After Storming

The typhoon, a tempest that had raged for twenty days, finally succumbed to the calm, and the rain-laden clouds dispersed to reveal a clear, azure sky. With the storm's abatement, government rescue teams made their arduous journey to the stricken city. However, the red waters, a consequence of the relentless downpour, had yet to recede, leaving the rescuers with no choice but to moor their boats at the entrance of the building. A somber announcement echoed through the complex: orders had been received to evacuate only the most vulnerable— the elderly, the infirm, the weak, and the disabled. The remainder of the residents were instructed to remain in their homes. A murmur of discontent rippled through the community, with some residents voicing their objections to what they perceived as an inequitable selection process. They argued that it was unjust to focus solely on the elderly, the weak, women, and children. Desperation fueled their actions as they surged towards the boats, hoping for a chance at escape. The rescuers, faced with the rapidly deteriorating situation, swiftly ushered the most vulnerable aboard and departed, leaving behind a wake of frustration and despair.


In the confines of the apartment building, those who had been left behind vented their frustrations in a cacophony of curses and shouts as the boat receded into the distance. But as the vessel shrank to a mere speck on the horizon, they were left with no recourse but to trudge back to their homes, heavy-hearted and uncertain.


During the hasty rescue operation, Emily had steadfastly refused to let her parents and child join the exodus with the rescue team. She was now endowed with the capabilities to shield them from harm, and more significantly, she was unwilling to part with them again, the fear of loss a palpable force that spurred her to keep them close.


As night fell, Emily and Alex engaged in a solemn discussion about the wisdom of venturing out at dawn to assess the state of their surroundings. They quickly reached a consensus. With the first light of morning, they secured Duke within the space and stealthily made their way downstairs. Upon reaching the fifth floor, they were met with the sight of a corridor littered with debris and grime, yet devoid of any human presence.


The red water, having risen to the fourth floor, had effectively sealed off any further descent. Undeterred, Emily and Alex clambered out of a window, and with a swift motion, Emily retrieved a small boat from the space. They nimbly leaped into the boat and began to paddle away, navigating the once-familiar streets that now lay in ruins, their former grandeur reduced to a haunting skeleton of the past.


The typhoon and the red rain had seemingly vanquished the zombies from the streets, leaving an eerie silence in their wake. The siblings paddled cautiously, their hearts filled with equal parts relief and apprehension, unsure of where the undead had retreated to. Guided by a glimmer of hope, they steered the boat towards a mountain within the city limits, contemplating the idea of introducing more life into their space by raising livestock. With the intention of finding animals that had withstood the deluge, they released Duke from the space, and as a team, they embarked on a search across the mountain, their eyes peeled for any signs of life amidst the devastation.


Duke led the way, its keen sense of smell and innate instincts guiding him through the desolate landscape. Emily and Alex treaded cautiously in its wake, their ears attuned to the subtlest of sounds, their hearts burdened with the worry that lurking dangers might pounce from the shadows. Despite the prolonged absence of any zombies, the siblings could not shake off the unease that survivors might be lurking, remnants of the undead that had withstood the flood's ravages.


It wasn't long before Duke's enthusiastic digging in the soil caught their attention. Emily, intrigued by its behavior but choosing not to intervene, soon heard a series of high-pitched squeaks that tugged at her heartstrings. As they approached, they discovered a nest of baby rabbits, their soft fur a stark contrast to the harsh world around them. The tiny creatures, no more than a month old, blinked up at the siblings with innocent curiosity. Alex, with a gentle touch, cradled each rabbit and placed them into a cardboard box handed to him by Emily. With a nonchalant air, she deposited the box into the space, already envisioning the joy that these new additions would bring to her little girl.


As the trio ventured further into the mountain's embrace, they stumbled upon a group of pink-skinned animals. Upon closer inspection, they identified them as pigs, a small herd of twenty or thirty, who had likely been raised in a nearby farm and sought refuge from the typhoon's wrath. The pigs, unafraid and seemingly accustomed to human presence, continued their foraging, unperturbed by the newcomers. Emily, Duke, and Alex advanced with careful steps, their hearts quickening at the prospect of adding these animals to their sanctuary.


