
"What is going on?"

The terrorists were dumbfounded by the scene in front of them. Their hands, which had been gripping their rifles, slackened, and their faces were frozen in disbelief.

In front of the silver-haired girl floated a dense cluster of bullets and missiles, suspended in the air as if controlled by some invisible force. It was an utterly terrifying sight.

"Magneto?" The terrorist leader muttered in disbelief as he stared at the silver-haired girl in the distance. "So, Magneto really does exist in this world."

Hearing the terrorist's broken Chinese, Kaguya's mouth twitched.

"Yeah Magneto"

With a casual wave of her snow-white arm, the bullets and missiles suspended in the air shot back toward their original path with lightning speed.



The deafening explosion erupted in the distance, seemingly triggered by the terrorists' ammunition storage. Flames shot up dozens of meters into the sky, and the shockwave, accompanied by a surge of hot air, rolled out like a tsunami, with smoke and fire stretching skyward.

As the dust and debris in the air gradually settled, a strong stench of scorched metal lingered. The silver-haired girl's figure became visible once again, completely unharmed. Not even her clothes had a speck of dust on them; they remained pristine and immaculate.

The terrorists, however, were not so fortunate. Their bodies lay scattered across the ground in grotesque positions, with dismembered limbs and flesh strewn about, some chunks of which were still recognizable as human remains. Crimson blood had soaked the earth, turning the ground a dark red.

No matter how strong these terrorists were, they were still only ordinary humans, enhanced at most—but nothing that could compare to Kaguya. For her, they weren't even worth noticing.

Suddenly, from among the rubble, a bloodied and ferocious-looking terrorist climbed out, gripping a broad knife. With a roar, he charged at the silver-haired girl, swinging the blade down with all his might.

"Oh?" Kaguya tilted her head, a little surprised. "A survivor, huh?" She calmly raised her pale arm, her fingers coming together.


Before the terrorist could even reach her, his body exploded like a smashed watermelon, scattering across the ground as a mess of shredded flesh and gore.

"Disgusting." Kaguya frowned, waving her hand in front of her nose as if to clear away the stench of blood. "Perhaps I should stop doing that in the future. It's a bit gross." Her eyes narrowed as she focused on the remains, and with a swift motion, black flames ignited where the mess had been.


In no time, the black flames consumed the body completely, leaving no trace of blood or burnt remains. Even the foul stench had disappeared, replaced by the clean smell of ozone.

"So, this is her power... Is she even human?" Guo Huaian stood in stunned silence, his eyes fixed on the battlefield's aftermath. He didn't even notice as some of his subordinates approached.

"The first time I saw it, I felt the same way," Guo Huaian said, patting a nearby soldier's shoulder, his voice carrying a heavy tone of familiarity.

"She's incredibly powerful," the soldier muttered. "If only we could harness that kind of power…"

"Harness?" Guo Huaian chuckled softly. "We don't even understand what this power is, let alone how to control it."

"You're right," the soldier admitted, looking down. "It's beyond anything we can imagine."

Suddenly, Guo Huaian's face changed as if something had just dawned on him. "Wait… the terrorists still have a nuclear bomb!"

The mention of this snapped the others around him back to attention, their faces growing pale as they realized the gravity of the situation.

The intense battle had ended, and silence fell over the amusement park. The sounds of gunfire and explosions had ceased, leaving only the distant hum of wind and the eerily out-of-place music still playing from the carousel, creating a haunting atmosphere.

Sensing that the danger had passed, the civilians hiding in the restaurant and other areas began to cautiously peek their heads out, scanning the surroundings warily.

They saw no more terrifying terrorists or gunfire raining down on them—only the scattered debris and bodies lying everywhere. Emboldened by the calm, some people stepped out and began running frantically toward the park's exit. As they reached the gates, the waiting police officers rushed forward to assist them.

Seeing people making it out safely, those still hiding could no longer restrain themselves, and they all rushed out, flooding toward the exit. Some, overwhelmed by relief, broke down in tears.

"It was the Fox Spirit Sister! She saved us!" The little girl An An, who had escaped earlier, shouted excitedly as she clutched her mother's hand.

"Mm." The mother smiled softly and nodded, her gaze drifting back to the now-ruined amusement park.

Previously, she had scoffed at the notion of supernatural beings, thinking that such stories were the work of tabloids trying to sell more papers. The idea of a real-life "superhero" seemed as fanciful as the movies her daughter loved. But now… after everything she had witnessed, she found herself questioning her old beliefs.

She remembered the moment the silver-haired girl had stopped the missile—an image that had become seared into her memory.

Just then, from the pile of bodies, a bloodied, bald man emerged, his face twisted in madness. He stood up, laughing maniacally. "Die, die, die!"

Before his voice faded, he pressed the button in his hand.

A sudden awareness of impending catastrophe surged through Kaguya's mind. Her eyes widened as she spun around, just in time to see the detonator in the man's hand. Without hesitation, she raised her arm, releasing a force from her palm. Nine orbs of black energy shot out like lightning, heading straight for the black box that housed the nuclear device.


An ear-splitting explosion shook the area, reverberating through the amusement park.