I’m off duty

Pouring rain ran down Tepmodus' thick coat. It dropped from his body, mixing with the water flowing along dark green scales. Contrary to the grumbling special investigator, his temporary mount wasn't faced in the slightest.

This didn't hinder Tepmodus to complain to his silent travel companion, however:

"Rain, rain, rain. It has been raining for days again. F*ck! And the bureau wouldn't let me delay. It's time I take some days off.

What do you say, hmm? Well, you are probably fine. At least you aren't working for those crazies anymore."

A low growl escaped the monster's mouth. Tepmodus took this as confirmation. Wasn't it normal? Who would want to work for those outsiders? The four-legged, big lizard would shower him in thanks if it could speak.

Therefore, Tepmodus took it as a given that the creature would carry him. After all contrary to humans it didn't care for the muddy ground, the trees in their way, and the constant rain. Those trivial things didn't face it.

Only from time to time could the duo travel on some paved paths. Those were from a time before the outsiders. Nothing Tepmodus was fortunate enough to witness. He only knew the wilderness.

After fighting in such terrain for many years, getting a small drago as his mount was already luxurious. Over the years the bureau wasn't able to steal many of those monsters and even tame them for its own purposes. The few they had were now used for travel between cities, where there was relatively less danger.

Although the dragos weren't exactly fast, traveling with them was still more convenient than on foot. This was mostly due to their high endurance. Not even Tepmodus could rival them in this aspect.

Traveling under such conditions, it was understandable that the special investigator sighed in relief when the big city walls final appeared in his vision. His days of torment were over! Finally, he could fill up his supply of booze. And maybe even find someone to warm the bed for him.

Patting his mount's elongated snout Tepmodus took a deep look at the wall, which had a few new cracks since he last saw at. Even this deep into human territory outsider attacks still happened. And it was the dutiful young men staring at him from behind the gate, who defended the city with their lives.

Remembering his own days in the army, Tepmodus sighed lightly as he fished some papers form his coat and held them towards an opening in the wooden gate.


Despite having already guessed it, the soldiers still checked his papers carefully. They couldn't hide the admiring looks in their eyes, though. A few times the stole quick glances at the drago, questioning whether they would some day get their own mounts.

Done with their checks, the soldiers hastily gave back their idol's papers and opened the gate. Tepmodus smiled lightly as he noticed their eyes. Maybe he once had the same sheen when he looked up to Shev.

Lost in his thoughts the seasoned man wanted to advance when a voice suddenly reached him form the side:

"Sir special investigator!"

With some confusion Tepmodus turned towards the young soldier.


"The chief of police left a message for you."

"Old Lond? Let me guess:

'Meet me as soon as you arrive. This is urgent. The world will end if you don't hurry up.' "

Startled, the young soldier replied nervously:

"S… something along those lines."

"Got it. Tell him my mission starts tomorrow!"

"I… I don't know if I will see him today."

"Makes sense. I will tell him myself.


With those words Tepmodus urged his mount. Under the uncertain gazes of the soldiers, he waved his hand once while travelling down the streets.

Looking around, a melancholic feeling settled in the investigator's mind. Every time he entered a city it was the same sight. Dilapidated buildings and barely functioning infrastructure kept the city going. Despite seemingly falling apart any second, the city was forcefully supported by its inhabitants' tenacity.

Humans were truly astounding creatures when backed into a corner. The will to live was hard to overcome. Even the outsiders kept struggling.

Letting his eyes roam around, hungry humans hiding from the never-ending rain could be seen everywhere. But despite the bad conditions they held on. In some faces even hope could be seen. It was those faces that drove Tepmodus to continue fighting. Maybe one day they would overcome the outsiders, sealing their world, and regaining lives worthy of humans.

And if Tepmodus could only participate the tiniest bit to this dream, all his efforts would be worth it.

Catching himself having delusions again, the experienced veteran smiled wryly. It seemed he really hadn't given up yet. He was still doing his part, keeping this glimmer of hope alive. Only time could tell if it would be worth it one day.

Suddenly a loud, feminine shout ripped Tepmodus out of his thoughts.

"Thief! Thief! Stop him! My purse!"

Searching for the source of the commotion, Tepmodus soon found a middle-aged woman in a surprisingly luxurious coat. Her face looked distressed, her body shaking lightly, as she screamed for help.

Not far from her a young boy, maybe around ten years old, was hurriedly fleeing. He had a black purse in his arms. Running down the street, he suddenly saw a lizard monster coming in his direction. The boy stopped in shock before quickly scurrying into a side alley.

Behind the thief a single young policeman was surprisingly chasing. Normally, Tepmodus would place his bet on the thief, but he wasn't quite sure this time.

Not bothering with those two, the special investigator calmly continued his way. Leisurely putting one foot in front of the other, the lizard monster went past the distressed lady.

Although Tepmodus didn't want to bother with her case, the lady obviously had other plans.

"Stop! You! You're riding a drago!"

Annoyed, the special investigator turned his head. His sharp eyes instinctively scanned the wealthy woman. He felt a slight disgust for those people who protected their wealth even during those harsh times. Unfortunately, the army didn't move to expropriate all of them for whatever reason.

"Can I help you?", asked Tepmodus in an unfriendly tone.

Seeing the cold face of the man before her, the wealthy lady was slightly confused. Had she mistaken him?

But with the confidence befitting of her status, she quickly got rid of this thought. She pointed her finger in the direction the thief escaped to, while complaining loudly:

"Since you're riding a drago, you naturally belong to the SIB, right?!

It is your obligation to help us citizens! Why didn't you chase after the thief?"

Tepmodus watched the lady with a frown on his face. She seemed to be complaining but it felt more as if she wanted to get his attention. Were his charms affecting her mind? It seemed likely. However, the experienced man knew that bored, rich ladies only meant trouble. It wasn't worth it.

Thus, he shook his head as he urged the drago to continue:

"My work starts tomorrow. I'm off duty."


With disbelief in her eyes, the wealthy lady dropped her arm. She had never met such a shameless public official. What was this response? Was she too ugly to receive his help?

Just as the wealthy lady was on the verge of loosing her mind, fast steps sounded from not far away. The young policeman came running, with a black purse in his hand.

He came to a stop, handing the pouch back. Slightly out of breath he said proudly:

"Here is your purse, ma'am. Unfortunately, the thief could escape, but I could save your belongings!"

The wealthy lady happily received her purse. She threw the policeman a flirtatious wink.

"Thank you so much. I'm glad the city still has upright and strong public servants like yourself. Maybe come by later for a small reward?"

"D… don't mind it! That's my… my job. I don't think I should take extra rewards. Thanks for the offer, thought!", stammered the policeman embarrassed.

His eyes suddenly grew bigger as the lady opened her coat slightly, allowing some teasing sights on her ample breasts.

Tepmodus leisurely turned towards the commotion a few meters away. He ignored the tongue-tied policeman and the smug smile the lady showed him. His eyes quickly focused on the returned purse.

Wasn't it bulging a lot more, earlier? The thief carried it with two arms, but now it looked so small in the lady's hands.

It seemed like someone had helped themselves from the purse. Was it the thief? Or the policeman?

Shaking his head, Tepmodus slowly continued on. It wasn't his responsibility to investigate petty theft. And furthermore, he wasn't on duty. His mission would only begin tomorrow.