Hunting Practice

As the siblings navigated the desolate streets, five or six zombies, resembling headless chickens in their disoriented state, lurched towards Emily and Alex, the sound of their footsteps acting as a morbid siren's call. The creatures were drenched in a thick sludge of black blood and grime, their decaying bodies emitting a stench so foul it could turn the strongest of stomachs.


Their attire, once perhaps ordinary and vibrant, was now a mottled mess of filth, the original colors lost to the ravages of time and decomposition. The wounds inflicted upon them—bites that had turned them into the undead—were rotting, teeming with maggots that feasted on their decaying flesh. In some cases, the decay was so severe that bones protruded from their ribcages, a stark testament to the ravages of their transformation. Their eyes, clouded and gray, stared vacantly ahead, while black blood dripped incessantly from their mouths, a gruesome reminder of the infection coursing through their veins. The oppressive summer heat only served to exacerbate their decay, filling the air with an odor so noxious it clung to the insides of one's nostrils.


Emily, having faced zombies countless times before, had long since become desensitized to the initial shock of fear and disgust. Her brother Alex, on the other hand, was not as fortunate. The overwhelming stench hit him like a wave, and he found himself retching violently, emptying the contents of his stomach until nothing but dry heaves remained. He stood up, his face pale and his body weak, his eyes filled with concern as he looked at his sister. Despite their mental fortitude and preparation, the sheer intensity of the zombies' stench had taken him by surprise.


Emily, ever the supportive sister, patted Alex comfortingly on the back and handed him a bottle of water to cleanse his palate. Her mind wandered back to her previous life, when she had first encountered the undead up close, a powerless survivor struggling alongside her daughter to eke out an existence amidst the chaos. It was a time of desperation and fear, but it had also been the crucible in which her abilities had been forged.


As she pondered the nature of abilities and the crises they faced, Emily cast a glance at her brother, contemplating whether to engineer a perilous situation that might awaken his own latent abilities. Yet, the risk was too great, the possibility of harm too severe, and there was no guarantee of success. With a heavy heart, she decided to shelve that idea for the time being. "I'll show you how it's done," she told Alex, determination in her voice. With that, she gripped her long knife and charged towards the approaching zombies. As the five undead creatures lunged at her with outstretched arms, Alex prepared to join the fray, but Emily moved with a swiftness and precision that left him in awe, dispatching the zombies as if they were no more threatening than dandelions in a breeze.


This display of skill and strength did more than just vanquish the undead—it ignited a spark of confidence within Alex. As more zombies appeared on the horizon, drawn by the commotion, Emily stood her ground, her gaze steady. "You want to practice, right? Go ahead," she encouraged him, stepping back to allow him the space to fight.


Alex, emboldened by her words and his own burgeoning confidence, met the zombies head-on. He danced with death, his knife a silver streak in the gloom as he stabbed, slashed, and sliced with a newfound ferocity. Two zombies fell to his blade, their lifeless bodies crumpling to the ground. The remaining pair proved more tenacious, but Alex held his ground, his blade a relentless extension of his will. His hands trembled slightly, not from fear, but from the exertion of battle.


Seeing that Alex was beginning to tire, Emily rejoined the fight, impressed by her brother's resilience and his ability to take down so many zombies on his own. Alex paused to catch his breath, his body slick with sweat and blood, while Emily remained almost pristinely clean. "I need more practice," he admitted, his voice heavy with the realization of the challenges ahead.


As they continued their grim training in the waiting hall of the station, an ideal arena for honing their skills amidst a steady stream of wandering zombies, Alex and Emily remained vigilant, their backs to each other for safety. They practiced with deliberate slowness, reacquainting themselves with the harsh realities of the apocalypse. They understood that they must grow stronger, for the zombies would evolve, and the battles would become even more perilous.


After dispatching about a dozen zombies, Alex had become quite adept, his movements precise and his strikes lethal. Just as fatigue began to weigh on him, a zombie lunged at him with a ferocity that caught him off guard. In that moment of despair, just as he resigned himself to his fate, a surge of energy coursed through him. With a flick of his hand, a bolt of lightning arced from his palm, striking the zombie with a force that sent it crashing to the ground. Before the creature could rise again, Emily's knife found its mark, severing its head and ending its threat.


