
The Imperial war had finally erupted in full force. As one of the three major powers, Princess Kaguya launched an all-out offensive on the very first day of spring. Her elite, highly trained Imperial Guard swept across the continent like a destructive storm, crushing everything in their path.

The sudden assault from the Princess caught both the Revolutionary Army and the Imperial Army off guard. They had never expected the neutral Imperial Guard to launch such a sudden and aggressive attack.

Both sides had assumed that the Imperial Guard would wait until the Imperial Army and the Revolutionary Army had exhausted themselves before making a move, believing that Kaguya would stand by and watch the two armies tear each other apart, only to step in at the last moment to claim victory. This assumption was rooted in the belief that such a strategy would best serve the interests of the Imperial Guard.

However, the Imperial Guard's unexpected involvement threw both armies into disarray. Neither had stationed significant forces along the Imperial Guard's borders, making them vulnerable to this sudden onslaught. The Revolutionary Army, in particular, found itself in a dire situation; with most of its forces engaged in battle against the Imperial Army, the Imperial Guard's sudden strike cut off a vital supply line, leaving the Revolutionary Army caught between two powerful enemies.

It was a cruel twist of fate. The Revolutionary Army had not been the main target of the Imperial Guard, but they happened to be in the way of Kaguya's forces as they advanced on the capital. This led to an intense and unexpected battle between the two.

Meanwhile, within the Night Raid headquarters, tensions were running high as a heated argument broke out.

"I told you! That so-called Princess was nothing but a liar from the start!" Mine shouted, her frustration palpable.

"Mine..." Sheele looked at Mine with concern, trying to calm her down.

"I wasn't wrong, was I?" Mine continued, her anger not subsiding. "I saw her with Esdeath, all chummy and close. They didn't look like enemies at all. For all we know, they've been plotting together this whole time, waiting for us to fight the Imperial Army so they could stab us in the back!"

"That's not true," Leone suddenly interjected. "She's not that kind of person."

"And how do you know that?" Mine shot back, her hands clenched into fists as she stood up, challenging Leone. "You're just taking her word for it? Just because she hides her true nature doesn't mean she's trustworthy!"

"Yes, she was once part of the Empire, but she's nothing like those corrupt, brutal officials. She's not a cruel person," Leone insisted. "Haven't you seen how the people in her territory live? They're happy and prosperous."

"Who's to say she isn't just buying their loyalty?" Mine huffed, still unconvinced. "Leone, why are you always defending her?" She eyed Leone suspiciously.

"Ah, no, it's not like that," Leone stammered, forcing a laugh.

"Don't think just because she saved you once that she's a good person," Mine muttered, crossing her arms.

"I actually think she doesn't seem like a good person at all," Lubbock added, running a hand through his green hair.

"See, I'm not the only one who thinks so," Mine said smugly, tossing her head back in triumph. "Even this guy knows what's up."

"But I don't think she's a bad person either," Lubbock added.

"Shut up!" Mine shouted, her temper flaring as she grabbed a cup from the table and hurled it at Lubbock.

With a loud thud, the cup hit Lubbock squarely on the head, sending him crashing to the ground.

"Hey! Are you trying to kill me?" Lubbock protested loudly, rubbing his head as he glared at Mine.

"Enough, everyone," Najenda said firmly, standing up from her chair. "This isn't about whether the Princess is good or bad. What matters is that her Imperial Guard has already launched an attack on us. We need to focus on how to respond. And another thing: Chelsea has been gone for a while now without any word. She may have been captured."

"So, what do we do? We have to save Chelsea!" Mine exclaimed, suddenly filled with concern.

Mine's relationship with Chelsea had never been particularly friendly; in fact, they often clashed, bickering whenever they were in the same room. Chelsea's sharp tongue and sly nature often got the better of Mine, leaving her fuming. But despite their differences, Mine genuinely cared for her comrade, especially when Chelsea was in danger.

"We can't," Najenda said sternly, shaking her head. "Not right now. The Imperial Guard has already breached our rear lines, and the Imperial Army is in front of us. We're trapped. If we send a team to rescue Chelsea now, we'll be even more shorthanded, and if we can't hold off the Imperial Guard's advance..."

"But," Mine began, interrupting Najenda with a quivering voice, "Chelsea is our comrade. We can't just leave her behind!"

"I'm not saying we'll abandon Chelsea," Najenda replied gravely, "but we can't afford to take any unnecessary risks right now. We're at a crucial point. The outcome of this war will determine whether we can overthrow the Empire. In a situation like this, we can't afford to lose focus."

"But..." Mine bit her lip, clenching her fists tightly. "But she's our comrade. Are we really going to abandon her?"

"Listen to me, Mine," Najenda said, stepping closer and placing a comforting hand on Mine's shoulder. "We all care about Chelsea, but sometimes we're forced to make difficult choices. We have to know when to prioritize."

"But does that mean we can just abandon our comrades?" Mine said, tears of frustration brimming in her eyes. "Fine, if you won't go, I'll go by myself!" With that, she turned and bolted for the door.

"Mine!" Leone quickly grabbed her, holding her back.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Mine struggled fiercely, but as a sniper, she was no match for Leone in close combat.

"Calm down!" Leone shouted, gripping Mine's arms tightly. "We will rescue her. We will. But not now. Do you understand?"

Mine bit her lip, her head hanging low, but she said nothing in response.

The next morning, the sun was as warm as ever, its golden rays spilling across the land, chasing away the lingering chill of night.

As Leone went to wake Mine, as she did every morning, she found the bed empty, save for a pillow beneath the covers.

A gentle breeze, still tinged with the coolness of early spring, fluttered through the open window, rustling the pink curtains.