
Tepo was on high alert. His knees slightly bent he was ready to move at a moment's notice.

Suddenly a voice appeared in his mind. During his last trip into a dungeon, he already experienced this phenomenon once. He had received the quest to solve the dungeon.

But Tepo's face grew solemn. He never heard about Ahiluscendum. None of the library's books mention such a material.

Although this wasn't too surprising, as he only had access to a small part of the Web's collection, but this showed that Ahiluscendum was definitely a rare mineral.

Fortunately, the naming conventions have been mostly consistent since ancient times. Since his target ended with '-um', Tepo could at least tell that he was searching for a mineral or metal. This prevented him from fruitlessly hunting beasts or plucking flowers.

Tepo tried to focus on some positive aspect in his dangerous situation. This was a strategy he had adapted long ago. In his old life this prevented him from giving in to despair.

Meanwhile in his current situation it helped him to cope with the terrifying beast roars filling the air. Rustling sound came from the towering trees as Tepo tried to understand his surroundings.

The colorful flowers beneath his feet oddly didn't sway as a loud, rumbling roar shook the foliage. A cold shudder ran down Tepo's back as he took a step forward.

Immediately the forest changed again. A towering tree blocked Tepo's vision. Dense green leaves the size of humans covered the sky. Rays of sunlight shone mysteriously through any gap they could find. A thick network of roots covered the ground.

Light fog stuck to the green ceiling. A few insects danced within it, enjoying the cool air.

Tepo turned his head left and right. He sharpened all his senses. But except for a moist, natural smell he couldn't make out anything. No beast roars or sudden attacks. But the more this was the case, the less Tepo trusted his surroundings.

Knowing that he had to figure out the dungeon's rules as fast as possible, Tepo activated his [Scan].

The young man frowned. He studied the trees, bushes, grass, floor, anything. But he didn't receive any feedback at all.

Nothing? In such a strange forest? Is this possible? Is everything here too common or… too advanced for me to detect?

Finding himself between those two possibilities, Tepo drew a sharp breath. Since this dungeon had already devoured multiple teams of warriors, the young man naturally leaned towards the latter possibility.

Coming to a horrifying conclusion, Tepo's body tensed. His mind stayed focused. He was just about to deactivate his [Scan] when something fell into his eyes.

Is this… a circle, right?! But why is it so small?

Focusing on a small spot on the floor not far away, Tepo soon figured it out. Something was buried beneath the ground, with only a tiny part sticking out.

Deactivating his scan Tepo narrowed his eyes, studying the object shimmering in the sun. It appeared to be a kind of metal. A part of something bigger. Obviously handmade. An… armor?!

The more Tepo looked, the more he was sure about his guess.

Someone has been here before. And it obviously didn't end well. This only goes to show that the peace in this forest is deceptive. I better leave.

With nothing more to gain the young man made up his mind. By now he already had an idea about the dungeon's workings. He raised his foot and took a step to the right. Suddenly Tepo vanished.

A moment later holes opened on the towering tree. They were black and deep, reminding of empty eye sockets. Even in their empty state they spread a feeling of tiredness. They slowly closed again.

Tepo didn't know about the tree's movements. He was teleported again.

Suddenly a bone freezing coldness hit the young man. He wasn't prepared. Ice quickly invaded his skin. His blood slowed down. His body went into panic mode.

Blinding light stabbed into Tepo's eyes. It was the son's reflection in a desert of ice. It overwhelmed Tepo's senses.

With a single step the young man fell in life-threatening danger. He wasn't even granted a second to get his bearings.

Only the Core of Time reacted immediately. It shone brightly. It forcefully activated the [Time Dilation: Body] with all its might.

A huge chunk of Tepo's mental strength was used up in a single moment. The insides of his body slowed down instantly. The cold spread slower, his blood not freezing immediately.

But the core showed off more of its tricks. While most of Tepo's body was slowed down, his brain was sped up.

Finding himself in a strange state, Tepo's thoughts raced. He processed the various impressions at inhuman speeds. He reacted at record time.

An order shot through Tepo's body. His right leg moved with difficulties. It took a tiny step backwards.

Tepo vanished, but he wasn't out of danger yet. He still miscalculated, finding himself still within the ice desert.

Feeling the cold on his skin the young man wasn't overwhelmed this time. Still influenced by his core, he took a small step to the left.

Suddenly a warm, tropical air caressed his skin. A refreshing smell wafted around his nose.

Not even two seconds had passed, but Tepo was thoroughly exhausted. As the Core of Time stopped its ability, the young man's mind spun as his muscles spasmed. His heart pumped wildly. He narrowly escaped death this time.

Sweat ran down Tepo's back. He shuddered when the realization hit him.

Thanks, buddy. I wouldn't have made it without you.

This time, the young warrior was genuinely grateful to the Core of Time. If his core didn't have its own will, Tepo would have ended as an ice statue.

His opinion subtly changed. So far, he saw the Core of Time more like a willful child. But he slowly understood that it can be a trusted friend.

Tepo panted heavily as he did his best to recover. He eyed his surroundings, finding himself back in the forest. Below him was once again a sea of flowers, but the young man couldn't tell if it was the same as earlier.

Unsettling beast roars sounded from time to time, but no danger seemed to approach.

Now that I think about it… obviously one gets displaced with every step one takes. But does the same apply to the beasts in the dungeon?

The more he contemplated, the more Tepo felt it made sense. That's why those beasts ambushing the portal didn't appear directly but developed all kinds of long-range attacks.

With those thoughts in mind, Tepo could calm down slightly. It seemed he wasn't in immediate danger…

Suddenly the young man gritted his teeth. Why did he jinx himself?!

Without any signs a tall man appeared out of thin air. He was placed directly behind Tepo, bumping into the unsuspecting young man's back. Shocked, the warrior tumbled and took a step forward. He vanished abruptly.

The captain didn't even get a good look of what he bumped into. But he could still guess it. He found the target!

However, the vicious man wasn't too happy about it. What use was it if he hunted the target down now? First, he had to get out of the dungeon alive!

Not knowing the captain's thoughts, Tepo was shocked. The pirates were still pursuing him!

Cursing them inwardly, he didn't care for his surroundings as he hurriedly steeped towards the right.

The environment changed again. Something was strange about the atmosphere, but Tepo had no time to analyze it. He continued running. He was displaced again.

Suddenly the young warrior's body stopped. His eyes were wide open as he studied his surroundings. Something odd was going on. He had taken multiple steps without teleportation!

Naturally, Tepo met the sudden change with vigilance. He dashed towards the right, leaning against a wall. He sought for some security before analyzing the unfamiliar surroundings.

Letting his eyes roam around, Tepo understood that he appeared in the center of a ruined town. Broken walls made form unfamiliar bricks dominated the scenery. It didn't take long for him to notice the partly complete corpse of a warrior.

This spells danger…

Although Tepo didn't recognize the insignia on the warrior's chest, the man probably came in with one of the earlier teams. He was stronger than Tepo by all likelihood.

Tepo stayed in the shadows, formulating ideas. Above his head the sun was in a strange state of rising hallway. A deceptively gorgeous mix of orange and red light spent the ruined town some warmth.

It created an odd contrast to the dark bricks, the shadowy ground, and the black roots spreading everywhere.

Suddenly the quiet atmosphere was disturbed. A sound reached Tepo's ears. Roots cracked as the fletching of teeth echoed through the alley.

The young warrior recognized that danger had arrived. It was time to move!