Treated as food

There, at the other end of the hallway another monster was slowly standing up. It moved its heavy body, eyes fixated on its surprising prey.

Salvia dropped from a wide maw. Brown, leathery skin covered its body. Muscles danced as the four strong legs began to move. A tail excitedly waved behind the monster.

Tepo smiled wryly. Naturally he recognized the beast he was looking at. It was an oversized, bloodlusted dog.

In his old world, not many people indulged in the luxury of holding dogs. But just like humans the intelligent creatures managed to survive on the streets. Once in a while Tepo would even feed some of them. But he never expects to be treated as food one day.

Loud yapping echoed through the hallway. The flies backed off even further. The walls trembled, seemingly frightened, as the beast slowly began to move.

Thoughts racing, Tepo considered his options. He was fortunate that the dog only moved its tired body lazily. Apparently, it was confident that its prey couldn't escape.

But Tepo would beg to disagree. Making out his best, and possibly only, chance within moments, the young man quickly got on one knee. He put away his weapons and fiddled with the window.

The rattling noise unsettled the dog. What was its prey doing? Why was it still struggling? Afraid that the delicious creature before it might still escape, it rapidly accelerated.

Noticing this, Tepo didn't grow hasty. He turned a knob, finally opening the window. Outside, a big garden was waiting for him. Or it would be more aptly called a jungle. Despite it not growing right next to the wall, Tepo was confident that he would be able to hold onto some foliage, stopping his fall.

Sending a mocking grin towards the lame dog, which was still a comfortable distance away, Tepo leaped through the open window. Falling feet first he focused on the greenery, glad to get out of the dangerous situation.

But outside Tepo immediately realized that he had miscalculated. He rapidly lost his momentum. After only a short fall, his direction was suddenly reversed.

Tepo's eyes bulged. He reacted quickly. He curled his body, protecting his head with his arms, throwing his body to the right.

A numb pain shot through Tepo's back. He heavily landed on the stone façade. Air was pressed from his lungs for a moment.

His mind still vigilant, Tepo hastily rolled to the side before coming to a stop between two windows. A few seconds later glass splintered. Angry barking sounded, as a strong paw searched for its prey outside.

Fortunately, Tepo was too far away. Finally, he was in safety.

Taking a deep breath the young man sprawled on the manor's wall. He closed his eyes for a second, giving his mind some well-deserved rest. A nagging voice reminded him about the guards which might arrive soon, but he ignored it for now.

A deceptive peacefulness reigned outside the manor. As the dog's barks gradually softened, only the sound of rustling leaves and chirping of insects remained.

Tepo took a deep breath. The smell of fresh greenery entered his nose.

A few seconds later the investigator opened his eyes again. A renewed determination mixed with vague exhaustion radiated from the clear blue sapphires.

Slowly standing up, Tepo observed his surroundings. With his feet on the wall, grass grew in front of him. Not far away the jungle started. The investigator mused that it must have been a garden once but grew out of control as no one tended to it.

From his odd perspective trees were growing horizontally above his head. The greenery was endless, not allowing Tepo to spot anything else.

Endlessness appeared to be the theme in this place anyways. The trees appeared endless, the wall spread endlessly towards the horizon, the sky was covered in endless grey clouds.

What a bleak atmosphere. I feel right at home!

With no one to share his humor Tepo chuckled at his own joke as he began to move around. Stepping on the artistic façade of this old manor, the young man inspected the other windows.

Since he certainly wasn't eager to meet the dog again, Tepo went towards his right, where there was another group of windows. But it only took a short gaze to figure out that something was off about those, as nothing could be seen behind them. It was only darkness.

Tepo stared at the windows, contemplating his actions. He was tempted to shatter the glass and find out what it was hiding. But so far making noise had about a 50/50 chance of bringing him into life threatening danger. With the risk high and the potential reward low Tepo resisted the temptation, moving on.

But even after a few minutes the young man didn't find a clear window. With a hurting back Tepo jogged along the wall, his mood worsening. So far, he didn't feel like he got any closer to clearing the dungeon and the guard might be on his heels.

Stagnating, Tepo wished for any kind of change.

But… was the outside really this peaceful? Only his steps and the calming sounds of nature reached the young man's ears. But soon something else mixed in.

Did the rustling leaves get louder?

As if to answer his question, something suddenly shot out of the dense foliage. A long, green vine full of thorns aimed right for Tepo's heart.

Cursing inwardly the young man reacted immediately. With a skilled sidestep he evaded. But the vine was nimbler than he anticipated. Its tip rapidly swiped out, thorns painfully scratching Tepo's legs. His trousers ripped open as blood flowed.

Gritting his teeth, Tepo suppressed a pained shout. He breathed heavily; eyes focused on the jungle above him as the vine drew back.

There, deep within the chaotic green, covered by foliage, a peculiar plant was rooted at a clearing. Vines snaked around two deceptively gorgeous, huge leaves. As they opened a disgusting liquid and sharp teeth could be seen. The plant was snapping greedily. It had already achieved its goal. Now it only needed to wait for the prey to die.

Tepo was still on the manor's wall. Since stopping in place wouldn't serve any purpose, he carefully advanced. His eyes were constantly focused on the dense foliage, ready for another sneak attack.

With narrowed eyes and sweaty hands, the young man searched for any window to enter. His nerves were stretched taught, his breathing fast. His leg felt hot as his wound burned.

Wait… his wound burned?!

Shocked, Tepo focused on his leg. He drew a sharp breath. The skin around his wound began to turn dark, slowly engulfing his calf. He had been poisoned.

Tepmodus trembled faintly as he instinctively focused on his soul. A projection of his body once again appeared in his mind. Despite some bruises and the deeper injuries on his back, the vicious black color spreading through his blood immediately caught the investigator's attention.

He knew he had to do something about it. But first he needed a safe place. As long as he stayed outside the vine might attack at any time.

Recognizing the dangerous situation he was in, Tepo let go off all caution. He sprinted along the wall, searching for anything which could offer some security.

Meanwhile the plant waited for its prey to succumb. Saliva was already gathering in its mouth. Unfortunately, it had never dealt with a warrior before. Thinking that its poison was potent enough, it didn't attack again.

At the same time in Tepo's body. Unbeknownst to the newly awakened his core wasn't without means. A mysterious force suddenly entered the young man's blood, as one of the core's runes vanished.

But right now, Tepo wasn't in the mood to investigate his body. Although he felt something happening to his leg, he didn't take this for a good sign. His tension rose as survival became the former soldier's number one priority.

With eyes constantly scanning the wall, Tepo finally found a clear window. Only one minute had passed since the vine's attack, put to Tepo it felt like an eternity. Without hesitation the young man heavily kicked the window's metallic strut.

After only two tries the window couldn't withstand Tepo's force anymore. It burst open. A few glass panels broke, splintering into pieces.

Tepo's eyes lit up as he noticed those pieces' flight trajectory. Finally, he found a room without odd gravity shenanigans!

Knowing that time was ticking, Tepo didn't scout the room and hastily jumped through the window. Orienting himself midair he somewhat awkwardly landed on the tiled flooring, but at least the young man didn't receive any more injuries.

Eager to treat his leg, Tepo found the bathtub to his left incredibly inviting. Lying down his body, he ignored the burning feeling as he carefully pulled his trousers' leg up. But when his eyes fell on the dark patch of skin he frowned. Wasn't it a lot bigger earlier?