Big ravine

The path before Tepo opened up. A big ravine threatened to devour everyone who took a wrong step. The young man couldn't tell where it came from. If it was a natural disaster or a strong warrior's attack. But it didn't matter.

Endless darkness without a floor separated a part of the town.

With a wildly beating heart, Tepo sped up even more. He pushed his body to its limits. The full power of a six-circled aspirant showed itself.

But the ravine was too broad. Tepo estimated that he wouldn't make it. But it was not the time to hesitate.

Another loud rumble sounded from Tepo's back. The beast was already close. If it wasn't apprehensive because of the fire, it might've already jumped on its prey.

Tepo could feel it. The pressure. The lust to kill. The palpable hunger.

The hairs on his body stood up. The warrior knew he couldn't stop for even a second. As soon as the beast's hunger overcame its instincts, it was game over.

Tiny dust clouds rose as heavy footsteps slammed against the ground. Tepo's muscles tensed. He concentrated all his mental strength as he activated [Chaotic Evasion].

Just like once before the young man was determined to control the spell. A jolt went through his body. The runes lit up. The spell was about to pull Tepo into a random direction.

But the warrior didn't agree. His mental strength influenced the spell. Under his efforts the spell directed its power into a forward movement!

Suddenly accelerating, Tepo raced at the abyss. He reacted hurriedly. At the very edge of the road, he pushed and jumped into the air. A few pebbles loosened, rolling down the ravine.

Tepo's limbs rowed. He sailed through the air. An inexplicable pull reached out from the darkness. The young man didn't dare to look down, concentrating on the other side.

After a few excruciating seconds Tepo landed. He only went to his knees slightly, dampening the impact. Full of momentum the young man continued running, jumping on some wooden platform which barely held on.

He turned around. Time seemingly slowed down as the warrior held his breath. His black pupils narrowed. He drew his gun.

Crazed yellow eyes met Tepo's. Drool dripped from a way too wide maw. Dark, lacerated skin glistened dangerously under the orange sun.

The chasing beast looked unnatural as its long, lanky limbs pushed it into the air. The ravine was no serious obstacle for it. Soon its prey would run out of energy, the flames dying out, and the flesh ready to be consumed.

But unfortunately Tepo didn't comply with the beast's wishes. He flicked his finger. Another bullet entered the gun's barrel.

In one smooth motion the warrior raised his arm and fired.

The beast was too big to be missed. Suddenly it had shock in its eyes. Its instincts screamed danger. A tiny piece of metal was shooting towards it.

On the ground the beast might just ignore the bullet. There was no way it would get hurt from it. But in this situation, it was different.

The beast swiped its long claw hoping to divert the bullet. But Tepo had planned accurately. The moment the beast jumped, its fate was already sealed.

Suddenly an explosion sounded out. It was one of Tepo's special bullets. Fire and steam hid the beast's body.

A moment later the dark skin was revealed again. It was unhurt. Only one limb showed some injuries.

But this wasn't Tepo's goal anyways. He grinned as he noticed the beast's reduced momentum. There was no way it would reach this side of the ravine.

The young man stored his gun and turned around. Fire swirled around his body. He vanished into an alley.

Behind the warrior's back a miserable howl sounded out. With a heavy impact the beast crashed into the stony cliffside of the ravine.

Blood flowed from its body. Its head was dizzy. It burrowed its claws into the rocks but continued sliding down the cliff until it vanished into the darkness.

Tepo grinned confidently as he slowed down his run slightly. Despite being continually refreshed by the dark roots, his body and mind still felt some exhaustion.

The young man had to calm his emotions for a moment. After all he just got rid of a beast above the aspirant rank.

As he calmed down, Tepo jogged through the town. Eyes followed him carefully, apprehensive because of the fire and the miserable howl. As the apex predators of this world, it had been a long time since the beasts last heard their brethren cry like this.

Therefore, Tepo finally reached the town's outskirts with relative ease. A big wall spanned the entire town. It used to hold off beasts until it one day failed at its job. Since then, multiple breaches littered it and many sections crumbled with time.

Even the large gate wasn't able to hold on. Large, metallic metal bars littered the ground before Tepo. They were bent and dented, rusting away with time.

Tepo grew solemn as those were evidence of the power some beasts could unleash. Since no beast was chasing him, the young man's brain had room for other thoughts.

Reminded of the web, he took one of the metal bars into his storage bag before climbing his last pile of rubble and leaving the town.

There wasn't much to see outside the town. The same dark roots covered the ground, their source unknown. A road used to connect the town with the rest of the empire. It used to be full of life, teeming with merchants and other travelers.

But now only darkness was left. This world was bleak and only beasts seemed to survive. Once more Tepo was reminded of his old life and the grueling fate which the World of Endless Depths had to suffer.

Just as the young man was lost in thoughts, a sound reached his ears. His soul shook as he reacted instinctively. Tepo threw his body forward.

Roots cracked. Tepo rolled on the ground before pushing himself up with one hand. He landed on his feet, as his eyes focused on the spot he stood until a moment ago.

Two massive beasts had arrived. They jumped out of the town, not prepared to let Tepo go.

Their minds struggled. Apprehension was evident in their eyes. Although they still were weary of the fire, the thought that the human prey might get away pushed them into action.

Tepo breathed deeply. He stared at the two disgusting beasts. He gritted his teeth.

F*ck. How unlucky. I have no good plan for outside the town. Whatever. Let's fight it out! I'm an expert in disposing of crazy creatures! I can still deal with two beasts!

Tepo pumped himself up as he faced two beasts with strength rivaling a nine-circled aspirant. He didn't back down. This fight had to be won! There was no other option!

With those thoughts the warrior moved first. He drew his weapons as he jumped backwards.

With a loud bang flaming bullets shot out. The beasts reacted quickly. They jumped towards the side. But Tepo adjusted. His next bullets hunted down one of the beasts.

With a ripping sound the bullet buried into the beast's body, flames searing its muscles.

A pained howl sounded out. The other beast, which had sharp spikes all over its body didn't miss the opportunity. It dashed at Tepo.

The warrior's eyes narrowed. He watched the tall monster advancing with blood lust in its eyes.

Suddenly Tepo jumped to the side. It was just in time. The beast threw its body forward, seeking to knock its prey to the ground.

Tepo saw a chance. Since the fire gradually lost its deterrent effect, he canceled [Infectious Flames]. He switched. [Rapid Chaotic Pierce] was activated at the same time as a projection of the golden Core of Time appeared in the air, using the same spell.

In only a moment knifes rained down on the beast's side. Pieces of skin ripped off. Blood flowed out. But ultimately the beast proved to be sturdy. It growled in pain and jumped away.

Just then Tepo noticed something from the corner of his eye. The other beast's mouth enlarged strangely. The warrior had an ominous feeling. He mover hurriedly, trying to stick to the spiked beast.


Suddenly Tepo's anxious shout sounded out. He hastily canceled his core's [Projection] ability. He was just in time as a disgusting, dark green liquid sprayed from the beast's mouth.

It covered a large area. Even the spiked beast wasn't spared. It roared angrily as the liquid corroded its skin.

But although Tepo protected his core, he himself was reeling in pain. A large amount of liquid landed on him. It burned into his face, neck, and shoulder. The warrior gritted his teeth as his skin burned, his muscles spasming.

He quickly jumped backwards, eating another piece of root. But even the miraculous green energy couldn't help quickly this time. It only stopped the liquid from spreading further as it began a slow recovery.