Your talent

Far outside the Floating Rain City there was a group of three smaller clouds. They carried some buildings, having enough space for a few thousand people. Small wind channels ran between them with big blue sails keeping the clouds in place.

Spacious ships docked on the clouds, carrying groups of people to the dungeons not far away.

These were the headquarters of Lirane Minerals Group.

On a slightly larger cloud stood a luxurious manor. No one dared to disturb the peace here as this was where the sole president of the group lived.

At this moment, Tondka Senior was sitting in a comfortable lounge. A black-haired middle-aged man sat opposite him. Both men laughed heartily as they tasted from the delicacies provided by some servants.

Suddenly a knock could be heard. Tondka Senior turned towards the huge wooden door with a smile.

"Come in!"

The door opened, revealing a finely dressed young man. He wore a modern blue shirt with its sleeves turned inside out. His slick black hair was styled expertly, giving him a handsome and elegant feel.

With a practiced smile on his face the young man entered the room, looking at his father.

"Haha. You are finally here, my son. Let me introduce you. This elegant gentleman is vice-president Inarim Eramuos.

Mister Eramous, this is my son Tondka Lirane Junior."

Tondka bowed politely towards the important guest.

"Excuse my late arrival, Mister Eramous. I was too immersed in my training."

The middle-aged man kept a kind face. He stroked his thin beard as he nodded at Tondka Junior.

"Not bad, not bad. It's always good to be diligent. You can't be complacent just because of your talent!"

"Yes, mister. I will keep your valuable advice in mind."


Tondka Senior observed this interaction with delight. Obviously Eramous was looking favorably upon his son.

"You came at the perfect time, my son. Mister Eramous and I were just discussing further cooperation. Come, sit here!"

Tondka Junior nodded. He took a seat on the comfortable cushioned armchair his father pointed at.

"Back on topic, Mister Lirane. We are very interested in your offer to increase the Sonarium delivery by a hundred percent."

Hearing those words, both Liranes were startled but excited at the same time. This deal would basically make Mister Eramous their exclusive customer, but they both recognized this chance.

"Absolutely, Mister Eramous, absolutely! We would gladly improve the relationship between our Lirane Group and your Astram!"

"I'm glad to hear this. Naturally, we will give you a satisfactory price.

Furthermore, what do you think about letting your son learn from us, so he can see a wider world."

"Of course!", agreed Tondka Senior immediately. This time the man wasn't able to hide his joy anymore.

"This will be my son's fortune. Naturally he will give it his all."

"That's great to hear.

I'm delighted we could have such a pleasant conversation, Mister Lirane. If you now excuse me, I will inform my colleagues. Let's continue the negotiations another day."

"Of course, of course. Don't worry Mister Eramous. We won't run away!"

Pleasant laughter rang through the room as the men shook hands. One might think they were best friends as they said goodbye to each other.

Only Tondka Junior sat at side, his smile somewhat strained.

After Mister Eramous left the father turned towards his son. His eyes were full of joy and pride.

"Did you hear this, my son? You will get the opportunity to learn from Astram! It's all due to your talent that we can connect with such bigshots. I always knew that you would surpass your old dad."

Tondka Junior looked at his father, but he couldn't share the enthusiasm. He had a bad feeling about Astram. He wanted to speak up but in the end the words were stuck in his throat.

"Son, this will be our rise! We don't have to carefully dance around others anymore. With Astram at our back, our influence will soon spread beyond this small city!"

Sighing inwardly, Tondka Junior could only nod his head.

"Just be careful not to let Astram find out about our mishap!"

Suddenly Tondka Senior gritted his teeth. Only thinking about it made his anger rise.

"This b*stard! Who gave them the guts to empty our dungeon! F*ck!

Now we need to abandon number two temporarily and start operations in number three! Such a waste of time!

Fortunately, we still have enough sonarium on stock to last us for a while. But if Astram asks for more we are in a tight spot.

We have to procure a fourth dungeon core! Tondka, have you organized a team?"