Working in tandem, Emily and Alex swiftly managed to capture one of the pigs, its surprised squeals echoing through the quiet mountain air. They deposited their catch into the space, only to be met with a chorus of alarmed grunts from the rest of the herd. The pigs, now alerted to the potential danger, began to scatter, their haste causing them to bolt in various directions. Duke, quick to react, took on the role of a shepherd, dashing in front of the fleeing pigs to block their escape routes and guide them back towards Emily and Alex. Those who resisted his guidance were met with a firm nudge or a gentle bite, a reminder of Duke's protective nature.


In a coordinated effort, Emily and Alex chased the pigs from behind while Duke continued its herding from the front. It wasn't long before the siblings managed to corral all the pigs. Unfortunately, two of them had succumbed to their panic, their lives cut short by collisions with unforgiving trees. The siblings were left with the somber task of collecting the fallen, a stark reminder of the fragility of life in the midst of chaos.


The day's work was far from over as Emily, Alex, and Duke returned home, laden with the responsibility of processing the captured pigs and integrating the baby rabbits into their growing menagerie. The challenges of the day had been many, but so too were the rewards, as they had managed to secure a more sustainable future for their family amidst the uncertainty of the post-apocalyptic world. With each new addition to their sanctuary, they took a step further from the brink of desolation, weaving a tapestry of life and hope in a world that had all but forgotten such luxuries.


As they continued their ascent along the mountain path, the siblings stumbled upon a small herd of stray goats. With a burst of energy, Duke sprang into action, its legs propelling it toward the unsuspecting animals. The goats, startled by the sudden pursuit, scattered in a flurry of bleats and hooves, but Duke was relentless in its chase. The mountain path, slick with the remnants of the storm, proved to be the goats' undoing. As they slipped and stumbled, Duke seized the opportunity, deftly catching up and pinning the goats to the ground with its sturdy frame.


Emily, quick to follow, gently collected the goats, her hands steady and her movements careful to avoid causing distress. Alex and Duke continued their coordinated efforts, a dance of chase and capture that saw the goats swiftly rounded up. Emily trailed behind, a silent sentinel who methodically stored the captured animals into the space, her mind focused and her actions precise.


With the day's light waning and their hearts full of the success of their venture, Emily and Alex agreed it was time to return. The weight of their haul was a testament to their resourcefulness and a promise of sustenance for the days to come.


Upon reaching the apartment complex, they swiftly concealed the boat, ensuring their activities remained unnoticed. With a sense of urgency, they made their way home, eager to unload their treasures and assess the day's bounty.


As they re-entered the space, a cacophony of activity greeted them. Pigs and goats roamed freely, their new surroundings a stark contrast to the mountain's wild terrain. Among them, the little rabbits that Chloe had taken a liking to hopped about, already a source of joy for the young girl. Chloe's affection for the rabbits was evident as she playfully implored her uncle to craft a nest for them. With a spring in her step, she dashed to the vegetable garden, her tiny hands selecting the choicest leaves to feed her new furry friends. The sight of the rabbits nibbling from her palm brought a radiant smile to her face.


Elizabeth, ever the practical matriarch, approached with a furrowed brow, her concern for the new additions echoing in her voice. "If we don't pen these pigs and goats, won't they be a challenge to catch?" she asked. Emily, a reassuring smile gracing her lips, responded with confidence, "Mom, don't worry. I can control everything in the space with my mind, including the animals."


With a thought, Emily set about tidying up the two pigs that had met their end, her mental prowess guiding her to neatly separate the belly, trotters, tail, ears, and offal onto a table that Alex had dutifully moved into place. The family, a well-oiled machine of cooperation, began their tasks with zeal. David and Alex, united in their efforts, began the process of boning the meat and chopping the ribs. Elizabeth, her hands deft and experienced, cleaned the pig hair, ensuring every part was utilized. Duke and Chloe, a team in their own right, tended to the rabbits, ensuring they were fed and comfortable.


