Blue Oceans Merchant

Shouts reached Tepo's ears. On a deliberately widened section of the road, many traveling merchants had opened their stalls. They praised their wares loudly. Interested warriors walked among them searching for practical pills or mighty spells.

To both sides of the road, stores were lined up. Compared to the stalls those appeared a bit quieter, trying to portray a superior image. But it was difficult to appear superior when your walls were crumbling and clothes were dirty.

Many of the traveling warriors would judge this part of the city to be an area not much better than slums. But Tepo didn't notice this.

Growing up in a world where a roof over your head was considered luxurious, the young man was convinced by the city's beauty. Even the plants here were groomed at least once a month!

Filled with curiosity Tepo entered the busy market street. Immediately, multiple merchants spotted him. This vague awe in his eyes, these luxurious clothes, young and naive. The perfect customer!

"Haha, young man! Come here, come here!"

An enthusiastic voice reached Tepo's ears. He turned his head. Right next to him was a colorful, simple stand.

A crude table was covered with a red cloth, displaying various wares. Another cloth was spanned above, offering some refreshing protection against the sun. A chubby man sat in a wooden stair, beckoning to potential customers.

Tepo didn't have any deeper thoughts. He was just here to see some local wares. He stepped towards the stand.

"Young man! You look like a mighty warrior at the start of your journey! Are you still searching for spells? Trust me, no one in the entire market can best me in this aspect!"

The owner stood up from his chair, patting his chest proudly. From his facial expression one could really think he alone offered the most powerful spells in the world.

Raising a brow, Tepo looked at the man's materials. He could identify most of them.

"Hmm. Merchant, if those are the best spells the market has to offer, I'm rather disappointed."

The merchant's smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly regained his demeanor.

"Haha. You have a sharp eye, young man. But indeed, you are a bit late. My best wares are naturally selling like hot cakes. If you want some, you have to come early in the morning!"

Tepo wasn't sure how trustworthy the merchant's words were, but it didn't matter. He wasn't here to buy much. The young man only wanted to gather experience.

Just as he was about to continue, a commotion occurred at not far behind his back. A group of warriors in blue armors arrived. Their leader smiled smugly as he yelled:

"Good evening, everyone. You know the drill! We, the Blue Oceans Merchant Alliance will buy whatever you have left. For an adequate price, of course."

Tepo looked at the proceedings in surprise. The newly arrived warriors spread in the street, approaching all the merchants.

Quickly, a warrior approached the merchant Tepo had just spoken to. The warrior smiled brightly, but his eyes looked fierce.

"Trell! My friend! Come on, let me see what you got for us today!"

The merchant didn't dare to delay. He smiled brightly as he replied:

"Dounak! I hope you're doing well. Unfortunately, I didn't get much new stock today! But this stone is not bad. Its Orunaum! You don't see those everyday!"

"Orunaum?", asked the warrior with some greed in his eyes. But quickly he suppressed it, putting on a disappointed expression:

"I guess that's not bad. But I have to say, Trell, you knew that I'm coming today. Why don't you save some treasures for your good friend?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I really didn't get anything valuable. I will do my best tomorrow."

"Oh reaaalyy?", spoke the warrior exaggeratedly. "Then… why did I hear that the Rinara Mercenaries found some Kuranium recently and sold it to you?"

Suddenly Trell's body shook. A drop of sweat ran down his cheeks.

"What are you saying Dounak? Someone must be slandering me! Who told you those lies?! Don't worry, I will personally hold them accountable!"

Trell patted his chest, but the more he spoke the more vicious Dounak's smile became.

"So, you are not admitting, hmm? Who gave you the balls?!"

Suddenly the warrior kicked towards the table. Shock was in the merchant's eyes. A metallic clang sounded out. A cold shudder ran down Trell's spine.

"Oh, but what do we have here?", asked the gangster sarcastically.