Stunned, Alex stared at his hand in disbelief, then a smile spread across his face as he summoned a ball of lightning, a testament to his newfound power. Emily, examining his hand with a mix of relief and pride, reminded him of the energy cost of his ability. "That's great! You've awakened a powerful offensive ability. But it seems to drain you quickly. Let's go home and rest. We can continue later. If we push ourselves too hard, we'll be in danger." Realizing the extent of his exhaustion, they retreated from the station, slipping back to their car with the stealth of shadows, ready to rest and prepare for the battles that lay ahead.


It was already afternoon, the sun hanging heavy in the sky as it began its slow descent towards the horizon. Emily and Alex spotted a large shopping mall, an ideal target for their next round of supply gathering. They parked their car strategically, hidden from sight but close enough for a swift exit if needed. Emily, ever the strategist, suggested they gather supplies from the mall, a place that promised a treasure trove of resources.


As soon as they entered the mall, the air was thick with tension, broken only by the shuffling steps of three zombies who had once been customers, now trapped and wandering within the confines of the building. With swift precision, Emily dispatched the undead, her blade slicing through the air with a hiss. After activating her ability to scan the area and confirm that no other threats lurked in the shadows, she turned to Alex and whispered, "Let's see if we can find some supplies."


Their search began in earnest, and the siblings quickly discovered the bounty that the mall had to offer. The city, known for its affluent residents, had not disappointed. The parking lot was a veritable showcase of luxury vehicles: Ferraris, Mercedes, Lamborghinis, and even RVs. Emily's eyes scanned the rows of gleaming metal and glass, recognizing the potential in these machines. It seemed a shame to let such fine vehicles go to waste, so she resolved to claim them for her own.


With a thought, Emily stored the Apollo, Bugatti, Rolls-Royce, Koenigsegg, Hummer, and several RVs in her space. Among the RVs, one stood out—a two-story behemoth worth millions, equipped with puncture-proof tires, a hybrid engine, and bulletproof windows. It was a mobile fortress, complete with a living room, bathroom, kitchen, and bedrooms, and a roof that could be opened for a panoramic view during patrols. The Hummer, with its high clearance and robust engine, was another excellent choice, perfectly suited for navigating the harsh terrain of a post-apocalyptic world.


Next, Emily and Alex ventured into the clothing section, where they collected an assortment of garments for men, women, and children. They left no stone unturned, grabbing bags, shoes, and accessories. The supermarket was their next stop, where they replenished their stock of paper towels, building blocks, soda, dairy products, chocolate, cookies, energy bars, jerky, nuts, fresh produce, milk powder, sugars, body wash, sanitary products, shampoo, conditioner, and disinfectant. For their pet, Duke, they gathered cat food, dog food, freeze-dried treats, toys, and clothes, ensuring that no need was left unmet.


The siblings also collected wheat juice, red and white wine, recognizing the value of high-proof alcohol in their new reality. They didn't overlook the skincare products, face masks, eye creams, makeup, and appliances like refrigerators, TVs, and induction cooktops. Small appliances were also carefully packed away. Moving through the bedding section, they selected everything from down duvets to cooling and heating blankets, ensuring comfort in any weather.


The home furnishings section yielded beds, sofas, recliners, tables, and chairs, all of which found a place in Emily's space. They ascended to the third floor, where a large outdoor sports store awaited. Bicycles, tents, athletic shoes, jackets, bows, and crossbows were added to their inventory. To their delight, they discovered solar-powered mobile batteries and generators, invaluable for powering essential appliances like air conditioners and heaters.


As they prepared to leave, the glint of light on metal and gems caught their eye—the jewelry section. Without hesitation, they collected all the gold, diamond, and jade jewelry, along with valuable antiques. As the old saying goes, "In times of peace, antiques are valuable, but in times of chaos, gold is king." These precious items could prove useful in unforeseen circumstances.


Time slipped away as they worked, and before they knew it, they had amassed a collection of supplies that would serve them well in the days to come. Emily and her brother drove back to their home, the car now laden with the hopes of survival. They were acutely aware of the impending natural disasters that would turn the parking garage into a watery tomb. Emily used her ability to survey the underground parking garage, ensuring a safe passage back to their sanctuary.


Once home, they showered, washing away the grime of the day, and changed into clean clothes. Refreshed and renewed, they returned to their space, ready to prepare for the challenges that the apocalypse would bring. With each passing day, they grew stronger, more resourceful, and ever more determined to survive.