Appetites and Amusement

"How can there be such a beautiful girl? She must be from some modeling agency, right?"

"You're watching a video, though. It might not even be real."

"Even if she's an actress, there's no way to fake that piano performance."

"Yeah, the music was absolutely mesmerizing."

"My 10th-grade piano certificate? It's torn to shreds after seeing that."

"Is this really humanly possible?"

"Meh, I didn't think the piano piece was that special... I've only looped it a few hundred times."

"Help, I'm addicted. Someone save me!"

"Does anyone know the name of that piano piece? It's so good."

"No, I've already looked it up. It seems to be an original composition."

"This is beyond incredible!"

On the largest social media and video-sharing platforms, such as A-Station and B-Station, the internet was buzzing with activity. The video went viral, and waves of comments flooded the screen, requiring moderators to clear it again and again. Despite that, the comment section filled back up within minutes.

The main page of several sites featured a blurry but captivating image—a silver-haired girl seated at a piano, gracefully playing a melody with a serene expression. Her elegance, combined with her beauty, exuded a surreal, dreamlike aura.

The video not only caught the attention of major media outlets but also piqued the interest of celebrities and music producers. Some big companies were already reaching out, hoping to sign her to a contract. Achieving this level of fame in just one day was nearly impossible, even for professional influencers backed by PR companies. It was almost like the girl had risen to stardom out of thin air.

Some online skeptics began questioning if this was part of an elaborate publicity stunt, criticizing the entertainment industry for using unethical methods to create viral stars. However, some sharp-eyed users noticed that the loudest critic of this so-called "fake fame" had watched the video several hundred times in just one day, making everyone laugh at the irony. Clearly, this person was a "tsundere"—denying their obsession while secretly indulging in it.

Meanwhile, the person at the center of all this attention, Kaguya, was blissfully unaware of the internet storm. She lay in bed in an ungraceful position, hugging a pillow tightly as she snored lightly, still half-asleep. Drool gathered at the corner of her mouth, and as she felt a chill, she instinctively curled up tighter under the covers.

Suddenly, a pair of cold hands slipped under her blanket and grabbed her breasts. Startled by the icy touch, Kaguya jolted awake, shivering and fully alert. She immediately pushed the figure lying on top of her away.

Looking around warily, Kaguya's tension eased when she saw Qiao Xiaoqing sitting on the bed. Yawning, she said in exasperation, "Hey, don't you know that interrupting someone's sleep is unforgivable? And when did you become so unladylike?"

"It's already so late, and you're still in bed. Are you a lazy pig? Yesterday, you promised to take me to the amusement park," Qiao Xiaoqing huffed, crossing her arms.

"Amusement park? Only little kids like those things," Kaguya mumbled groggily, her eyes barely open as if she might drift off again at any moment.

"What? Are you backing out now?" Qiao Xiaoqing's eyes narrowed, her tone growing colder. "You already promised me."

"Did I?" Kaguya tilted her head. "That was just a little lie to fool you. Did you really believe it?"

Qiao Xiaoqing puffed her cheeks in frustration and rolled up her sleeves. She took a step forward.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing?" Kaguya sensed something was amiss.

"What do you think?"

"Don't strip my clothes! Are you a pervert?"

"That's right. You guessed it. I am a pervert!"

"Let go! Stop! No—"

"Say you'll go."

"No! Even if you beat me, I won't go!"

"Oh, really? In that case, don't blame me for what comes next."

"Stop it!"

Later, on the street, a silver-haired girl and a long-haired brunette walked side by side. The two of them held hands as they strolled leisurely, drawing the attention of passersby. Many were so captivated by their beauty that one person even walked into a tree while staring.

"You know, you were such a sweet girl before. How did you turn into a complete rogue?" Kaguya lamented dramatically. "Are you still the same Qiao Xiaoqing I once knew?"

"I'm not the same person I used to be. Got a problem with that?" Qiao Xiaoqing teased, leaning her head playfully toward Kaguya.

"A proper lady shouldn't be getting handsy with people, especially not with men. Don't you think it's inappropriate?" Kaguya replied, shaking her head.

"Two mistakes there." Qiao Xiaoqing raised two fingers, her expression smug. "First, I never claimed to be a lady. Second, you're not a man. So there's no problem, right?"

Kaguya sighed. "Fine, I give up."

"It's kind of disappointing, you know," Qiao Xiaoqing said with a hint of melancholy in her voice.

"Huh? What's bothering you?" Kaguya asked, curiosity piqued by her friend's uncharacteristic tone.

"My own brother is prettier than I am. Isn't that frustrating?" Qiao Xiaoqing said with a glance.

"You think I want this?" Kaguya groaned. "It's like you're calling me a pervert or something."

"Oh, come on! Haven't you accepted your role as a pervert yet?" Qiao Xiaoqing laughed, batting her eyes mischievously.

"Pervert, your sister! Keep calling me that, and I'm heading home!" Kaguya's eye twitched with irritation.

