The Fat Maggot


Prime Minister Honest's eyes widened in shock, his ugly, fat face contorting further with rage. With a malicious grin, he sneered, "So it's you, you little brat. How perfect."

The silver-haired girl who had saved Akame was none other than Kaguya.

Kaguya and Honest had been bitter enemies for some time now.

Prime Minister Honest had tried multiple times to wipe out Night Raid, but Kaguya had always thwarted his plans, leading to heavy losses for his forces. In the end, besides Esdeath, Honest was left with very few strong players.

Lately, Esdeath had become increasingly indifferent toward him. Several times, she had even refused his orders to suppress the Imperial Guard, using excuses to avoid action. Honest was beginning to suspect that there might be some secret collaboration between Esdeath and Kaguya.

He had even received reports from spies claiming that Esdeath had met with Kaguya in secret, which only heightened his paranoia.

But despite having control of the Supreme Teigu, Honest wasn't confident he could defeat Esdeath, leaving him simmering with frustration.

Now, seeing Kaguya again, all his old grudges surged to the surface.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Kaguya smiled brightly. "Miss Akame."

Akame, still a bit confused about what was happening, looked up at Kaguya and gave a soft humph, her face turning slightly red.

For some reason, whenever Akame saw Kaguya, she couldn't help but remember that one time she barged in, only to find Kaguya and her sister Kurome tangled up naked in bed. The memory of those soft breaths, of the scene she had witnessed, had kept her awake for several nights, even making her blush and her clothes damp in the most embarrassing dreams.

"I saved your life, you know. Shouldn't you at least thank me?" Kaguya teased, blinking playfully.

Akame turned her head away, refusing to meet her gaze.

"I didn't expect to see you here. It's quite the surprise," Kaguya chuckled, wrapping an arm around Akame's slender waist. "It seems like we're destined to meet again, huh?"

"L-let me go," Akame stammered, her cheeks flushing as she tried to wriggle free.

"If I let you go, you might fall," Kaguya teased with a sly grin. "Besides, we haven't seen each other in so long. Didn't you miss me?"

"We just met a few days ago," Akame mumbled softly.

"Really?" Kaguya tilted her head as if in thought. "I don't remember. But let's not sweat the small stuff. Let's do something fun instead."

Kaguya's smile turned mischievous as her hand slowly slipped under Akame's arm, teasing its way to softer territory. So soft… She thought. Just like her sister.

Akame's face reddened even more. Her mouth opened slightly, revealing small, sharp teeth, and with a quick bite, she sank them into Kaguya's arm.

"Ow! Let go!" Kaguya winced, shaking her arm. "Why does everyone bite me these days? Are you all part dog or something?"

Kaguya rubbed her arm, where the imprint of Akame's teeth stood out clearly.

"Humph," Akame snorted, her face still slightly flushed.

Just then, a massive shadow descended from the sky, coming down on them like a crushing mountain.


In a split second, the two of them leapt away, barely avoiding the giant hand that crashed into the ground where they had been standing, leaving a huge hand-shaped crater.

"You dare to defy me, you little brat!" a deafening voice bellowed as a massive figure lumbered toward them, its footsteps making the earth tremble.

"Doesn't he know it's rude to interrupt a couple's conversation?" Kaguya muttered with mock annoyance.

"W-who's a couple with you?! Stop saying such things!" Akame blurted, her face turning even redder.

"Not now," Kaguya winked, "but maybe in the future."

"Bastard!" Honest, infuriated by being ignored, roared in anger. "You're asking for death!"

With that, a blinding beam of light shot from the Supreme Teigu's mouth, heading straight for Kaguya.


Dust and smoke billowed in the air.

"So this is the power of the Supreme Teigu?" Kaguya emerged from the smoke, completely unharmed. "Doesn't seem that impressive. It's just a toy. No, actually, it's more like a Lego set."

"A toy?!" Honest almost laughed in disbelief. "You have no idea what you're talking about, foolish girl!"

"Oh? Isn't it just a toy?" Kaguya's smirk was infuriatingly calm.

"I'll make you regret those words," Honest growled through clenched teeth.

"Is this what they call setting a flag?" Kaguya mused, tilting her head and grinning.

"A flag? What nonsense is that?" Honest asked, confused.

"Tsk, tsk, don't you even know that? Didn't your family teach you the importance of reading?" Kaguya sighed.

"How dare you mock me!" Honest's face twisted with rage. "I'll make you beg for mercy!"

"Beg for mercy?" Kaguya giggled, her soft cheeks glowing. "Thanks, but I think I look good enough as it is."

Honest was momentarily speechless, his anger boiling over. "You sharp-tongued brat! Let's see if you're still so smug when you're writhing beneath me!"

"You think you can take me?" Kaguya sneered, her voice calm and cool. "I doubt a fat maggot like you could manage."

The chest of the Supreme Teigu opened up, revealing a large, glowing orb within. The orb began to rotate slowly, emitting a blinding light that radiated an immense power. Even from a distance, the energy it held was undeniable.

Beside her, Akame drew her sword, Murasame, with a sharp clang. Her face was calm once more, her eyes locked on the colossal figure before them, ready for battle.