
Tepo and Yerive stared out of the window in shock.

A while ago they had reached one of the places where a hole in the overworld allowed a broad beam of light to reach the underworld. The caravan had basked in the light for quite a while despite its high speed.

But suddenly a huge shadow engulfed them. Tepo and Yerive almost expected an attack but the Earth Fire Sect disciples remained calm.

A few of them even opened windows and waved outside.

A loud noise echoed through the surroundings, defending many ears. It sounded somewhat childish, resembling a long, drawn-out, happy chuckle of a baby.

The two friends stared at the sky in surprise. There, an enormous being was majestically traveling at the top of the underworld. It was mostly snow white with some wavy blue lines circling its body, vaguely separating it into segments.

A lot of huge wings, or maybe fins, lined its body on the left and right. Its white tail was incredibly broad, stirring the air with every heavy flap.

Its head on the contrary was rather thin, almost fox-like, with a long snout and sharply tipped ears.

With only a single gaze, Tepo and Yerive immediately understood that this creature was one of the Ronáriph, the majestic flying beasts ingenious to this world.

Tepo turned back to Yichén with a sigh.

"What a beautiful creature."

"I know right? The Ronáriph always had a special place in the hearts of everyone. The have been living in this world for so long, a lot of legends and wonders surround them."

"That's understandable. I can imagine the early humans even treating them like deities as they observed them shrouding the sky."

"Definitely. Even today there are groups praying to the Ronáriph. Although most of them hope to learn the secrets of the overworld from them."

Tepo's brows rose in curiosity as Yichén spoke openly.

"Hmm? What secrets?"

"If I could tell you, those wouldn't be secrets.", chuckled the red-haired young man.

"In fact, no one knows what's in the deepest parts of the overworld. The Ronáriph are the only one who can travel there but they don't take anyone with them."

"So, the overworld isn't fully explored?"

"Far from it! From our assumptions the overworld should be an enormous mountain range if looked at form above. It takes even our elders a long time to search a single mountain."

Tepo and Yerive were both fascinated as they looked towards the sky.

They had their own guesses in their minds as the caravan continued and the Ronáriph calmly disappeared in the distance.

After this scene the train fell silent. Only low chatter could still be heard from time to time. Some of the youngest disciples even tried to get some sleep in.

Tepo continued staring out of the window lost in thoughts, while Yerive and Yichén conversed happily.

The caravan traveled along one of multiple predestined roads. Rocks cracked below its weight as it climbed hills and mountains. It constantly neared its target.

But suddenly another sound could be heard in the first train. Tepo frowned as a high-pitched hissing sound reached his ears.

"Enemy attack!"

Without any prior sign a massive spear was shooting through the air. Alarm bells rang within the train. The serene atmosphere was immediately interrupted.

"Who dares?!"

An angry shout shook everyone. The disciples jumped to their feet. Tepo and Yerive had shook on their faces as they looked around.

Suddenly a deafening rumble sounded out. A shockwave shook the surrounding mountains as a strong explosion deflected the incoming spear.

"Tepo, Yerive! Come!"

The disciples stayed surprisingly calm, showing off their discipline. Yichén pulled Tepo and Yerive up.

"We need to get out. The stone trains are not a place to fight!"

Orders were quickly relayed through the train.

"Leave the trains! Stay together! Don't try to be a hero!"

The caravan came to a standstill as all the sects gathered outside. They built a line with the trains in their backs and their comrades to the left and right.

At the front of every train appeared strong, senior warriors. They scanned the surrounding valley with narrow eyes.

Suddenly a middle-aged man with his black hair slowly graying appeared at the helm. He radiated an enormous power as his thunderous voice rattled the mountains.

"Wang Guo! I know it's you! Come out and fight like a real man!"

Sparks spread as the man balled his fists.

For a moment silence fell on the valley. But suddenly a vicious laughter echoed. A low rumble sounded out as a giant of a man shot through the air, jumping down from one of the surrounding mountains.

A small crater was formed as the man landed, his impact shacking the earth and causing a huge dust cloud.