Dounak pulled the cloth up slightly. A small metallic box came into view. He grabbed it and opened it as Trell could do nothing but watch in horror. In the box was a blueish stone.

"Doesn't this look like Kuranium, Trell? To me it looks like Kuranium. Hmm. Tell me. Trell. What does this look like to you?!"

The warrior's voice turned deeper and more threatening the longer he spoke. Towards the end even Tepo felt cold.

Meanwhile the merchant scrambled for words:

"This… Do.. Douranek. I can explain."

"Yeah?! I don't want to hear your explanation though!"

With a vicious shout the warrior's hand suddenly clutched Trell's neck. The table shook. The bystanders let out surprised exclamations. And the merchant screamed as Douranek dragged him over the table and crashed him against the ground.

A disgusting sound came from the merchant's back. He screamed in pain. Instinctively Trell curled into a ball and protected his head.

Tepo could tell the merchant was already used to beatings. He protected his vital parts and stayed unmoving. Suddenly Douranek kicked out. He viciously hit the merchant's belly.

A loud squeal escaped the merchant's mouth. He seemed to suffer torturous pain. All the bystanders averted their eyes. Tears and snot ran down Trell's ugly face.

With gaping mouth Tepo was confused by the rapid change in the situation. He could only watch as the merchant was beaten up.

Suddenly eyes turned towards him. Douranek's face lit up. He looked at the young man, greed in his eyes.

"Hey, you! What are you doing? Want to help this fat pig?!"

Tepo came to his senses. The warrior was eyeing him dangerously.

Taking a step back, the young man replied calmly:

"I don't know this man. I'm only passing by!"

"Ohh, really? But why do I think you are a customer?! Maybe you bought some Kuranium? Don't you know that this was reserved for our Blue Ocean Merchants?"

Tepo frowned. The warrior stopped kicking Trell. He turned towards the young man, raising his body. He tried to appear vicious and threatening. On the ground the merchant still cried.

"Kid, if you know what's good for you, hand over that storage bag! Let me see if you have some of our Kuranium!"

Narrowing his eyes, Tepo stared at the smug warrior. If he hadn't yet understood that these supposed merchants were just gangsters in disguise, he would realize it now at the latest.

Although Tepo was slightly inexperienced, he wasn't naïve. Naturally he understood that he wouldn't see his storage bag ever again if he handed it over now. All his belongings would be gone!

Tepo glanced left and right. There were no soldiers in the market. He hadn't seen any patrols within the city so far.

The warrior's comrades also watched this place. Douranek confidently took a step forward.

Suddenly the onlookers gasped in surprise. He young man in luxurious clothes drew a weapon! A gunshot rang out! A flaming bullet shot at the warrior.

On the ground, Trell's eyes shot open. Someone dared to resist the Blue Ocean Merchants? What a pity! This young man's life was over.

A few more gunshots rang out. Bullets accurately shot through the crowd. Angry shouts filled the air.

Douranek was shocked. He reacted instinctively, dodging to the side. But with such a short distance, how could he escape? Pain shot through his body. A bullet pierced his flesh. Some organ was definitely damaged. A burning sensation seared his muscles and dried his blood. The warrior screamed as he fell to the ground.

The other gangsters needed a moment to react. They did their best to deflect or evade the bullets. Still, a few of them were hit. The injuries weren't life threatening, but Tepo's [Infectious Flames] spread quickly.

Tepo didn't stay to admire his shots. He knew he had to get out of here. The young warrior kicked his feet. Swiftly he weaved through the crowd. Some onlookers gave way in horror.

The way Tepo came from was blocked by the gangsters' leader. He could only try his luck towards the other side. As angry orders were bellowed, he shot into another street.

"Little rat! Don't let me catch you!", rumbled the leader's voice through the market street.

Suddenly the [Infectious Flames] went out. Tepo wouldn't waste all his energy on keeping the spell active. He had to be frugal. Who knew if he had to fight off some more gangsters.

The chances were high, as the Blue Ocean Merchants started their pursuit.