"Yes, dad. They will leave for the treasure storm zone tomorrow. Grazu will personally lead the team and I even found some cannon fodder."

"Good, good. You are responsible as always."

Subsequently Tondka Senior began to remind his son about the thousands of things to take care of when he joins Astram. The conversation went on for hours, until the three moons slowly made way for the bright sun again.


The next day. Tepo woke up in his bed after a short sleep. He got up, groggy eyes looking at the handsome man in the mirror.

Putting on his clothes he went downstairs and had a joyful breakfast with his mother.

Afterwards Reahva went to work, allowing Tepo to sneak out through the opened door with his [Minor Stealth] skill.

A short while later Tepo arrived at a place he knew very well. It was Tonam's Inn where grandpa Radac lived.

Tepo went inside, ignoring the scattered guests eating sweet fruits for breakfast. He went up some stairs, arriving in a small hallway with multiple doors. Tepo knocked on one of them.

"Come in."

As Tepo opened the door, he furrowed his brows immediately. He gazed at Yerive, who was put on a crude bed. The youngster had his eyes closed, multiple injuries covering his body.

A strong smell of medicine permeated the room. It mainly originated from a middle-aged woman in a white robe who took care of Yerive.

Next to them stood Radac with a faintly worried face.

"Morning. How is it going? Has Yerive not woken up yet?"

"Yes. His injuries are more severe than I thought. But they can still be treated. It's just… the situation is a bit strange."

"Why do you say so?"

"By all means he should've at least woken up once. But he doesn't move. I feel as if his mind is reluctant."

Tepo and Ranac exchanged a look. Now the young warrior knew why his guardian wore such an expression.

"Can we do anything to help Yerive?"


Tepo was confused as the middle-aged healer hesitated.

"You have to promise me that what I say will never leave this room, alright?", whispered the healer.

Tepo was taken aback but he and Radac nodded calmly.

"Your friend might have a bigger problem than only his injuries…"

"What?", questioned Tepo in apprehension. Worry was obvious in his eyes.

"Shh. Don't alarm others.

I hate to tell you this, but your friend is poisoned."

Suddenly Tepo's body shook. But Radac wasn't surprised. Obviously, the experienced man was already able to tell.

"The youngster has swallowed the poison of a Blue Striped Shuár. This is a common snake-like beast, but its poison is used by many organizations to keep their more… rebellious… members on a tight leash."

"What?! Who dares to do something like that?!!"

Tepo lashed out before quickly suppressing his voice. His head turned red from anger. He couldn't imagine who…

No! Haven't I seen it yesterday? But why would Yerive join Lirane?! Did they force him?

Radac sighed faintly as he watched Tepo. The old man explained with a neutral expression:

"Unfortunately, this is just normal practice. Many forces form around one strong core and opt to control all others with various means."

Tepo shook slightly. He thought about his own situation. Although the Web valued freedom, who is to say that the mark on his neck couldn't be used to track him down?

Doing his best to suppress his chaotic emotions Tepo tried to calm his mind. He asked with a faint trembling voice:

"So how can we help Yerive? There needs to be a way!"

"Normally...", spoke the healer. "… does the poisoned person need a small amount of antidote every day. And with a large amount they could be cured directly…"

"That's great!", interrupted Tepo with bright eyes. "I have some antidotes with me. Let's give them to Yerive!"

Radac and the healer both smiled wryly.

"Unfortunately, general antidotes don't work. This is the reason why the Blue Striped Shuár is so commonly used. Only antidote made from its own brain is effective.

And compared to poison which can be harvested continuously, the brain is naturally much rarer."

Suddenly Tepo's skin paled. His stomach churned as his thoughts felt obstructed, as if weighed down by a heavy anker.

Radac observed the young man, sighing. He reprimanded Tepo with a stern voice:

"Tepo! Why are you panicking now? Set your mind straight and contemplate your options! If you don't get the antidote, your friend will die within one day!"