
EPS 20 Orb Core

A bright morning enveloped Spring Colony. **Natali** slowly opened her eyes, feeling the soft sunlight sneaking in through the cracks of the tent. However, her gaze was immediately drawn to the figure of **Primo** who was fast asleep on the floor, leaning his body next to Natali's bed. Surprised and touched, Natali realised how much care Primo had given her over the years.

Carefully, Natali got out of bed and approached Primo. She then lifted Primo's tired body and placed it carefully on the bed. Natali gently rubbed Primo's forehead, feeling grateful that Primo was by her side. Her curiosity peaked, and she decided to use magic to read Primo's memories.

In an instant, Primo's memories flowed into her mind-images of Primo lovingly caring for her, checking her temperature, fetching water, and spending anxious nights by her side. Natali's heart was filled with gratitude and emotion. She knew how lucky she was to have someone like Primo in the Spring Colony.

After taking a deep breath, Natali decided to look for **Dracko**. Quickly, she left the tent, while taking the food that Primo had prepared for her. Along the way to the Spring Colony headquarters, Natali ate the food, feeling the energy recovering in her body.

Inside the base, **Natali** soon found **Dann**, **Kreig**, and **Dracko** discussing something. Without wasting any time, Natali immediately said to Dracko, 'Where is the leaf tip of the Fouquieria plant?'

**Dracko**, who was surprised to see that Natali had recovered, asked with concern, 'How are you now, Natali?' while handing her the Fouquieria plant leaf she had asked for.

Natali smiled gently and replied, 'I'm much better, thank you for your concern.' After taking the leaf, Natali asked permission to make an Orb Core immediately. However, before she could leave, **Dann** worriedly asked, 'Natali, are you sure you won't fail to make the Orb Core?'

Natali turned her head and replied with confidence, 'I am the greatest alchemist in Spring Colony. I will do my best.'

**Kreig**, in a softer tone, added, 'Natali, it may be a small thing, but you should know that Primo took very good care of you during your unconsciousness.'

**Dracko** added with a smile, 'Yes, Primo cared for you very much. Maybe not just to you, but to everyone here.'

Natali smiled gently and, with a hint of humour, turned to Dann, 'I know that. I saw it myself. Dann, don't be jealous.'

Everyone chuckled at her joke. Natali said goodbye and left the headquarters to head to the farm, where she would be making the Orb Core. During the manufacturing process, she worked very carefully, remembering how important the Orb Core was to Primo and the future of Spring Colony. Every step was accompanied by thoughts of Primo and how she had become such an important part of the colony.

Meanwhile, **Primo** awoke from his sleep in Natali's tent. He was confused to see himself on Natali's bed, not on the floor as before. His gaze swept around the tent, and he soon realised that the food he had prepared was gone. 'Natali must have woken up,' he thought.

Primo quickly exited the tent, realising that it was late afternoon. He felt annoyed at himself for having slept for so long-more than twelve hours. 'This is ridiculous,' he muttered, 'How can I be strong if I'm constantly unconscious like this?'

**Neved**, who happened to see the annoyed expression on Primo's face, approached her with a smile, 'Why is your face like that, Primo? What's wrong?'

Primo answered honestly, 'I slept too long again. Am I that weak?'

**Neved**, who noticed Primo's condition, tried to calm her down, 'You've improved a lot, Primo. In the past, after using magic, you were immediately unconscious. But now, you can last longer. Maybe your long sleep was just because you were tired.' Neved patted Primo's shoulder playfully, 'You're still a kid who needs a nap. It's only natural that you slept that long.'

Shortly after that, **Natali** appeared with a small blue ball in her hand. She approached Primo and said, 'Primo, try eating this.'

Primo looked at the little ball curiously and asked, 'What is this?'

Natali replied with pride, 'This is an Orb Core. This Orb Core will increase your Core count. Try it.'

Inwardly, **Neved** thought, 'So this is what an Orb Core looks like...' However, Natali continued in a more serious voice, 'I am giving this Orb Core as a reward for all your actions that helped Spring Colony. It's also a sign that you're officially the new bigwig here.'

Just then, **Kreig** and the Spring Colony officials suddenly appeared. Kreig jokingly said, 'Hey, Natali, I should have said that.'

**Dracko**, who had just arrived, joked, 'Never mind, Kreig. When you talk, everything gets serious.'

**Dann** smiled and said to Primo, 'Hurry up and try, Primo.'

**William** added with a smile, 'Congratulations, Primo.'

**Steven** also spoke up, 'The mission undertaken by Kreig, Natali, and Dracko was only to create that Orb Core, Primo. They fought for your advancement, especially Natali. You deserve it.'

Some of the Spring Colony residents who were watching said, 'Thank you, Primo. Your help means a lot to all of us.'

Primo was so happy that tears rolled down his cheeks. With a trembling voice, he said, 'Thank you, everyone, for your kindness.'

With great confidence, Primo ate the Orb Core that Natali had given him. However, shortly after swallowing it, Primo felt his heartbeat racing. His head began to throb with excruciating pain.

**Kreig** who saw the change in Primo immediately worried, 'Hey, Primo, are you okay?'

Primo couldn't answer. She fell to the ground, enduring the piercing pain in her head and chest. **Natali** who saw it immediately ran over and hugged Primo, tears streaming down her face. 'I'm sorry, Primo. I didn't mean to... I tried my best...'

Primo could only scream in pain. **Neved** and **Dracko** immediately attempted to use healing magic, but **Dann** quickly stopped them, 'Don't use healing magic. It will only make things worse and could destroy the internal organs.'

The panicked **Neved** asked, 'Then how do I resolve this, Dann?'

Dann seriously replied, 'There is no way. It all depends on Primo's own body, whether she can withstand the effects of this Orb or not. I told you from the beginning that this is too risky.'

Primo, who was still moaning in pain, tried to speak, 'Natali... let go of your embrace... my chest is getting tight...'

Natali, who was very frustrated and filled with guilt, released his embrace, albeit reluctantly. Primo's condition seemed to be getting worse. His body began to flow with a very strong energy, until he suddenly vomited a very large amount of pitch black liquid. Everyone around panicked, especially Natali who felt very guilty.

However, after vomiting the black liquid, Primo felt his body become more refreshed, although he was still very weak. In an almost inaudible voice, Primo said, 'My body is just weak... after vomiting, I feel better now... Natali, you didn't fail... I just need to rest for a while...'

Primo then lost consciousness, making everyone worried. **Kreig** quickly checked her pulse and confirmed that Primo was still breathing. Everyone was relieved.

**Steven** then said, 'Natali, you didn't fail. That black liquid is probably something that is blocking the flow of Core inside Primo's body. If that's true, it's likely that the Core is all over her body.'

**Kreig** who heard that looked incredulous

However, **Dann** agreed with Steven's opinion. 'It should only be one point that hurts when using the Orb Core, but this time Primo felt pain all over her body and a tremendous headache. Under these conditions, there is only a five per cent chance of survival.'

**Dracko**, in his heart, felt proud of Primo's development. He knew that although dangerous, this was a big step forward for Primo.

Natali asked everyone for permission to take care of Primo until he regained consciousness. **Kreig** gently gave the permission. **Dracko** then picked Primo up and brought him back to the tent, accompanied by Natali who was still feeling anxious but also grateful that Primo was still alive.