
Tepo's eyes roamed the palace garden. Not much of its former beauty remained. Thick roots had sapped the life out of the soil.

A few gnarly remains of trees barely held on. They couldn't provide nutrients for their leaves anymore. The former colorful world of plants had turned bleak and dark.

Only close to the palace grew a few bushes and grasses which could protect some of their lifeforce.

Tepo sighed faintly as he took out the recording metal. Together with the two brothers he analyzed the image. Naturally the bench had long fallen apart but maybe at least the layout could still be compared.

Sharp gazes studied the former garden. One by one the warriors ruled out different spots. After a few minutes Lao Ru pointed towards the left as he spoke up:

"It has to be somewhere over there. Although one tree is missing, but this is the only area which comes close."

Tepo gazed at the spot circled by a few barren trees as he nodded.

"I agree."

As the trio began walking Lao Ru didn't hesitate long. He directly summoned his ghosts and let them search the ground. It only took a short time before they returned.

"Master. I found something, but I can't grab it!"

Lao Ru and Tepo looked each other with knowing eyes:

"I think we got the keystone. It's time to burrow."

As soon as Tepo spoke, some life returned to Lao De.

"Haha. Let me do it. You two scholars aren't meant for hard work!"

Tepo looked at the burly man strangely.

We are warriors as well, you know! What do you mean not made for physical work?! And anyways, have you looked at your brother?? With his build he leaves every construction worker in the dust!

But contrary to his thoughts Tepo just smiled faintly as he answered:


Lao De asked the ghost to point out where the keystone was hidden. He grinned as he rose his arm. His muscles bulged, showing off deliberately.

Lightning gathered on the warrior's fist. Suddenly his arm shot forward. Tepo couldn't even follow. Lightning flashed. A hole was blasted in the ground.

Earth and rocks splattered everywhere. The warriors hastily jumped back. Suddenly a blinding light hit their eyes as the keystone sailed through the air.

With a grin Lao De jumped up and grabbed the shining crystal.

"Got it!"

Tepo looked between Lao De and the huge hole where only some faintly smoldering roots remained. He shook his head but didn't comment.

Lao Ru was naturally used to his brother's way of doing things. The warrior studied the keystone for a second before turning around. He began to talk while walking:

"Good. Now we found one keystone. But we are still missing another one. Do we have any clues?"

"Let's return this one for now and discuss later. We might've missed something."

Furrowing his brows Lao Ru looked at Tepo suspiciously. But the young warrior kept a natural expression. He didn't give anything away.

Soon the trio was back in the control room. Lao De reluctantly gave the keystone to Tepo, who placed it in one of the empty sockets.

Suddenly a pulse ran through the energy barrier. Outside, the beast was curled up on the ground. It shot up abruptly. As the energy barrier expanded it roared angrily. Its massive claw swung down.

But the barrier barely budged. It became way sturdier all of a sudden. The beast could only retreat.

Previously dim parts of the palace brightened up. It reminded of an ill patient suddenly recovering.

The three warriors didn't notice much of the commotion though. They stayed within the control room, contemplating expressions on their faces, but each for different reasons.

Tepo hesitated. But he soon came to a decision. The two brothers haven't shown even a bit of malice towards him all the way. It was time to offer them some trust.

Suddenly Lao De and Lao Ru had shock on their faces. Another source of light filled the control room as Tepo suddenly pulled a keystone out of his storage bag.

Lao De's loud laughter rang through the room:

"Haha. So you already had the keystone?!"

"You didn't dare to reveal it to us?", asked Lao Ru with a neutral expression.

"Sorry guys. Maybe I was too careful."

"Don't apologize for doing the right thing!", admonished Lao De suddenly. "I also don't trust anyone but my brother. Even those in the sect constantly compete with dirty means!"


Tepo nodded with a wry smile. Lao De's words took away the little guilt he felt.

"Yes. Hiding the keystone is just being careful. I would've done the same. Don't worry."

