
A streamlined blue ship mixed into others in a broad wind channel. Tepo kept a low profile. With his mask on, the soldiers observing the wind channels from time to time didn't recognize him.

The young man sighed. He should've just obediently traveled along the wind channels in the first place. Why did he have to be a busybody and investigate the signal?

On the other hand, his experiences proved that risks came with rewards. He would've never gotten his hands on the Ahiluscendum without taking risks.

Now the rare nine-runed spell was stored with the intelligence agents on Quill's advice. As a member of the Web, he could have things delivered to other towers.

Therefore, Tepo was without worries as he neared his hometown. He was looking forward to hearing from his mother again.

After a while the young man controlled his ship to land on a cloud. He jumped out, his eyes taking in the picturesque scene before him. He had arrived at the 'Treasure Storm Inn' again.

This time the warrior fitted in much better. With a light scar peeking out of Tepo's red scarf and the confident aura of a six-circled aspirant, some warriors avoided him in respect as he entered the door.

Tepo took a seat enjoying the lively atmosphere. Warriors were boasting about their exploits as a fair lady sung an uplifting tune.

Ordering some food and drink the warrior took out his com in eager anticipation. He couldn't wait to invite everyone for a meeting.

With expectant eyes the young man sent out a call.

A few moments later a connection was formed. A joyful female voice spoke up:

"Tepo? Honey, is it you?"

"Mom. Yes, it's me."

Tepo choked more than he had expected. His emotions churned as he listened to his mother's voice.

"That's great! I haven't heard of you for a few months. I was worried something happened to you!"

"No. No. Don't worry, mom. I'm doing great! Your son is now a strong six-circled aspirant. I can protect myself!"

"That's great to hear. So, this organization you joined hasn't mistreated you?"

"No, they are great. I have powerful seniors. We get along really well. I'm not allowed to talk too much about it, but this organization is definitely impressive."

"I'm relieved to hear that. I'm happy you're doing well."

"Of course, mom. I even have a lot of freedom, so I came to see you. I'm at the treasure storms inn."

"You are..."

For a moment Reahva's voice was stuck in her throat. The gentle woman held back her emotions.

"Of course you are close. I totally ignored the com's range.

I would love to see you honey!"

Tepo's lip quivered slightly. He noticed the complicated emotions in his mother's voice. Apparently, she was so excited by his sudden call that she was somewhat rattled.

"Great, mom. Then I will just try to call my friends, ok? I see if they have time as well so we can meet altogether. I will call you back as soon as I know more."

"Alright, honey. I also haven't seen your friends in a while. I'm looking forward to it."

"Ok bye. Call you later."


Tepo took a deep breath. An indescribable feeling hit him. He, who had no mother in his previous life, only experienced even more intense emotions.

It took the young man quite a while until he calmed down. Even his remaining food had already turned cold.

But as someone who deeply appreciated the value of food Tepo naturally continued eating. Meanwhile he fiddled with his com, trying to reach his friends.

The warrior first called Nocia and Ganaph. Although he knew that the two women planned to leave the city, he tried his luck nevertheless.

Unfortunately, he couldn't connect. As the expected outcome arrived Tepo could only shrug his shoulders and call Yerive.

But this time it was somewhat unexpected that he received no answer again.

Tepo frowned. But he thought that his best friend might have managed to get a job outside the city as well.

Therefore, only Parton remained. But once again Tepo couldn't connect.

With incredulous eyes the young man stared at his com. If he hadn't just talked to his mother, Tepo would suspect if the device was damaged.

The young man tried Yerive and Parton again, but he didn't receive an answer.

Frowning in confusion Tepo was questioning what his best friends might be doing. He could only hope that everything was alright, and they joined some strong organizations outside the city.

Shaking his head the young man called his mother again:


"Yes, honey. Did you call your friends?"

"No. I didn't reach them. Do you know if they left the city?"

"Hmm. I'm sorry but I haven't heard from them in a while."

"Well, it's alright. But since this is the case let's meet at home."

Suddenly some concern mixed into Reahva's voice:

"At home? No, honey. Let's not take unnecessary risks. The 'Treasure Storms Inn' sounds good."

Tepo's frown only deepened as he listened to his mother's words:

"Why? Has the mayor been troubling you? Or is he searching for me?"

"No. He has been laying low for some time. But I'm still not comfortable with taking the risk."

"Then don't worry too much, mom. I have my own means."

"You…", Reahva let out a faint sigh. "Alright. You are a warrior now. I trust you know what you are doing. But at least promise to meet me at my store. It's less suspicious than at home."

Tepo gritted his teeth. Inwardly he cursed Taren Raunej a million times for preventing him from returning home. But ultimately, he could only comply with his mother's wishes.

"Ok mom. I promise. I will be at your store in an hour or so."

"Thanks, honey. I'm only worried for you."

"I know."

"Good. See you later."

"See you later."

As the call disconnected Tepo stared at his com with a helpless expression. All his plans had been rendered useless. He wanted to celebrate his return in the 'Treasure Storms Inn' but now he could only visit his mother.

And thanks to the mayor he couldn't even come back to his own home.

Suddenly a crunch sounded. Tepo looked down on his hands. The warrior hadn't even realized it as his fingernails dug into the wooden table.

Letting out his frustration with a sigh Tepo finished his meal. Soon after he paid and left with his ship. Fortunately, no one chased him this time.

About an hour later the young man reached the Floating Rain City. He fondly observed the clouds to his left and right as he followed the wind channel.

Although the Floating Rain City couldn't compete with others in prosperity it had its own charm. Commoners could lead a good life here as warriors kept to themselves.

Tepo had to admit that under the Hurricane Kingdom's reign life wasn't too bad.

Soon the young warrior reached his target. A busy cloud appeared before him. Under its big sail a lot of people hurried left and right, conducting various businesses.

This cloud was the commercial center of Floating Rain City. Locals jokingly called it the block of a thousand oddities. This name originated from the many indiscernible materials which arrived in the treasure storm zone not far away.

All sorts of boastful claims reached Tepo's ears. A unique atmosphere could be felt in the commercial center. Since even the merchants were often unable to estimate the prices of all goods, bartering became a common practice.

 Tepo strolled down a busy road. From time to time, he glanced at some goods on display. But with his newfound knowledge the young man could often discover faked goods made to entice gullible warriors.

Those merchants are quite brave. Aren't thy afraid of retaliation?

Suddenly a young girl of at most thirteen years fell into Tepo's eyes. She stood before a merchant's stall, staring at a shiny marble-like material with her big innocent eyes. She wore a fine dress with her long, blond hair tied into braids.

The merchant put on a gentle smile as he spoke to the girl:

"Kid, do you like this shiny stone? I'll make you a good price."

"Yes! But mommy said I'm not allowed to spend all my money again…", exclaimed the blond girl first in excitement, then with a subtle mood.

Opposite her the merchant's eyes lit up. He almost rubbed his hands as he was certain of an easy deal.

"Don't worry. Don't worry. Your mommy won't scold you if you show her this… ehm… soothing-life-ium."


"Yes, yes. Exactly. Soothing-life-ium is a wondrous stone keeping all evil spirits at bay. It's especially useful to such a delicate little girl like you. It will prevent you from being kidnapped by evil spirits!"

A faint shiver ran through the girl's body. She turned her little head left and right, fear in her eyes.

"Are… are there evil spirits around us?"

"Not right now. But at night…", the merchants voice trailed off ominously.