike it. What bothered her was that Esdeath always took the initiative, leaving Kaguya feeling as if she were being led by the nose.

She was used to teasing others, not being teased herself.

"The world is really going downhill, morals are decaying," an old man passing by said, shaking his head in dismay.

This only made Kaguya feel more awkward.

Seeing the two girls kiss, the onlookers were stunned, staring at the beautiful pair with wide eyes, as if in a daze.

Hey, kid over there, could you wipe the drool off your face?

Even though Kaguya was thick-skinned and used to being stared at, the strange looks she was getting still made her feel uncomfortable. She quickly grabbed Esdeath's hand and led her towards a quieter corner of the street.

"Where are we going, darling?" Esdeath asked curiously.

"Just follow me," Kaguya replied. She didn't really have a destination in mind, but she wanted to get away from the townspeople. After all, no one likes living under constant scrutiny and being the center of attention; it can make one feel very uneasy.

In truth, the townspeople weren't staring because of Esdeath's bold actions. They were simply intrigued by the two unfamiliar and extraordinarily beautiful girls who had appeared in their small town. Their stares had little to do with the couple's bold behavior.

Of course, their daring behavior did draw attention as well.

After running for a while, they finally left the townspeople behind, and Kaguya came to a stop.

"Darling, isn't this a bit too fast?" Esdeath suddenly asked.

"What?" Kaguya looked at Esdeath, who had a slight blush on her face, confused.

"I mean, our relationship," Esdeath said shyly, glancing around. "Coming to a place like this... isn't it a bit too soon?"


Kaguya turned her head and noticed that they had stopped in front of a small inn. The sign above it boldly proclaimed in pink letters: "Lover's Inn."

"Oh, it's nothing," Kaguya said, trying to sound casual. She had assumed Esdeath, being a novice in matters of love, wouldn't know what this ultimate romantic setting typically used in the late stages of a relationship was for. "It's just a place to rest."

"I didn't know you had this kind of hobby," Esdeath said, her face turning even redder as she approached Kaguya, whispering in her ear, "Did you plan to trick me into bed without me realizing it? You don't have to go to such lengths. We can do it anytime."

"Why are you so experienced?" Kaguya gasped, taking two steps back, pointing at Esdeath with a look of disbelief. "Wait, how do you even know about this?"

"I did a lot of preparation for our date," Esdeath replied with a smile, pulling out a small notebook from her pocket. "This is all thanks to Bols."


Kaguya couldn't help but think of that guy with the mask who looked like a bank robber.

Who would have thought you were that kind of Bols?