"Thanks for your understanding. I'm glad you aren't falling out with me."

"Of course."

Feeling relieved, Tepo put the last keystone in. Suddenly the energy barrier expanded again. A mysterious pressure radiated from the palace.

Expect for the towering beast, no others dared to stay within the entire mountain range. With terrified roars they left, brining disaster to the surroundings.

Somewhere in a ruined town the armies had strange expressions as their eyes fell on the palace far away.

Muran angrily smashed a pile of bricks to dust.

"F*ck! They tricked us! F*cking b*stards!"

But the three warriors left in the palace didn't care for the soldiers anymore. They gradually felt some excitement. A powerful weapon was about to be used by them.

Suddenly a rumbling sound reached their ears. Dust trickled from the ceiling. The trio directed their eyes forward where a big dark shaft led from the control room to the floors above.

Gradually a few lights flickered, turning on and directing everyone's attention towards a platform which slowly descended towards the control room.

With a low thud it landed on the floor. The three warriors didn't hesitate to step on it. Infusing a minuscule amount of force the platform rose again.

Shakily the elevator passed by outside the emperor's bedroom and carried its passengers towards the top of a massive tower.

A light breeze played around the three warriors' clothes. They arrived at the top of a flat tower. Their eyes immediately focused on the massive metallic turret-like weapon before them. Finally, they had reached the Sun's Punishment!

Its long barrel gleamed mysteriously under the rising sun. A fiery power radiated from it even in its deactivated state. It was placed on a movable platform, able to eradicate everything in a large radius around the palace.

Tepo drew a sharp breath as he diverted his eyes. He could barely imagine the might this weapon could unleash and the skill it would take to build this masterpiece. He wondered if the kingdoms in the Carrying Winds World were able to construct something similar.

Let's hope not. Or many lives would be in danger.

As his gaze swiped the rooftop, Tepo stepped towards the small wall preventing someone from falling off the edge.

"This empire had a lot of tricks up their sleeve.", marveled Lao Ru as he stood next to the younger warrior.

"Indeed.", agreed Tepo.

He knew what Lao Ru was talking about. Both of them learned form the notes that this place couldn't be seen from the outside.

Observing from before the palace, this tower appeared to have a closed off roof.

"Hey! What are you doing! Let's activate this baby! Lite a fire under those beasts' assess!"

Tepo and Lao Ru chuckled as Lao De's excitement was evident in his shout. The burly warrior couldn't wait to destroy things with his new toy.

Tepo didn't hesitate. The young man carefully eyed left and right as they approached the Sun's Punishment.

Lao Ru was confused for a moment before the veteran's eyes lit up. He had a guess what Tepo could be worried about. His own vigilance increased as well.

"Finally! Why are you two staling? Go, activate this thing!", ordered Lao De his allies.

Tepo nodded calmly. The young man stepped onto the movable platform and sat down in a comfy chair. A small console was before him.

Deliberately moving slowly, Tepo reached out with his hand. He had already connected with his storage bag. If he wasn't wrong… any second now…

Suddenly a deafening noise sounded out. The elevator broke as it crashed into a wall. A shadowy figure shot through the air.

Lao De was surprised but Lao Ru reacted immediately. A spear shot out.

But it only hit a cloud of smoke!

Abruptly after the attack, the cloud churned and shot forward. It threatened to engulf Tepo. Light flashed. A dagger slashed out.

"You dare!"

With a loud roar Lao De reacted as well. He turned into a bolt of lightning, shooting towards the cloud of smoke.

With a muffled grunt the cloud dispersed. It couldn't compete with the speed of Lao De.

But it didn't need to! A black cloaked figure suddenly appeared on the other side of Tepo! Although its body was somewhat unsteady, the figure achieved its goal!

They knew a small aspirant couldn't stop it!

A white force shot out of the figure's weapon. It radiated unparallel sharpness as it aimed for the Sun's Punishment.