"Hehe I was wondering who could be protecting the caravan. So, it's the famous Bursting Holy Fire!"

"You know it's me, but you still don't escape with your tail between your legs? Who gave you the guts?"

"Ha! Don't overestimate yourself old man! If you don't want my spear to drink your blood today, obediently hand over the caravan!"

"Wishful thinking!"

"You asked for it!"

As tension between the two strongest combatants grew, a myriad of steps slowly sounded in the valley. Warriors appeared from all over. Their faces were vicious and ready for battle.

"Red Alliance!", growled Yichén.

Next to him Tepo took a deep breath. Who would've thought that avoiding Seven Strikes brought them straight into another battle?

"Yerive. Only fight to stay alive! Protecting the trains isn't our job!"

Yerive gulped as he heard Tepo's hissed words. His thoughts were chaotic, his vision somewhat blurry. He didn't understand how his friend could stay this calm and collected.

Suddenly a strange power spread at the front of the caravan. It emanated from the elder as well as Wang Guo. A strange Red and Black sphere expanded in the air as it hid the two strongest warriors within.

An immense heat and a metallic sharpness destroyed its surroundings while the sphere slowly floated upwards. The two powers making up the sphere mixed and clashed, shaking the air and earth.

Tepo eyed the scene with awe in his eyes. He didn't understand what was happening. Was this the fight of high-ranked warriors?

Unfortunately, the young man didn't have more time to stay distracted. Various long-ranged attacks shot towards the convoy. The Blue Alliance retaliated in kind. A chaotic fight began. Close-ranged fighters dashed towards the trains.

Tepo was immediately reminded of his old war days. His mind focused, blending out the pained screams of wounded soldiers.

He concentrated on his immediate surroundings. An arrow engulfed in freezing cold air shot towards Tepo. He pulled out his pistol, aimed, and shot!

Arrow and bullet met in midair. Although the arrow reinforced by a spell was not stopped completely, it was enough. At least it wouldn't reach the trains like this.

Tepo acted like a veteran. He knew this would be a fight of endurance rather than strength. The Red Alliance didn't have overwhelming numbers on their side. This war would be decided by the two high-ranked combatants.

Tepo constantly brought down projectiles as he did his best to advice Yerive as much as possible in a short time.

Rumbling explosions and hissing projectiles dominated the battlefield. From time to time a Blue Alliance member screamed in pain or a Red Alliance member fell during their sprint.

But after a short moment the two sides finally clashed.

"Red b*stards, you will pay for this!"

"Blue Idiots, give up the convoy!"

Shouts, screams, cries, and insult rang out as the enemies met.

No one would be polite in a war. Numerous [Scan] were used as no one dared to fight someone way above their level. Apparently, the Red Alliance also got the order to play it save.

A tall man approached Tepo carefully. His scan was unable to see anything, but Tepo didn't give him a dangerous feeling nevertheless.

The young man on the other hand frowned. His enemy was a nine-circled aspirant. This would not be easy!

Abruptly, Tepo moved, trying to get the initiative. His knife shot out in a tricky angle, aided by [Subtle Strike]. A loud clang sounded out. Tepo didn't use all his strength, quickly pulling back before the counterattack arrived.

The young man's feet moved hurriedly as he adapted an agile fighting style. He didn't forcefully clash with his opponent, always prioritizing his own safety.

Next to him Yichén fought way more aggressively. The senior brother showed of his might. With excitement in his eyes, he rained down burning fists, keeping three enemies at bay by himself.

Tepo didn't know which rank Yichén had but he estimated him to be somewhere around the mid- to high-ranking acolyte.

Again, Tepo's knife hit his opponent's sword. But it seemed the enemy finally had enough from Tepo's fighting style.

"Stay still, coward!"

With a loud shout the tall man activated a spell. A roar shook Tepo's ears. A massive pain shot into his head. Tepo's vision blurred for a moment, but his opponent perfectly grasped the chance, swinging his sword towards Tepo's neck.