Conflict with someone

Some time passed as a meeting was going on in the base's main building. On normal days the atmosphere during these meetings was uplifting as the next big transactions were discussed.

But right now, everyone wore tense faces. From the leaders around Viora who sat on a higher table, to the trusted subordinates who sat on rows of benches below.

This was the first time Endgu was eligible to take part in such a meeting, but in his dreams he imagined the situation more delightful. The old man sat among other group leaders in the last row while Voria's rage-filled voice echoed in the room.

"I have already contacted Mister Lirane. You can imagine his reaction. All of you better start looking for another job. If you want to have any chance of staying, find the culprit! Quickly!"

Everyone present shivered. They racked their brains, trying to come up with any useful suggestions.

"B… boss!"

One brave guard finally dared to speak up. But as Voria's eyes fell on him the woman almost growled, her eyes spewing poison. The guard who spoke up was actually one of those tasked with protecting the ratking.

"You still dare to speak here?! It's already generous of me not to put a robe around your neck and hang you outside!"

An invisible pressure emanated from Voria but the guard took a deep breath and reported with a trembling voice.

"Boss. I know I f… failed but I can explain myself. Right… Right before the ratking died, we heard a… a noise from outside. We went to investigate. I'm sure I found the right spot… but there was no one outside."

"Isn't this as good as not saying anything?! Are you joking with me? Are you tired of living?!"

While Voria vented her anger, another man siting close to the vice-captain suddenly wrinkled his brows. He wore a fine grey suit, not matching the typical image of a warrior. But it did suit his role as the business official in charge of base number three.

The finely dressed man suddenly pulled out a few documents, remembering a report he received.

No, no, no… yes, that's it.

After browsing for a short time, he looked at a young face. It was an ordinary looking man with wavy brown hair. He is said to have had a conflict with their group.

Here. That's it. He is suspected to have a stealth skill!

Voria also noticed her colleague's movement. After yelling at the guard for a while she turned her head towards the suit wearing man:

"Oreaf, did you actually find something?"

"Yes. Look at this. We got into conflict with someone recently who is suspected to have a stealth skill."

Voria gritted her teeth as she almost teared the paper out of Oreaf's grip. A tense silence fell on the room as the vice-captain read the report.

A minute later she turned the paper around, showing it to the room.

"Here. Has anyone of you seen this face before?!"

So far Endgu had been content with his place at the meeting. Sitting in the last row, feeling like he belonged but not actually adding anything to the discussion.

The old man felt rather nonchalant as he looked towards the front at the picture shown by Voria.

But suddenly his eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets. He almost hyperventilated as he recognized the face. He felt like throwing up as his mind raced.

Oh f*ck f*ck f*ck! Oh no, I'm in deep trouble.

Endgu panicked, his hands shook. He quickly lowered his head. He was torn between speaking up and keeping quiet.

If I admit it, it is uncertain if I can keep my head. But a few people have seen that guy. However, only Marou is really important. If I can get her to help me hide the documents I might…

As Endgu was still contemplating, two voices suddenly spoke up almost at the same time.


The old man's body trembled as he recognized Marou. But the situation would've still been salvageable if it wasn't for another female voice.

"Now that I think about it. Wasn't this man among the workers I tested earlier?"

As Voria remembered Tepo, Endgu's world spun. He felt his end was approaching.

"Who has allowed this man into the dungeon?!"

The vice leader's menacing growl shook a few guards awake, their heads turning towards Endgu. Marou also repeated what she wanted to say just now:

"I have seen him in Endgu's team…"


A short while later the meeting ended. Two guards carried a pale corpse away under everyone's pitying eyes. The other guards gathered around Voria as she made her way towards the factory building.


Stuck within the crowd of workers, Tepo frowned heavily. He had an ominous feeling. He was certain he would be found out over time. He had to come to a decision before that!

Observing his surroundings he didn't manage to come up with any clever plans. The guards stared at the workers closely. Tepo was certain that if he tried to incite the crowd, he would be killed preemptively.

At this point in time the guards weren't playing nice anymore. Any suspicious individuals had to be eliminated.

Tepo's heart began to beat erratically. His instincts screamed at him. The warrior knew that the danger increased with every passing second. He had to act! Now!

Suddenly panicked screams rang out. Chaos came into the crowd. Like a storm forming in an ocean the workers began pushing and pulling.

The reason for this was the guard who went to the floor after a knife cut their throat.

Immediately all the guards were alarmed.

"Over there! We got him!"

"All guards, apprehend him!"

Tepo's surprise attack quickly took out one of the guards guarding a gate. His partner was frozen in shock by the sudden change. This was perfect for Tepo. He wasted no time.

The young warrior gathered all his strength in his legs. He took a step back. His heel dug into the ground.

With a loud shout Tepo threw his body forward, his right foot first.

Bang! Bang!

Suddenly two loud sounds deafened everyone's ears. The wall trembled slightly. The heavy metallic gate burst open with a rumble.

At the same time Tepo let out a low grown. A bullet hit his waist! Unprepared, the impact pushed his body, disrupting his clean kick and almost breaking his leg. Only his passive defense prevented worse from happening.

With no time to lose Tepo couldn't care about the guard shooting at him. He hastily dashed out of the building.

Outside, six guards were holding the gate. Two of them were knocked out by the momentum, looking as if hit by a train. The others were shocked but reacted quickly. Their weapons abruptly swung towards Tepo.

The escapee knew he couldn't be caught up in a fight. He activated [Chaotic Evasion] and [Time Dilation: Target] together, with the target being himself.

Suddenly the warrior dashed past the guards. For them it looked almost like teleportation.

Even Tepo had difficulties processing this speed. Compared to [Time Dilation: Body], which sped up everything within his body, [Time Dilation: Target] worked outside of his body, making it difficult to get used to.

But the combination of one skill and one ability worked great. It allowed Tepo to bridge a considerable distance in a single moment.

Immediately the young man vanished between two factory buildings, leaving behind a chaotic scene.

"What are you standing there?! Go out and catch him!"

Angry orders were yelled quickly. Almost all guards began moving. Alarm bells rang throughout the base.

Suddenly loud steps could be heard. Voria and her followers arrived at the scene.

"You better tell me good news!", shouted the vice-captain.

One unlucky guard just so happened to stand before the raging woman. His hands shook as he stammered:

"We… w… we know who… who the culprit… is."


Voria understood the situation at a quick glance. Her fist shot out angrily, hitting the guard's stomach, who immediately went to the floor.

Tepo wasn't far away yet. He also noticed the new arrivals.

It was the right decision to escape! But what now?

Activating his [Minor Stealth] the warrior scurried along the roads. He stuck close to walls and dampened his steps as good as possible.

Meanwhile Voria directed the guards. On her order they scattered in all directions.

A minute later Tepo was sneaking through a path between two buildings. He had a target in mind. Adrenaline shot through his body, but the seasoned soldier kept a calm mind.

Voices of guards could be heard from time to time. They scouted the entire base, leaving no stone unturned. Tepo knew that even his stealth might not be enough this time.

Suddenly steps reached Tepo's ears. He wanted to turn around, but guards appeared on both ends of the path he was on. They blocked all escape routes as they readied something in their hands.

"Just as the vice-captain said.

One, two, three, now!"