Treasure Storms Inn

A few hours later Tepmodus had arrived at the inn pointed out by Quill. He was shocked as his eyes fell on a massive building. Floating on its own cloud, it was surrounded by a gorgeous, dreamlike landscape. Lush trees and small streams of water adorned many small pavilions which invited for cozy conversations.

All kinds of seasoned warriors entered and left the inn, making it incredibly busy.

Tepo raised his head, reading the name 'Treasure Storms Inn' among beams of dark wood and limestone-like walls. Only after entering and eating a small meal did he understand what this name represented.

From the tidbits of information he overheard, the young adult realized that about an hour from here was the so called 'Treasure Storm Zone'. It was a place where winds from all over the Carrying Winds World converged, forming fierce, dangerous, storms.

But with the danger came opportunity as those winds often carried treasures with them. Naturally, though, most people were aiming for the jackpot as dungeon cores apparently appeared more often in the treasure zone.

Not only were they carried here by winds, but it was also rumored that the world barrier was thinner in this place, attracting those dungeon cores from the void.

Tepo marveled at the mysteriousness of this world. A part of him was eager to give treasure hunting a try, but another reminded him that he almost died within a dungeon a few hours ago.

Still exhausted and only stabilized from Quill's healing pill, Tepo finally decided to go to bed. He barely managed to message his friends and family, asking to meet tomorrow before his eyes refused to stay open.

Sleeping like a rock, Tepo only woke up the next afternoon. His eyes opened groggily, staring at the unfamiliar ceiling made of cloudwood.

Strange how fast I could get used to sleeping at home. I don't know if this is because of my old memories or the feeling of security. Now, despite being used to traveling a lot, it doesn't feel great to wake up in an unfamiliar place.

Stretching his tired body, Tepo was amazed by how good he felt. Many of his shallow wounds had already healed and the poison was eliminated completely. Only his deeper wounds still needed some time.

Standing up and massaging his temples, Tepo gazed at the small watch on his bedtable. It was already 18 o'clock, which was shortly past noon in the Carrying Winds World. The investigator smiled wryly. He couldn't remember the last time he had slept more than ten hours.

Deciding that he deserved to indulge himself today, Tepo stepped behind a small screen preventing any curious gazes. The young man chuckled as his eyes fell on the wooden bathtub. He was reminded of his best friend during the dungeon exploration.

Tapping on a certain spot, warm water filled the tub at a quick pace. Tepo was amazed how this world managed to develop without the technology of his old life. Truly, one couldn't underestimate the intelligence of humans only because they didn't use electrical energy.

Philosophizing about life for half an hour, Tepo left the comfortable bathtub relaxed. Even his mood was better, expectant for the future. He went downstairs, ordering some food from the kitchen.

Waiting on a random table Tepo ignored the odd gazes of many warriors. It had to be said that the young man stood out like a sore thumb. With a fair face, clean, white robe, and his young body, Tepo didn't fit in with the rough warriors.

Still, this didn't mean that Tepo liked being treated like an animal in a zoo. He grabbed his breakfast from the waiter and sat down in a pavilion outside.

Enjoying the quiet, natural environment the young man ate in peace. His mind was relaxed, and his mood was great. This was how life should be!

A few minutes after Tepo was done with his meal, he heard the rustling of footsteps on a gravel path. Turning his head, he had a hunch who might be coming. Immediately, a genuine smile formed on his face.

Yerive, Parton, Nocia, and Ganaph were confused when they received Tepo's message in the morning. Their friend invited them to meet outside the city, making it sound rather serious. The four friends quickly organized themselves and took a public ship towards the inn.

Once they arrived, Parton and Nocia took the sight rather nonchalantly, but Yerive and Ganaph were looking left and right in excitement. This was the world of warriors! No one here was a normal person. All the guests of this inn were fighting for fame and fortune.

While Ganaph was especially lively, imagining her future, Yerive was a bit downtrodden soon. He was still not reconciled with the fact that he awakened a weak core. It was questionable if he would ever be able to join the world of warriors.