"No, no, don't be mad! I was just joking," Qiao Xiaoqing quickly apologized, her voice softening as she clasped her hands together, pleading. "You wouldn't leave your poor, lonely sister to suffer in solitude at the amusement park, would you? It would break my heart!"

"Stop acting like you're the only one there!" Kaguya rolled her eyes.

"Come on, let's hurry before it gets too crowded."

By the time they arrived at the amusement park, it was already packed. People were everywhere, moving shoulder to shoulder like sardines in a can.

"This is all your fault for waking up so late," Qiao Xiaoqing teased, scrunching her nose.

"Excuse me? If it weren't for you insisting we walk here, we would've arrived ages ago," Kaguya shot back.

"Walking is more romantic!" Qiao Xiaoqing giggled, hugging Kaguya's arm tighter.

Kaguya sighed, shaking her head.

Kaguya and Qiao Xiaoqing had already bought their tickets and entered the amusement park. Perhaps due to the holiday, the place was packed with people. The noisy crowd and chaotic atmosphere were enough to make anyone feel a bit on edge.

"I really don't get what's so fun about amusement parks," Kaguya mumbled, taking a bite of the dango skewer in her hand. Her voice was muffled by the food. "Only kids enjoy this kind of stuff."

Perhaps the only thing she found remotely satisfying at the amusement park was discovering that they sold dango. Although the flavor was mediocre and overpriced, it was still passable.


Kaguya turned around to look at the crowded amusement park. They had already purchased their tickets and were wandering inside. Perhaps due to the holiday, the place was packed, bustling with noise and crowds that felt almost overwhelming.

"I really don't get what's so fun about amusement parks," Kaguya muttered between bites of her dango. "Only kids enjoy this stuff."

Ever since gaining her powerful abilities, Kaguya had lost interest in things like roller coasters, giant swings, or drop towers. She used to find them thrilling when she was younger, but now that she could soar through the sky or dive from incredible heights, these rides just seemed mundane. If anything, her only interest today was the dango she was eating, though it wasn't as delicious as she remembered, and it was expensive.

"Sometimes, it's good to just relax," Qiao Xiaoqing twirled her finger in the air as if drawing something, "You need to be careful, or else you'll start aging."

"Aging?" Kaguya raised an eyebrow, "That's called maturity."

"Sure, if you say so," Qiao Xiaoqing chuckled.

The two continued walking through the amusement park, with Kaguya absentmindedly nibbling on her snack. They eventually found themselves at a peaceful little café inside the park. The interior had a calm, cozy feel, with wooden floors, soft lighting, and paintings adorning the walls. It was the perfect place to escape the noise and chaos outside.

A waitress approached with a smile, "What can I get for you?"

"You go first," Kaguya said, handing the menu to Qiao Xiaoqing.

"No, you go ahead. You're the one who's always hungry," Qiao Xiaoqing teased.

"Fine." Kaguya took the menu and flipped through it briefly, "I'll have the Australian lobster, French foie gras, escargot, and some Kobe beef."

As the waitress left to place their order, Qiao Xiaoqing couldn't help but smirk. "You really know how to eat, don't you?"

Kaguya simply shrugged, unfazed. "I'm hungry."

The food arrived shortly, and true to her nature, Kaguya didn't waste any time. She dug into the dishes with a satisfied grin, thoroughly enjoying each bite. Despite her speed and the quantity she ate, she somehow managed to do so in a way that still seemed graceful. It was clear she relished the food.

Meanwhile, Qiao Xiaoqing leaned back in her chair, watching with amusement. "If you keep eating like that, one day you'll end up looking like that woman from earlier," she said, referencing the unpleasant encounter they'd had.

"I doubt that," Kaguya replied between bites. "No matter how much I eat, I never gain weight."

"Well, lucky you." Qiao Xiaoqing smiled, though there was a hint of jealousy. She wasn't actually concerned about weight but watching Kaguya eat with such abandon was always a sight.

"Want to try some?" Kaguya asked, offering a piece of Kobe beef.

Qiao Xiaoqing hesitated for a second, clearly tempted, but turned her head away. "No thanks. I'm watching my figure."

"Such a shame," Kaguya said, popping the piece into her mouth. "People who diet are just torturing themselves."

"Hey, that's not true!" Qiao Xiaoqing pouted, but her stomach gave her away, grumbling at the sight of the food.

After what felt like no time at all, most of the dishes on the table had been cleared. Kaguya, satisfied but still eyeing the menu, considered ordering more but decided against it when she saw Qiao Xiaoqing giving her a pointed look.

"Alright, alright, I'm done," Kaguya said with a smirk.

"Finally. I was starting to think you'd order the entire menu," Qiao Xiaoqing teased, standing up and grabbing her bag.

They left the café and continued to explore the amusement park. Though it was busy, the cheerful atmosphere around them was infectious, and despite her earlier complaints, Kaguya found herself enjoying the day out with Qiao Xiaoqing. The two wandered through the different attractions, trying out snacks here and there, and sharing laughs as they strolled through the lively park.

By the end of the day, even Kaguya had to admit that it had been a fun, lighthearted break from her usual routine.