[The first fight]

Ezio: You shouldn't have won that challenge.

Zed [ Level 1]: I did because I won't lose to you. My confidence is over the top right now.

Ezio: Are you sure you can win? Because this last challenge is a fight! Tell me Zed! How much fighting experience do you have?!

I shake my head.

Zed [ Level 1]: Why should I tell you?

After Ezio enters the ring, I enter, but I don't feel good about this at all. He reveals his wooden scythe, and I reveal my giant wooden sword. I hear laughter from the crowd because the sword is larger than me.

Ezio: I chose this scythe to match my magnificent looks.

Zed [ Level 1]: Shut up.

Ezio starts to laugh.

Zed [ Level 1]: I SAID SHUT UP!

I playfully swung the giant sword with one arm to shut up the crowd.

Ezio attacks me first with his scythe, but I block the attack.

He strikes with an elbow, catches me off guard, and then I get hit by his scythe.

I swing my sword to make him back up.

He doesn't back up and instead throws a flurry of punches.

All of them hit me.

When I finally had enough, I threw my punch that missed by an inch.

Ezio kicks me in the chin and then elbows my chin.

He slams his scythe down on my head, but I manage to catch it in time.

I throw his scythe away and follow with a kick Ezio blocks.

He punches me in the face, and I fall to the ground, hiding my face.

Ezio: How embarrassing, you didn't even get one hit off.

He goes to pick up his scythe, and that's when I charge at him.

The charge quickly turns into a tackle, one strong enough to throw Ezio out of the ring.

Suddenly, Ezio takes a blue object from his pocket and disappears mid-fall.

The next thing I know, I hit the ground hard.

Out of bounds, and the winner was Ezio.

Zed [ Level 1]: What did you do?!

Ezio: Apologies, I underestimated you.

With that, Ezio leaves the ring.

Zed [ Level 1]: Hey! I need an answer!

I run outside.

When I get outside, I see the ancient shadow reaper.

The Unknown Shadow Reaper that reaps souls at night. Ezio is that Shadow Reaper?!!

Before Ezio can attack me, his arm is stopped by the class president.

After that, he leaves without a word.

I head home and unlock the door for the class president. I have my wounds tended by the class president. Afterward, the house is quiet, and I am left alone in my room to think about what's to come of this new level 1 newbie life.

[School Underground Hallway]

Scared Rogue Demon [ Level 0]: Are you sure summoning the Demon King is a good idea?

Rogue Demon [ Level 0]: Why are you asking? Just think about it. If we summon the Demon King, we will be its master, and then it will listen to what we say. We can change this world at last.

Curious Rogue Demon [ Level 0]: Wait, what do these say? They look like words, but it's hard to read.

"If you have come this far, turn back now." -Words of Ancient-

Ignoring the words of the ancient, the five demons continue their way into the darkness.