First mistake

The test continued for two more hours. Time and again the stones would drift backwards, never letting Tepo reach the other side. This was not only a test of knowledge, but also will.

With the constantly changing environments added in, this test was designed to corrode even the strongest minds. Many new recruits had tried desperate actions as they neared the end of their wits.

Everything from returning to the first platform and refusing to move, to jumping from the fourth row towards the other side only to be knocked down by the examiner.

But in the end the success rate was still rather high. After all, not everyone would be recruited by the organization.

Knowing that Tepo had soloed a dungeon, Quill was confident in his choice. Contrary to popular belief, their organization propagated tenacity and wit to be more important than strength in clearing a dungeon.

Of course, if Quill would have explored the dungeon together with Tepo, the strong warrior could have flattened the entire manor. But if an enemy matching him in strength appeared, he needed intelligence to solve it.

This mindset was mirrored in the test Tepo was going through right now. But the young man had no time to think this deep. He was fully concentrated on his task.

By now Tepo was sweating profusely. Not because of rising temperatures but because he was already struggling with answering Quill's questions.

Standing on the fourth row once more, Tepo narrowed his eyes. He hesitated.

A few moments later, Quill's voice sounded out:

"You took too long to answer. This will count as your first mistake."

Tepo breathed in deeply. He didn't let his mind be perturbed. After twenty hours of learning and two hours of testing he was mentally exhausted. But he blended everything else out. He worked almost mechanically. Quill and Anvil had also stopped playing jokes on him.

Suddenly a faint smell entered Tepo's nose. A sea of plants had appeared all over the floor. The young man stocked. Something about the smell was off. It had the faintest temptation power. It wasn't enough to influence humans, but it drew attention.

Tepo absentmindedly answered another of Quill's questions correctly as he turned his head towards the source of the smell. A batch of flowers grew close to the wall. Each of their petals was painted in a different color, spreading this unique scent.

The flowers surrounded a small stone platform, which had something written on it.

'Say the code word.'

Tepo's eyes roamed the room. The investigator had gradually figured out the patterns. This had to be another puzzle relying on the environment. He recognized many of the plants, but not all of them.

A conjecture formed in Tepo's mind, but he wasn't confident yet. Out of the plants the young awakened recognized, he could only recall the spells of about seventy percent of them. He hadn't memorized the rest. But those he recalled all shared a certain rune.

Tepo furrowed his brows. Should he risk it?

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, the Core of Time shook slightly. It was apparently disgruntled that Tepo neglected it. It was here to help after all!

Smiling wryly, the young man admonished himself. He was a warrior now. How could he forget his core?

Focusing, Tepo carefully activated [Scan]. He made sure to control it this time, not scanning the entire room at once. Directing the ability on a single flower, three small circles immediately appeared in his vision. Runes calmly nestled within them.

Tepo nodded his head. He appeared to be on the right track. He scanned a few more plants.

How nefarious… after a stressful day they still punish your lack of knowledge by forcing you to use up your mental strength. If I hadn't awakened, I could've only gambled at this point.

A few seconds later, Tepo felt some exhaustion creeping in. He stopped. He was confident about his answer. All the plants shared a single rune:


Suddenly movement appeared towards Tepo's right. A single rock was floating towards him. Tepo's chest pounded. The rock appeared like a savior. It stopped in the middle of the fifth row, an unalfis rune lighting up in its surface.

Tepo felt relieved. He hastily jumped on the rock. Nothing happened. The new recruit continued. A small jump… and he landed on the other side in front of Anvil!

He had done it!

"Congratulations.", came Quill's and Anvil's voice at the same time. The room suddenly turned ordinary. The floating rocks built a bridge, allowing Quill to walk over leisurely.

All Tension left Tepo's body. He smiled tiredly. Finally, the test was over. He wouldn't have been able to answer many more questions.

Suddenly Tepo felt a warmth enveloping his body. Anvil took a step forward, offering the new recruit a quick hug. A heavy hand patted on his shoulder, as Quill arrived behind Tepo's back.

At this moment Tepo felt as if he was really accepted as part of the organization. He had found new friends and confidants in Quill and Anvil.

A low hum once more traveled through the tower.

Wave's words sounded form the outside. They had lost some of their former coldness:

"Congratulations, new recruit. You have passed the test. We will hold a small ceremony in two days. Anvil and Quill, you know what to do."

Anvil addressed Tepo:

"How about you take a nap first and we will hold a small celebration in an hour? Then, we can tell you everything of importance."

The young man nodded tiredly. This sounded like a good suggestion. He was also eager to learn more about this mysterious organization. Hopefully the veil would be lifted today.

Since Tepo agreed, Quill stepped forward. The trio crossed another door, entering a small room with a single elevator in it.

Tepo thought of something:

"What about a blindfold?"

"It's alright. You can see the fourth floor now."

Tepo's brow rose. He was a bit curious. What could the mysterious floor hold? And what about the others?

In a good mood the trio traveled downwards again. They passed many closed doors until finally stopping at the fourth floor.

Tepo wanted to observe the room, but he was immediately distracted. Every possible spot was filled with elemental spirits. As soon as the tiny beings spotted Tepo, they began to celebrate joyfully.

Fire danced through the air as water followed. Earth spirits clapped their hands as wind spirits created tiny whirlwinds. It was absolute chaos.

But Tepo, Quill, and Anvil couldn't suppress their chuckles as the cute spirits were happy to welcome a new member.

Slowly the trio made their way through the crowd. From all sites spirits pulled on Tepo's clothes. He had to clap hands with some and carry others on his back.

Only after a couple of minutes did they reach the stairs. Anvil sighed ruefully. The room would be in absolute chaos after the spirits were done. It would take the tiny beings quite a while to clean up.

Once they made it to the third floor, the trio gradually split up. Anvil and Quill went to prepare some food, while Tepo took a nap.

After using a good chunk of his mental strength, not even his excitement could stop the young warrior form falling asleep. He might have slept through the night if a fire spirit didn't come to wake him up.

Still somewhat groggy, the young man made it to the kitchen. A smile formed on his face. There on the table, a sumptuous meal awaited him. Anvil and Quill were already seated, their masks of. The two warriors probably hadn't eaten this much within two days since a long time ago.

Among warriors food wasn't a necessity. Their bodies could easily sustain themselves by absorbing forces. Eating was rather considered a social get-together.

But for Tepo it was still important. Although he and especially the Core of Time were growing impatient, looking forward to finally starting to train as well, Tepo still followed his friends' arrangements.

But the celebratory meal was enjoyable, nevertheless. The food was great and the atmosphere boisterous. Quill, Anvil, and Tepo conversed as the elemental spirits jumped around them. Tepo still didn't really understand the tiny beings. Now only a few remained in the kitchen, with the rest hiding somewhere.

But the young man had a great time. Especially after Quill introduced something special to him. A new drink called Naro Wine. The mellow, fruity taste immediately excited Tepo's taste buds. The slight spiciness of alcohol spread in his mouth. A warm feeling settled in his stomach.

Fortunately, Tepo was resistant against weak poison as a warrior. The normal alcohol couldn't affect him much. He only felt a faint dizziness, but his mind was still working great.

Tepo was glad about this fact, as Anvil solemnly spoke up after the meal:

"Ok Tepo. Let's talk about our organization: The Web!"