Thus, Ganaph was joyfully observing their surroundings while the other three only conversed quietly.

After a few minutes in the garden the group finally arrived at the place a waiter pointed out to them. When Ganaph circled the last tree, she immediately noticed the brightly smiling young man in a quiet, white pavilion.

"Tepo!", exclaimed the young woman happily.

"Great to see you, guys", answered Tepo.

Despite everyone's different mind states, the friends' reunion was joyful. After exchanging hugs, they sat down in the pavilion.

Yerive was the first to address Tepo:

"Look at you, enjoying life while leaving me with a massive headache! I didn't even know how I came home yesterday!"

Tepo smiled wryly, looking at his friend. Remembering the state Yerive was in yesterday, he did feel a bit guilty.

Suddenly Tepo frowned slightly, though. He stared at Yerive's eyes:

"Are you wearing makeup?"

Yerive coughed slightly as he blushed.

"Somehow I need to hide my eyebags, don't I?"

The friends were taken aback for a second before laughing lightly.

"Did you two meet yesterday?", asked Parton in confusion.

"Sure. I told Tepo about your new job!"

Now it was Parton's turn to feel guilty. Not because he suspected the guard, but because he hadn't informed his friends.

"Ahh, sorry guys. I was so buys that I forgot to tell everyone."

"You found a job?"

Nocia asked calmly, but her eyes darted towards Tepo's shoulder multiple times.

"Yes! I joined the guards!"


Everyone exclaimed, genuinely happy for their friend. Even Tepo didn't want to disparage Parton. If anything, it was his fault that his friends were involved in his affairs.

While Parton smiled shily, Tepo felt a shiver run down his spine.

What is up with Nocia? Why is she looking at my shoulder, is she suspecting something? Such sharp eyes! I should distract her.

"What about you two?", asked Tepo with a smile, turning towards Ganaph and Nocia. "Made any plans for the future?"

"Yes.", answered Ganaph, her smile faltering.

"I will set off in two days, travelling to the Free World Alliance."

Tepo understood the young woman's feelings. For the lively girl it was surely hard being separated from her friends.

"I will also leave.", spoke Nocia calmly. "I will follow behind Ganaph and settle down near her."

Ganaph looked at her best friend, touched. Obviously, she had already known about Nocia's decision. For this, Ganaph would probably be forever thankful.

But Tepo rose his brow. It didn't sound like Nocia planned to join any organization. Was she content with living the life of a commoner? Tepo knew that the young woman was somewhat mysterious. But it was alright as long as she was their good friend Nocia!

"But what about you? Calling us out here, isn't it also tell us about your job?"

As Nocia's clever eyes focused on Tepo, he felt like his plan had backfired. But Nocia was right.

"Yes. Yesterday I was lucky enough to meet someone who would take me in. I will be leaving tomorrow."

Genuine congratulations came from his friends' mouths.

"Who did you join?", asked Yerive, slightly apprehensive.

"This… I don't really know yet."

Tepo coughed awkwardly. He decided not to lie to his friends. He would only omit the part about the dungeon.

"You don't know?", asked Parton in bewilderment.

"What do you mean? How can you not know? Tepo, you must be careful not to get abducted!"

Ganaph waved her hands, nervous for her friend.

"The man who recruited me wore a mask. But my gut feelings tells me he doesn't wish to harm me. With his strength there would've been no need to deceive me."

"I'm sure you know what you are doing, Tepo. Just stay save. If you need any help, you can count on us!"

Tepo smiled brightly upon hearing Nocia's words. Those were real friends! Companions through thick and thin.

While everyone was excited, Tepo noticed that only Yerive was feeling down. He turned his head, addressing his best friend:

"Hey, man. What are you thinking about?"

"I…", sighed the young man. I'm the only one among us without a job. What if… no organization wants me?"

Hearing his friend's concern, Tepo shook his head. He put on a stern face:

"Why are you talking yourself down? You have awakened a core! You are a real warrior, Yerive.

Look at me! No one believes me that I awakened but a little sweettalking still got me a job. How could you think no one would want you?"