The Young Emperor is a Loli?

"What's the matter? Is there a problem?" Esdeath walked over with elegant steps and asked curiously.

"Nothing," Kaguya replied, lifting the young emperor in her arms as she gazed at the burning capital in the distance. With a bit of emotion, she said, "This war is finally over."

"For some reason," Esdeath turned to Kaguya, her pale blue eyes locking onto her, "I feel like everything has been part of your plan all along. Whether it's Night Raid or the Imperial Army, your influence seems to be present."

"Is that so?" Kaguya smiled, neither confirming nor denying it. "That's not the important part. The important thing is that this country is finally about to start a new life, isn't it?"

"I don't understand why you care so much," Esdeath said with a puzzled expression. "Survival of the fittest, the strong devouring the weak—that's perfectly normal, isn't it?"

"Being strong doesn't mean you should do whatever you want, and the weak don't have to passively accept their fate," Kaguya laughed softly. "Using your power to harm others, building your happiness on someone else's suffering—that's a sign of a lack of character."

"My dear, are you talking about me?" Esdeath asked, blinking her eyes playfully.

"No," Kaguya smiled, "I didn't mean it that way. I just believe that life is short, and we should focus on more meaningful things. Don't wait until it's too late and regret the important things you didn't do."

Esdeath's sparkling eyes locked onto Kaguya, and with a serious expression, she said, "You're the most important thing to me, and I won't give you up."

Seeing Esdeath's uncharacteristically earnest face, Kaguya felt slightly stunned before breaking into a smile. "There are many important things in life. You don't have to be so fixated on just one. If you focus too much on the present, you might miss what's around you."

"No," Esdeath said firmly. "I will have you, and you will belong to me."

Her stubbornness made her seem less like the Empire's strongest general and more like a lovestruck young girl.

"Then I'm afraid you'll be disappointed," Kaguya said, turning her head to gaze at the blue sky. "I don't know where I'll be in the future, or what I'll become."

"What's wrong?" Esdeath asked softly, sensing something was off in Kaguya's words. "I can feel that you're hiding something from me."

"Yes, I am keeping some things from you," Kaguya admitted openly before smiling. "But doesn't everyone have a few secrets?"

"Would you share them with me?" Esdeath asked, blinking her beautiful eyes.

"Sorry," Kaguya smiled gently, "but that's personal."

Suddenly, Kaguya seemed to remember something, and she glanced around, noticing the ruins surrounding them but no other people.

"Where did Akame go?" Kaguya asked, puzzled. "She was just here a moment ago."

"Are you talking about your little lover?" Esdeath teased. "If you mean her, she's over there."

Following Esdeath's pointed direction, Kaguya walked over and soon spotted a figure in the distance. Hurrying closer, she realized it wasn't Akame but Najenda, with her white hair, handsome face, and well-proportioned figure.

"Didn't expect it to be you," Najenda said with a smile, sheathing her sword.

"Thank you for your help today," Kaguya said.

"You misunderstand. We didn't come here to help you," Najenda replied. "We came to kill that brutal and tyrannical minister."

"Either way, you helped me, and thanks are still in order," Kaguya smiled.

Najenda's gaze shifted to the young emperor in Kaguya's arms, her eyes narrowing. "Is that…"

"Yes, it's the young emperor," Kaguya confirmed.

"I thought he was dead," Najenda said, surprised.

"He isn't dead yet. Minister Honest kidnapped him so he could use the Supreme Teigu," Kaguya explained.


A sword imbued with a chilling aura flashed toward the young emperor in Kaguya's arms like lightning.


A delicate finger extended and lightly tapped the sharp blade. In an instant, a surge of power repelled the sword, and with a crisp sound, the blade was knocked aside.

"What are you doing?" Kaguya raised her eyebrows.

Najenda, holding her sword, said in a deep voice, "This boy colluded with the minister, committing countless atrocities and killing many innocent people. He cannot be allowed to live."

"So, you intend to kill him?" Kaguya asked.

"He made mistakes, and he must be punished. Isn't that what you said?" Najenda fixed her gaze on Kaguya.

"I suppose I did say something like that," Kaguya coughed awkwardly. She had only said it to sound cool, not expecting anyone to remember it.

"That's why I must punish him. Please don't interfere," Najenda said seriously.

"He's still young," Kaguya thought for a moment, recalling that this world didn't seem to have any laws protecting minors. "And he was manipulated by the minister. His crimes don't warrant death."

"I am willing to accept punishment," a young voice suddenly spoke from Kaguya's arms. At some point, the young emperor had woken up.

"When adults are speaking, children shouldn't interrupt," Kaguya frowned slightly.

Despite this, Kaguya had always had a soft spot for the young emperor. After all, he had always treated her well and was especially attached to her. Besides, he had a secret… or rather, she had a secret that made Kaguya even fonder of her.

It turns out the emperor was a loli.

As for how Kaguya knew that… well, that's a story for another time.

"Sister," the young emperor said earnestly as she emerged from Kaguya's arms, "I made a mistake, and I must be punished."