Revealing Ethan Thompson Mystery Woman 1

"What about Henry?" Ava asked in a low voice but Harper was too busy obsessing over herself to hear her.

"Ethan will fall for me." Harper declared boldly. As Ava watched her, she couldn't help but ask, "Why do you sound so sure?" Since Harper hadn't heard her first question, she decided not to ask again. 

It wasn't time to make Harper aware that she knew about her and Henry. 

"Why shouldn't I?" Harper asked back, "you think he'll resist me?" "Does it matter what I think?" 

"Can anyone resist my daughter?" A voice asked and Olivia walked in. Beside her were two maids pulling shopping backs inside. 

She stepped closer and spread her hands, her bangles dangling and making clinking sounds. 

Embracing Harper, she said, "Even I can't take my eyes off you. Unlike someone we both know, you are pretty and you know how to pick the best men."

"I took after you, that's why I can be this stunning." Harper took a few steps away from her, "I think I should be on my way." 

"You should my dearest, go get the man you deserve," she said, waving her. She turned to Ava, her eyes flickering into a cold gaze, "Where have you been all day Pest?" She asked, her voice dripping with disdain.

"I went out to…"

"Save it, I don't want to hear. Just make sure you are always at home, and don't spoil our name, especially when your wedding is in two days." She spoke harshly to Ava.

"I'm in a good mood today. We'll soon be in-laws with the Thompsons." She stepped away from Ava heading for the coach, "You better not ruin my mood." She dropped on the couch.

"Get me a cup of tea," she ordered and Ava nodded before walking into the kitchen.

As Ava stepped into the kitchen, a pang of worry gripped her. She may have spoken with Ethan, but she could however not shake the thought that he may not agree to her proposal.

She opened the kitchen cabinet on her left and took out a set of teacups, Olivia's favorites. 

"What took you so long?" Olivia asked immediately Ava appeared in the sitting room. Ava knew better than to reply. She placed the tray of tea on the table with a small thud.

She handed Olivia a cup and watched as she sipped from it slowly after blowing on it. 

Olivia spat out the tea immediately she took a sip, "What nonsense, did you forget to add sugar to this? Why does it taste so plain?" She yelled and Ava flinched. 

She has never been able to satisfy Olivia. Never.

"I thought I added enough sugar?" 

"Oh so now I'm lying?" "No, I didn't mean that. I just-"

"Come have a taste then." Her voice was low, too low for the type of anger brewing within her. The plan was simple: she would force this hot tea down this stupid girl's throat. 

Reluctantly, Ava stepped forward. Just as she was about to take the cup, she noticed Olivia's hand coming towards her from the corner of her eyes and flinched suddenly dropping the cup, her hand hit the tray and sent the tea pot and cup crashing on the floor.

The tea spilled everywhere. 

Ava shook in fear. This was Olivia's favorite tea set, she had imported them from China herself.

She stood straight, her eyes pinned on the damage she just caused, immediately she lifted her head, Olivia's hand collided with her face.

The slap was so heavy that Ava's head fell to the side, a burning pain spread across the left side of her face.

"How dare you stupid Pest, do you know how expensive this tea set is?" Olivia's chest heaved up and down, she gritted her teeth, "I warned you not to soil my mood didn't I?" 

Ava fell on her knees immediately. This was not entirely her fault. She had flinched in fear when she saw Olivia's hands unexpectedly moving towards her. But she knew it was useless stating that.

"I'm sorry," her eyes were red and tears filled it to its brim, but she held it in. 

"You're sorry? Like sorry is going to fix this, huh? I know you have always harbored this thought, breaking this tea set was an intentional act from you," 

Maids peeped at the little drama from their various hiding spots. They watched in pity as Olivia dealt cruelly with Ava. 

"You'll have to pay for this set, you know how expensive it is right? I don't care how you do it, but I'm having this tea set before you get married." She said then she kicked Ava hard across her knees before walking past her. 

Ava felt her heart twist with pain as she watched Olivia leave. She stood and cleaned up the place before going to her room and shutting the door.

She didn't know what she'd do about the tea set yet but she refused to allow that to be a part of her worries. For now, she had a lot of things demanding her attention.

She washed up before settling into bed. She lay on the bed tossing and turning. She has not had proper rest since she caught those two shithead cheaters. 

Her head was always spinning in thoughts. She had to get her company back. She planned on approaching a lawyer tomorrow in regards to the shares she handed to Henry.

Just as she was about to drift into sleep, her phone rang, it was Henry. He has been using a new number to call her. He thinks he misplaced his phone, but unknown to him she had it.

Not wanting to speak to him, she ended the call. 

Her phone rang again, but this time, it was a call from Lila, "hi there-"

"Go online right now," Lila's voice resounded from the other end, "is there a problem?" 

"I don't know yet, just go." The phone beeped.

Ava did as she was told, she didn't need to scroll too much befor stopping at a catchy headline. "Revealing Ethan Thompson Mystery Woman."