How long can the barrier hold?

With tired eyes Tepo finally had time to scan the room.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much to see. Empty bookshelves and a wooden table filled most of the room. A staircase lined the wall, leading upwards and downwards. A few roots somehow made it through the barrier,

Only one direction was still usable however, as the tower's upper floors appeared to be ripped off completely.

Tepo shook his head, sighing as his eyes stopped on the only interesting things in this room. There, slumped on the table were two warriors. Judging from the disgusting smell they emitted they had already left their lives behind.

As Tepo leaned against the wall, slowly healing, he was torn on how to deal with those corpses.

Should I burry them somewhere? But how could I do this within the dungeon? I would have to take the corpses with me. No. This sounds way too disgusting for my taste.

Hmm. Should I really worry about two corpses of total strangers? I can't even guarantee my own safety.

Just as Tepo's thoughts reached this point, raging howls sounded from outside. Scratching sounds reached his ears. The beasts had arrived, searching for a way into the tower.

Suddenly a shadow fell onto the room. The shredded belly of a beast appeared in Tepo's vision. Eyes wide open in shock the warrior observed as a beast found a way to jump on top of the tower.

A white light flickered. Energy concentrated on a single point. A ray of light shot out, puncturing the beast.

Disgusting red-brown liquid splattered. The beast howled in pain, jumping again and vanishing from Tepo's view.

Sizzling quietly, the beast's blood slowly dissolved on the energy barrier.

Tepo sighed in relief. This was a good sign.

At least I'm save for now. The only question is… how long can the barrier hold? How is it powered?

I can only hope for the beasts to give up some time.

With a certain feeling of security, Tepo gradually lost his tension. Despite constant howling and two corpses in the room the young man couldn't stop himself from falling asleep.

Two hours later Tepo opened his eyes. He slowly moved his body. Although he wasn't in top form, he already felt much better than earlier.

Scraping and howling still annoyed his ears. The beasts never left the tower. Maybe a few new ones had even arrived.

Tepo leaned his head back, his eyes directed towards the never changing heaven.

Looks like the sun never moved during my sleep. Come to think of it… why is there even a heaven in dungeons? Is it even real? Could it be reached?

Tepo thought about odd philosophical questions, doing his best not to address the decision he was struggling with. But when his stomach began to complain the young man had to face reality. He would eventually run out of food.

Sighing heavily, the warrior stood up. He hesitated slightly as he walked towards the two corpses slumped on the table.

"I'm sorry guys. But I have to think about my own survival."

Apologizing with a sad smile, Tepo studied the corpses from up close.

Come to think of it. How did those two die? There is no danger within the tower, is there? Hmm.

The veins on their hands are black. Something sticks to their mouths. Froth? Were they poisoned?

Tepo grew apprehensive. As far as he knew, warriors who entered the dungeon so far were only stronger than himself, not weaker.

If the poison was easily transmittable, he could still be in a potentially fatal situation.

But at this point it was necessary to take some risks. Therefore, Tepo gritted his teeth. He took of the bloody cloth form his neck, reached out and carefully took the two men's storage bags.

Immediately he activated [Infectious Flames], setting the cloth on fire and burning it to ashes.

Still apprehensive Tepo opened the storage bags, emptying their content on the floor.

A small pile of items appeared out of nowhere. Tepo started rummaging through them, sorting everything out.

Let's see… clothes, weapons and armor I can put aside. I don't recognize the insignia, but it probably wouldn't do me any good if this armor would leave the dungeon with me.

All kinds of materials are left. Runarium, Losurium… I only recognize a few of them.

But wait. What's with this flower? Isn't it form this dungeon? Did they take it with them? Same for those branches and fruits.

Suddenly Tepo drew a sharp breath. He remembered the Web's purpose as an organization. Wasn't it to gather all kinds of materials form dungeons?

Guess I was too preoccupied with saving my life. Well, I will take those plants with me for now.

Those two warriors even had the leisure to grab some of the bricks outside. Are those also interesting? Maybe I can even sell a part of everything here…

Tepo shook his head as he put everything into his own storage bag. He recognized that his behavior was hypocritical. He felt bad about it, but he didn't regret his actions.

I only regret not having found any food…

To the young man's dismay both warriors didn't carry and food with them. Either they consumed everything themselves or they didn't need it in the first place.

Tepo cursed himself for coming to this dungeon with his strength. If he had at least broken through the aspirant rank and became an acolyte, he wouldn't have a need for food anymore.

But an aspirant was still at the beginning of their path as a warrior. Despite their physical capabilities they still had much in common with unweakened humans.

Tepo looked around the room, his brows wrinkled. He had to solve this basic problem of food if he wanted to survive. Outside the tower, beasts were still waiting for him. They wouldn't grant him the time so forage for food elsewhere.

Tepo circled the room as he contemplated his options. Suddenly something fell into his eyes.

Curious, the young man approached the stairs leading downwards. After only a few steps it was oddly blocked by a thick and dense network of roots. Like a black wall they blocked the way forward.

But something stood out. Strange, white marks had appeared on the dark wall. Looking closer, it was a result of someone damaging the roots. Even tearing some off.

It could have only been those two warriors. Don't tell me… did they eat these roots? Were they poisoned as a result?

Tepo eyes widened. This was definitely a possible explanation. If the warriors were within the aspirant rank, they wouldn't have been able to survive without food.

Suddenly a cold shudder ran down Tepo's spine. He saw his own future in those two corpses.

No. I need to do something! At worst I leave the tower and fight it out! I won't die like this!

Just then, as Tepo's eyes were shining with determination, the Core of Time pulsed lightly. It tried to communicate with its host.

Hmm? What's going on? Do you have any solution?

A weak desire radiated from the core. Tepo was confused. Sometimes it was difficult to interpret the core's meaning.

Turning left and right, Tepo thought about various things, but the core didn't react. Only as the young man reached out with his hand, nearing the roots, did the feeling get more intense.

Tepo's body trembled.

No. What are you trying to do? Do you want to kill me? Just say it if you want another host. I don't mind.

Despite inwardly grumbling and complaining, Tepo already stepped forward. He grabbed a root with both hands and pulled heavily.

Although the young warrior was apprehensive, he didn't doubt his core. It had saved his life often enough to get Tepo to trust it completely.

After a short tug-of-war the warrior held a dark root in his hand. It was wooden, rough, and a disgustingly smelling liquid dripped from the place it got torn off of. In short, it was everything Tepo wouldn't like to see in his food.

Are you sure this is edible?

The young man received no answer to his question, but the Core of Time's stance was clear.

Smiling wryly Tepo contemplated taking the only empty chair left, but this was too creepy even for him. Therefore, he just sat down on the staircase as he eyed the unappetizing root in his hand.

Here goes nothing…

Tepo closed his eyes, opened his mouth wide, and took a large bite.

Abruptly the warrior had to urge to choke. An odd, rotten feeling filled his mouth. Tepo's body cramped. As the liquid went down his throat it felt like snails crawling within his body.

Tepo chewed exaggeratedly on the crunchy root. A moment later the young man swallowed.

Time seemingly froze. For a moment nothing happened. Suddenly Tepo felt his body heat up. His heart beat faster and faster. A black color began to spread in his blood. Tepo's skin felt itchy.