The Influence of Evil Forces

"Although you unintentionally helped me," Kaguya's lips curled into a wicked smile, "you are still unforgivable."

As soon as the words left her mouth, Kaguya vanished from where she stood.

Akame's eyes widened, and a strong sense of danger surged within her. She immediately retreated, but it was too late.

A melodious voice sounded in her ear. "Think you can escape after offending me? Too naive."

Kaguya suddenly appeared behind her.

Akame was startled and tried to turn around, but she was already too late.

Kaguya lifted her delicate arm, and with a simple gesture, her five fingers grasped at the air.

Banshō Ten'in (Universal Pull)

A powerful force seized Akame, freezing her in place as if she had been immobilized. She struggled, but her body refused to obey her commands.

"Now, what should be your punishment?" Kaguya's pale fingers tapped her chin thoughtfully. Suddenly, as if struck by inspiration, her smile grew even more mischievous. "Let's play a game."

Seeing Kaguya's sinister smile, a chill ran down Akame's spine. She had a bad feeling about what was coming.

With a wave of Kaguya's hand, Akame's body floated toward her. No matter how much Akame fought to break free, her efforts were futile—her strength had been sapped away.

Now standing before Kaguya, Akame felt utterly powerless. Her once formidable strength was no match for Kaguya, who was now at the peak of her powers, practically invincible in this world.

Kaguya chuckled lightly as she lifted her hand, gently tilting Akame's chin with a single finger.

As Kaguya's teasing touch lingered on her chin, Akame's cheeks flushed with anger, not embarrassment. Memories of Kaguya's previous assaults flooded her mind, fueling her rage. To make matters worse, her own sister, Kurome, had fallen under Kaguya's spell. The combination of past grievances and current fury made Akame wish she could strike Kaguya down with a single blow.

Of course, it was just a wish.

Without her sword, Murasame, Akame's strength was greatly diminished. Even with Murasame, she had been no match for Kaguya. Now, her chances were even slimmer.

"Let's start with a kiss, shall we?"

Before Akame could react, Kaguya had already embraced her, pressing their bodies together and capturing Akame's lips in a sudden, forceful kiss.

Akame's body stiffened, her wide eyes betraying her shock. She forgot to resist, paralyzed by the unexpected assault.

Not that resistance would have done her much good—Kaguya's control over her was absolute.

After a few moments, Kaguya seemed dissatisfied with the mere kiss. She opened her mouth, her tongue slipping out to deepen the kiss. But Akame, still in shock, clenched her teeth tightly. Undeterred, Kaguya's hand slipped under Akame's clothes, gliding to her chest area, where her fingers found a sensitive spot, pinching it firmly

The sharp pain made Akame gasp, and Kaguya's tongue darted in, exploring her mouth with a mix of sweetness and dominance.

Finally snapping out of her daze, Akame tried to push Kaguya away, her body writhing in protest as she squirmed like a fish out of water.

"Be still!" Kaguya's patience wore thin as Akame's struggles disrupted her enjoyment. With a swift motion, she brought her hand down on Akame's backside.


The sound of the slap echoed, and Akame's body froze momentarily before her struggles intensified.


This time, Kaguya's slap was much harder, more of a punishment than a tease. Her hand connected with the soft flesh, producing a crisp sound. In no time, the area began to redden and swell.

Akame, seemingly oblivious to her predicament, continued to fight back. But Kaguya's control over her had left her weak and powerless, her attempts at resistance reduced to half-hearted, ineffectual pushes.

While a little resistance could be enjoyable, too much of it was just irritating. Kaguya's frustration grew, and she decided it was time to give Akame a lesson she wouldn't forget.

Just as Kaguya's hand started to slide further into Akame's clothing, ready to punish her more thoroughly, a voice interrupted her.

"Princess Kaguya."

The voice wasn't loud, but it was firm. Kaguya paused and turned to see Kurome standing nearby, her cheeks puffed out in a show of anger. Despite her serious expression, Kurome's adorable face made her look more like a child throwing a tantrum than someone truly upset.

Kaguya's mind suddenly cleared.

What was she doing?

The feeling that had taken hold of her earlier seemed to have come out of nowhere, amplifying her desires to the point where she lost control, acting on impulse without any regard for reason or restraint.

Could this be...?

Kaguya frowned.

If she wasn't mistaken, the Dragon Veins Chakra's corrupting influence had clouded her judgment, magnifying her desires to a dangerous degree.

It was a force difficult to guard against, creeping in unnoticed and distorting her thoughts and actions. Although it wasn't entirely a bad thing, it certainly wasn't good, either—no one liked the idea of being controlled by something outside of their own will. Kaguya found herself missing Black Zetsu, who, if present, might have been able to offer advice. After all, Black Zetsu knew the Dragon Veins Chakra better than anyone.

Suddenly, Akame managed to push Kaguya away, breaking free from her hold. Weak and exhausted, she collapsed to the ground. The hand Kaguya had been using to torment Akame slipped from her clothing.

Coming to her senses, Kaguya looked down at the fallen Akame, flexing her fingers as if trying to rid them of the lingering sensation of softness.

Meanwhile, Kurome marched over, her cheeks puffed out in a display of irritation. She stood before Kaguya, pouting. "Why did you go after her? If you wanted someone, you could have just asked me."

Kaguya's eye twitched in exasperation.

Does she really think I'm that insatiable?