Eps 3 Colony in the middle of the Desert

Inside the tent, Primo woke up from his stupor and found himself in a strange place. 'Have I been saved?' he thought as he recalled the last time he was almost killed. With his head still spinning, Primo hurriedly got off his bed and headed out of the tent. His footsteps were panting, his body felt very painful. Upon arriving outside the tent, Primo was grateful to see many tents around him. However, Primo was shocked after all eyes were on him. To make him even more surprised, not only humans were there, but also other creatures such as centaurs and harpies.

A man approached Primo and said, 'Calm yourself, young man,' while smiling at him. Primo, who was confused and frightened, tried to run away from the campsite. While feeling pain, a few steps after running away, Primo fell down. The man approached Primo and said, 'Hey young man, where are you going? Your wounds haven't fully healed yet.' The man helped Primo up and asked, 'Where are you from?'

Primo replied, 'I'm from the city of Surabaya in Indonesia,' while moaning in pain.

The man introduced himself, 'My name is Neved Novak, from the Czech Republic. What is your name?'

In a weak voice, Primo replied, 'Primo, my name is Primo.'

Neved smiled warmly, 'Nice to meet you, Primo. You must have many questions. Let's talk on those rocks, at least it'll keep you safe and unafraid of the neighbours. I'll explain everything that happened here.'

Although Primo felt confused and scared, he accepted Neved's invitation. Primo and Neved walked towards the rock. Arriving at the rocks, Neved said, 'What do you want to ask?'

Primo asked, 'How did I get here, and where is this place?'

Neved replied, 'Since the big explosion incident, all living beings have teleported to random places. Not only that, the teleported living beings will fall asleep in a hibernation or cocoon phase. In that phase, they do not feel hunger, thirst, or get older. All the cells of the body will be asleep. After they wake up, they enter the evolutionary phase where living beings can use magic. This place is called Arctica, or you can call it the North Pole.'

A confused Primo said, 'That's impossible. Living things can use magic? This isn't a magic anime or an isekai, and there's no way the North Pole would be a barren wasteland with no ice at all.'

Neved laughed out loud as he raised his left hand up and said to himself, 'Fire Ball.' A fireball appeared and pointed upwards. Neved said to Primo, 'Is this not real? Are the centaurs and harpies you saw not real?'

Primo, who was in disbelief and shock, unconsciously fell down. Primo asked Neved, 'How can creatures like centaurs, harpies, or big snake monsters with horns be on earth?'

Neved replied, 'There is no earth now. I'm not sure what the name of our planet is now. Our planet Earth has merged with who knows how many other planets. No one can be sure. The merging of planets has made the climate and soil irregular. Living things here can only survive and create new groups.'

Primo asked, 'Do you have a power source here? My mobile phone is dead, probably out of battery. I want to contact my parents,' as he pulled out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket.

Neved sadly explained, 'All civilisations start from scratch. Although our group can learn electrical magic, there is no way we can charge your mobile phone because the voltage is not suitable. Even if we did, you wouldn't be able to use your mobile phone because there would be no signal anywhere. Most of them probably don't know what mobile phone you're using

'What does your mobile phone do? Because I'm the last person to wake up from hibernation in this colony. Plus, there's a harpy who's four hundred years old and she says she was born after the bright light incident. 

No one knows the lifespan of this planet, while humans after entering the evolutionary phase can last two hundred years. If your parents are still in the hibernation phase, there is no guarantee of survival. Just like you right now, if you weren't saved by Dracko, you wouldn't be here.'

Primo was even more shocked and shedding tears. Neved walked over to Primo, grabbed him by the shoulders and said, 'That's the truth. You can stay here and be part of the colony.'

Primo, relieved, got up and asked Neved to teach him magic. Neved complied but asked Primo to recover first. Shortly after that, an object appeared from the sky approaching them quickly. The object landed right in front of Primo, and Primo was blown away and crashed into the tent. Neved shouted, 'WOYYYYY!!! Dracko, what are you doing!'

Dracko asked, 'Why send a distress code?' as he snapped his fingers and pulled out his big axe.

Neved replied, 'Who sent the distress code?'

Dracko said, 'I saw the fireball code in the sky and it was right in the colony area.'

Neved said, 'The fireball code is to tell everyone to go back, not to attack.'

Dracko laughed and said, 'Hahaha, sorry I forgot. Why did you tell me to go back? Is there something really important?'

Neved replied, 'The person you saved has regained consciousness.'

Dracko asked, 'Where is the boy now?'

Neved, pointing at the broken tent, said, 'He was thrown there. I hope she didn't die because it was quite a distance.'

Dracko asked, 'Why was she thrown there?'

Neved replied, 'It was your high-speed, reckless landing.'

Dracko laughed and said, 'He's strong, I saw it myself.' As he approached Primo.

Dracko saw that Primo was unconscious again. Using his magic 'Heal', it wasn't long before Primo regained consciousness. Primo, who had just woken up and was terrified to see Dracko, ran away while shouting, 'LARIIII WE ARE ATTACKED BY DRAGON HUMANS.'

Dracko and Neved saw Primo laughing. Quickly, Dracko went to Primo and punched him in the neck, knocking him unconscious. Neved saw this and shouted to Dracko, 'What are you doing?'

Dracko laughed and said, 'Hahaha, instead of freaking him out it's better to tell him to rest.' He carried Primo to his tent.

In front of Primo's tent, Neved said, 'It's getting dark, we should make a report.'

Dracko agreed with Neved as he said, 'Hey, Natali, please take care of that kid.'

The harpy named Natali replied, 'Alright, can I comfort him too?'

Dracko and Neved said, 'I'll cut off both your wings.'

The harpy held her stomach and bit her thumb saying in a soft tone, 'Ahhhhhh.'