Emily, leveraging her telekinetic abilities, conjured a stove from the ether, a testament to her mastery over the space. She retrieved the charcoal she had prudently hoarded, a strategic reserve for moments such as these. An alcohol block was tossed into the nascent stove, its flames eagerly licking the air as they caught hold. The belly, now clean, found its place in a pot of cold water, accompanied by the aromatic green onions, ginger, and cooking wine. The family gathered around, their collective efforts turning the day's labor into a feast that would nourish their bodies and souls, a beacon of hope in the ever-changing landscape of their lives.


Once the water reached a rolling boil, they diligently skimmed off the foam that had risen to the surface, a layer of impurities that needed to be removed for a clearer broth. They rinsed the meat under a stream of clean water, ensuring that every nook and cranny was free of the remnants of the pig's previous life. The meat, now pristine, found its resting place in a large bowl, awaiting its transformation.


The pot, now heated to perfection, welcomed a glistening pool of oil that danced and rippled under the warmth. A symphony of aromatics was introduced—green onions, ginger, garlic, Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, and bay leaves—each one sizzling and releasing its unique fragrance into the air. The moment was primed for the main event: the pork belly made its grand entrance, searing upon contact with the hot oil, its edges curling and crisping as it released its rich oils, the aroma filling the space and awakening the senses.


Emily moved with the grace of a chef well-versed in the art of cooking, adding a medley of seasonings—cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, rock sugar, salt, and doubanjiang (fermented bean paste)—and stirred them into the mix until they were evenly distributed throughout the dish. She then poured in enough hot water to submerge the meat completely, adjusting the heat to a gentle simmer. Chloe's request for eggs was not forgotten; Emily added peeled hard-boiled eggs to the pot, their smooth shells a contrast to the bubbling sauce that would soon envelop them.


The meat was allowed to braise in this fragrant bath for an hour, the low heat coaxing out the flavors and tenderizing the flesh until it was ready for the final act. Over high heat, the sauce was reduced and thickened, the flavors intensifying with each passing minute until it reached a glossy, velvety consistency. The dish was complete.


The aroma of the meat had spread throughout the space, a siren's call that even Duke, usually more interested in the antics of the two little rabbits, could not ignore. The scent was so enticing that it had the power to distract the young one from her new furry friends, a testament to the culinary magic Emily had conjured.


While the rice steamed, Emily turned her attention to a pot of pork bones, a simple yet hearty accompaniment to the meal. She cleaned the bones, blanched them to remove any lingering impurities, and then combined them with chopped corn, carrots, and just the right amount of water for a slow simmer. Seasoned with a pinch of salt, the dish was a comforting ode to the nourishing power of a well-prepared stew.


With Duke in mind, Emily set aside two generous pieces of the bone, saving them before adding the salt. These were chosen for their abundance of meat and tendons, the perfect reward for Duke's dedication and hard work.


Duke, upon seeing the bounty Emily had set aside for it, made a silent vow to redouble its efforts in hunting, its loyalty and enthusiasm for family unwavering.


When all the dishes were prepared and graced the table, Emily turned to see Chloe and Duke, their eyes wide with anticipation, their expressions eager. The mere scent of the food was enough to make Duke's mouth water, a Pavlovian response to the promise of a feast.


As the family gathered around the table, the two young ones could barely contain their excitement, their hands reaching out to claim their share of the meal. The satisfaction that filled the room was palpable, a shared delight in the flavors and the nourishment that Emily's cooking provided.


It felt surreal, as if they were momentarily transported to a world where the trials of the day were but a distant memory. Yet, as they savored each bite, they were reminded of the resilience of the human spirit, the ability to find joy and sustenance even in the face of adversity.


After the meal, as the dishes were cleared and the table returned to its quiet repose, Emily found herself reflecting on the day's events. She knew that life would go on, that the natural disasters that had beset them were but a chapter in the grand narrative of their lives. The future, though uncertain, was still a canvas waiting for them to paint their next masterpiece, and for that, they could all look forward with hope and determination.