I rented a beast

Tepo entered the building calmly. Low chatter immediately reached his ears. A group of warriors just left from a big door at the opposite side. They were made up of men and women, all with sharp weapons and thick armors.

Watching them, Tepo realized that he was hardly prepared. But unfortunately, the guard didn't give him much time. From his experience Tepo valued the unpredictability of his immediate action more than waiting for a day to buy weapons.

Maybe the soldiers weren't prepared for him setting of at night.

Passing the group of warriors, Tepo soon reached the shop's counter.

A tired lady leaned on her chair behind it. When she noticed Tepo, she did her best to look lively.

"Welcome to Faryo's Flying Beasts. What can I do for you young man?"

"Good evening. I'd like to rent a beast, please."

"Of course. What do you need?"

Tepo was stumped a little. He didn't know of the different types of beasts for rent here.

"I… need something which can safely carry me through the storms, wait for me for a while, and bring me back, please."

The clerk's face faltered a little. She understood that she was dealing with a novice here.

"Mhm. Want something fast or able to carry a lot?"

"Fast would be great."

"Then I recommend you one of our Steel-Tailed Nárees."

Hearing this name, Tepo's felt relieved. He nodded calmly. Finally, something they had learned in school. From its description this beast was indeed what he was looking for. If he knew this beast was for rent, he would have asked directly for it.

Seeing her customer agree, the shop assistant quickly fished out a card from below her counter. Handing it to Tepo, she explained:

"This is the number of your beast. Show it to one of my colleagues and he will prepare it for you. At the back you see a list of all our business partners in other cities. If you don't return here, you can hand the Náree to them.

Last but not least I need a deposit of a hundred force crystals from you. Rent is one crystal per hour, which will be deducted from your deposit once you return the Náree.

If you lose the beast, we keep the deposit and charge the hours. If you don't return, our… partners… will do their best to find you."

Tepo felt some sweat on his forehead. Why did this store behave like criminals? The price they charged could never be afforded by commoners and their 'partners' were probably some bounty hunters.

Unfortunately, Tepo had no choice at the moment. Grumbling unhappily, he paid the deposit and left his name behind.

Now he was finally ready to receive his beast. Stepping through the big door next to the counter, Tepo entered an enormous hall. The young man judged that it should be a kind of stable. Different animalic sounds reached his ears from all sides.

Towards Tepo's front the building had no wall. It was a wide opening, letting one view the fierce storms outside the city directly. The young man felt some apprehension, but he had to trust his Náree to navigate him through the storm.

Suddenly Tepo's nose itched. A disgusting smell reached him. Searching for the source, he found a hole in the ground far to his left. Right now, someone was emptying a big load of excrement into it.

Tepo rolled his eyes. He was reminded of the times when he had to clean after the bureau's Drago in his old life. Some things never seemed to change, no matter the world.

After a few seconds the worker was done, closing the hole again. Just then he noticed someone approaching from the corner of his eyes.

"Hi. Can you help me?", asked Tepo while trying his best to ignore the smell.

"Hi. Sure, what can I do?"

"I rented a beast."

Saying so, Tepo showed the worker his card. Only taking a glance, the worker immediately nodded, signaling Tepo to follow him.

The two men went to the side, boarding a strange platform supported by various wires. Tepo raised his brow slightly. Although it looked different than what he was used to, the clever man immediately recognized this to be an elevator.

And he was proven right. When the worker pressed a small button, some wheels began to turn, and the platform traveled upwards.

Tepo was more and more surprised by the means this world had. Although they didn't develop in a technological direction like his old world, they had their own means.

Arriving at the first floor, Tepo's eyes involuntarily fell on the beasts in a spacious area opposite him. He was surprised as they weren't chained or anything. As the second floor only had flooring close to the walls, the beasts could simply fly away through the open wall at any time.

The worker noticed Tepo's gaze. With a numb voice he asked:

"First time? You need to know that we take great pride in our beast tamers. Our Nárees are extremely obedient. Even if they leave to hunt from time to time, they will soon come back.

Tepo nodded respectfully as the worker led him towards the beasts. Scanning them for a second, he quickly lured one out from the crowd.

"This is Dassy. She will be your mount!"

Not able to suppress a small smile from forming on his face, Tepo mustered the beast before him. It was a bit longer than a horse, but of smaller stature. Two big wings were folded on its back. Its four strong legs had sharp claws, but they appeared weak compared to its dangerous, long beak.

The beast's whole body was covered in gorgeous deep blue feathers, except for its five whip-like, grey tails. Even as they languidly swung behind the beast, Tepo could already imagine their power.

A bit excited to travel with a strong mount once more, Tepo bravely reached out his hand, patting Dassy between its two pointed ears.

While Tepo bonded with the docile beast, the worker grabbed a saddle from the side and fastened it to Dassy's back.

A few seconds later Tepo mounted the beast under the worker's directions. Pointing at different places he explained:

"Ok that's it. The saddle will protect you against the storm. Its energy holds about ten hours, then you have to put in some force crystals here.

In this pocket are some pills to feed Dassy. They can still her hunger temporarily, but if possible, it is better to just let her hunt.

Over here is a whistle to call her.

During flight, make sure to grip those handles tightly. They can transmit your intentions. Furthermore, you are only protected against the storm, but not against Dassy's momentum."

"Ok. Thanks a lot."

"No problem."

After giving his instructions the worker turned around, waved his goodbye, and let Tepo alone with Dassy.

The young man grinned. He couldn't help but feel excited. This would be a completely novel experience. All the gloomy thoughts caused by the mayor disappeared in the background, as Tepo loudly shouted:

"Let's go Dassy!"

Trained by the beast shop, Dassy reacted obediently. It let out a loud screech before shooting into the storms.

Tepo's body shook back and forth. For a second his heart skipped a beat. He had never traveled this fast in his two lives.

Carried on the beautiful beast's back only the saddle saved him from plunging into nothingness. Tepo didn't know if there was anything below him, but he surely wasn't interested in finding out now.

Fortunately, Tepo had a strong mind. He didn't freeze or anything. His muscles tensed as he leaned his body forward, keeping close to the beast's back.

Tepo had a sensation of adrenaline shooting through his veins. He hadn't felt this lively in a long time. He enjoyed the high-speed flight as the city grew smaller behind him. Loud laughter left his mouth as he asked Dassy to fly some bolder maneuvers.

Tepmodus experienced incredible freedom. But he also noticed how dangerous the storms outside the city were. The constant loud noise in his ears reminded Tepo that only the saddle allowed him to be here. With his strength right now, he wouldn't be able to travel outside the city otherwise.

Suddenly Dassy let out a loud screech. Tepo narrowed his eyes, focusing on a few black dots in the distance. Dassy acted faster than the human, though. She turned around immediately, darting off into another direction.

Tepo drew a sharp breath. He just realized that more dangers were awaiting in the storms. Something Dassy didn't face surely would be able to kill him quickly. After all the young man could feel that his mount was stronger than him. It should probably have the power of a three-circled aspirant.

Once again Tepo was reminded of the importance of strength. He swore to find a way to increase his own power after solving the dungeon. Even if his mother was hesitant, he would have to plead her as a last resort this time.