Concept of a traffic jam

A few hours later Quill and Tepo were back in Quill's ship. Tepo was still disgruntled. His old injuries had mostly healed just a while ago, but now he was covered in new ones.

Quill had let Tepo fight for hours. Ultimately, he couldn't win a single time. This was the difference between a commoner and a warrior.

Tepo realized that he had to find a way to fully awaken his core immediately. He looked at Quill from the corner of his eye.

Hopefully the organization he was about to join had information about the white energy. Maybe they could even provide him some, so he could strengthen his core, finally getting some security.

While the young man was lost in thoughts, their ship gradually slowed down. Tepo furrowed his brows. Looking out the window, many ships were forming a line, only advancing slowly. Bewildered, Tepo turned towards Quill. The former investigator didn't know the concept of a traffic jam.

"Our timing isn't too good.", stated Quill leisurely.

"Do you know what's going on?"

Tepo didn't understand the situation. What where all those ships queuing up for?

"The wind channel is reserved today. Everyone has to use a smaller side channel. It will take a while."

"Can't we just travel through the storms?"

"Only with a suitable identity. Otherwise, we would be seen as potential dangers."

"And we… don't have such an identity?"

Tepo had his suspicions. Quill was not weak. Their organization should also hold some power. But they were not influential enough to get past the city?

I… didn't really join a criminal organization, did I?

While Tepo smiled wryly, Quill avoided Tepo's question.

"It's fine. We need to enter Rocky Cloud City anyways. We are taking someone with us."

"Someone from your organization?", asked Tepo with raised brows. Seeing Quill nod, Tepo was curious. What could the second member be like? Were they also aloof like Quill, always wearing a mask?


Suddenly Tepo was taken aback. He had only turned his head away for a single second, but when he looked at Quill again, the mask was surprisingly gone.

"Am I that ugly?", chuckled Quill in amusement.

Tepo was still surprised. He studied the face, which had suddenly appeared. It couldn't be called ugly but… plain? It was simply the most common face Tepo could ever imagine. Nothing stood out especially. It was a face which would be impossible to remember among a crowd.

"I… wouldn't call you ugly.", answered Tepo honestly. But abruptly after, he frowned. Something else had obviously changed. Quill's hair had turned from green to black.

"Can this mask change your hair color as well?"

"Sure.", admitted Quill.

"Impressive. Will I also receive such a mask?"

"If you join us, of course."

While Tepo was marveling at the possibilities in this world, the ship was slowly advancing. Soon it became apparent why Quill revealed his face, as some soldier's scanned every ship traveling to the city.

But Tepo couldn't focus on the soldiers. Rather, his full attention was captured by the massive ship blocking their way forward.

A behemoth even bigger than the public ships was floating horizontally within the channel. Cannons were mounted on its side. The immense energy slumbering within them could almost be felt from Tepo's position.

Tepo imagined the power those ships could unleash. Were humans able to block them? The young man eyed Quill but the latter appeared nonchalant as always. It seemed like nothing could make the warrior lose his cool.

After passing the soldier's check, Quill and Tepo were guided towards a side channel. Here. a line of ship slowly made their way into the city.

Tepo took in his new surroundings with curiosity. Different from Floating Rain City, Rocky Cloud City was only built on three massive clouds. They almost looked like big meteorites cut in half, housing millions of people.

Rocky Cloud City was one of the most important cities of the kingdom, second only to the capital. The buildings around their ship were prosperous, inhabited almost exclusively by warriors.

The city also housed one of the provincial lords. Propaganda for his strength was already being played on both sides of the channel, with similar methods they used back at the city hall.

Tepo sighed in amazement at the city's liveliness. He had never seen so many people in one place outside of a battlefield.

With the cloud below the wind channel, Quill almost traveled until its edge. Shortly before they were about to merge in the main channel again, Quill had to glide downwards, landing on the ground.

They wouldn't have been able to continue anyways as a large number of stern looking soldiers were blocking the way. Tepo's eyes fell on the main channel. He was wondering what was going on while Quill led him into a street to their right.

Imposing buildings mostly made from rocky materials lined the street. A massive crowd had gathered here, chattering excitedly.

Tepo rose his brows. From some bits of information, he had learned that another kingdom's delegation was on their way to the city. He wasn't sure if this was a good or a bad sign.

With some worry Tepo followed Quill into a certain building. A mix of voices greeted them as they entered through the heavy stone door. An almost overwhelming number of colorful plants made one feel as if entering a jungle.

A few curious gazes eyed Quill and Tepo before concentrating on their conversations again.

Quill was confidently approaching the counter, speaking with a smile on his face:

"Hi. A table for two, please."

The busy bartender was immediately annoyed. He was just about to stop pouring his drinks and shooing the guest away. Seriously, how could someone be this blind? On a day like this their tavern was packed to the brim. How could he have a table left?

But suddenly the man stocked. Unbeknownst to anyone, a small, mysterious light flashed on Quills neck for a second. The bartender stopped what he was doing immediately as he yelled towards a door at the back.

"Dara, a table for two in the VIP area!"

Quickly, a young woman appeared before Quill and Tepo, greeted them enthusiastically and led them up some stairs.

After passing another door the two men arrived at a quaint balcony outdoors. The few fine-looking men and women sitting on comfortable benches in the VIP area showed some polite smiles, studying the newcomers.

Quill and Tepo didn't know anyone here. They sat down on a small table, waiting for the person they were supposed to meet.

Meanwhile Tepo ordered a sumptuous meal before looking down the balcony in interest. Their table was close to the main wind channel, opposite a big plaza full of festive decorations. Soldiers guarded in all directions, some even riding fierce looking beasts.

A group of uniformed warriors surrounded a man on the plaza. On one hand those were another layer of security, on another the were there to stress the might of Hurricane Kingdom.

Even from Tepo's spot he could still fell a certain pressure radiating from those elite soldiers. Obviously, they were of a high rank.

A few minutes later Tepo's food arrived. The young man ate with relish, surprised by the great taste but disappointed at the small portion size. In order to compensate, Tepmodus had to drink one glass of beer, earning him Quill's displeasure.

However, the two men gradually got comfortable around each other. They conversed shallowly until a loud voice suddenly overwhelmed all noises.

"Thank you, citizens of Rocky Cloud City, for your warm welcome! We traveled far and wide from our Tamed Storms Kingdom to strengthen the relationship between our mighty kingdoms!"

As some unenthusiastic applause spread, the onlookers watched the main wind channels. Many had disgruntled faces, stuck here because of the blocked off channel.

But the mighty entourage traveling towards the plaza gradually shut everyone up.

A group of fifty elite soldiers kept stern gazes and immaculate postures as they proudly surrounded a few individuals. The soldiers were riding on majestic looking beasts.

Tepo didn't recognize them, but it didn't stop him from appreciating their broad, lively green wings and elegant long tails. The sharp claws at the end of their wings and two legs proved that these beasts were not only gorgeous but also dangerous.

But the soldiers' mounts paled in comparison to a certain beast flying in the middle of the group. Rivaling Quill's ship in length and possessing a dreamily shimmering green skin, this beast radiated a majesty which awed all onlookers.

Still, it didn't manage to take attention away from the confident middle-aged man standing on its back. With sharp eyes, perfect golden hair, a tall, athletic body, and a gorgeous saber on his waste this man encapsulated what children would imagine under the word hero.

As the man calmly waved at the crowd many hearts were moved, admiring his elegance.

In comparison the low-key beast of a different species traveling behind him with a closed palanquin on its back appeared almost invisible. Only the lively woman standing on the beast's back and enthusiastically introducing the golden-haired man garnered some attention.