
EPS 27 Spring Colony Condition

**Chaos at Spring Colony**

When Primo, Dracko, and the others arrived at Spring Colony, they were shocked to see a heart-breaking scene. The tents that once stood firm were now in shambles, some of them burnt to the ground. Horned Serpent bodies were scattered everywhere, lying dead, while the human victims, severely injured, were trying to survive on the brink of death. Only a few were still conscious, the rest were lying unconscious, adding to the horror that enveloped the place.

Primo immediately felt a deep sense of unease. Together with Dracko and the others, they began to evacuate the wounded. They ran from one tent to another, looking for signs of life amidst the ruins and debris.

'Where are William, Steven, and Natali?' asked Dracko anxiously, his eyes searching for familiar figures.

Suddenly, they saw Steven standing stiffly in the centre of the field, his face deathly pale and his eyes blank. They rushed towards him, but before they could reach him, Steven's body faltered and collapsed to the ground. Primo ran straight to him, holding him tightly.

'For the sake of... Steven!' exclaimed Dracko, shocked at his colleague's condition.

Breathing heavily and weakly, Steven opened his eyes slightly. 'Save... Natali,' he whispered, almost inaudibly, as he raised a trembling hand, pointing towards the training ground in the distance. His breathing grew heavier, and with one last gasp, his head fell to his side.

Primo and Dracko gasped. 'Let's go!' exclaimed Dracko, immediately running towards the place Steven indicated, with Primo following behind him.

**Surprise at the Training Ground**

After running as fast as they could, they arrived at the training ground which showed signs of a violent battle. But the most shocking thing was the soaring black flames, burning alive a Horned Serpent trapped in a dark magic circle. The sound of the huge creature's whimpers and screams filled the air, enveloping the place in a tense aura.

'This... what's going on here?' whispered Primo, his eyes widening at the dark flames that were so unfamiliar to them. It wasn't like a normal fire-it was thicker, more alive, as if it had the will to destroy.

From behind the looming flames, Natali's figure emerged, with a tired body and staggering steps. Her hair was dishevelled, her face was pale, and her clothes were covered in blood-both hers and the enemy's. Her breathing was ragged, yet she was breathing hard. She was breathing heavily, but her eyes still radiated determination.

'Natali!' shouted Primo with great relief, but also worry. He wanted to run to Natali, but Dracko arrived first, lifting her up before she fell to the ground.

Dracko looked at Natali with worry, but also a sense of pride. 'What happened here?' he asked in a low but urgent voice.

With difficulty, Natali explained what had happened. 'After you left... suddenly they appeared... Horned Serpents came from all directions. We weren't prepared... we could only try to survive...'

Every word that came out of Natali's mouth made Dracko and Primo realise the gravity of the situation. 'We tried to fight them off... me, Steven, William... the three of us managed to fight off a few, but there were too many of them... they kept destroying the tents and attacking mercilessly.'

Primo felt her heart sink hearing that, but she listened carefully. 'The other people... they tried to help, but the Horned Serpent's attacks were too strong... their skin was simply impenetrable. We were overwhelmed. So... I thought of pulling them here, so that there wouldn't be more casualties in the centre of the colony.'

Dracko patted Natali's shoulder gently, trying to calm the woman who looked almost drained. 'You did your best, Natali. None of this is your fault.'

Natali shook her head softly, still feeling guilty. 'I just wanted to... stop them. But the damage was already too severe.'

Primo, who was silently listening, felt a heavy weight hit his chest. The fear of loss was growing stronger within him. He wanted to protect everyone, but right now, he felt like a complete failure.

Dracko who noticed the change in Primo's face immediately spoke calmly. 'Primo, listen. No matter how strong you are, you can't protect everyone. You remind me of someone-someone who once tried to protect everyone, alone. But it was impossible.'

Primo looked at Dracko with a curious gaze. 'Who was that person?'

Dracko smiled faintly, his eyes travelling back in time. 'That person is the founder of Spring Colony. He wanted to protect everyone he cared about. But he eventually realised that without the help of strong, like-minded people, he couldn't do it alone.'

Natali chuckled, though her breathing was still heavy. 'It's wicked to compare Kreig to Primo.'

Dracko shook his head with a wry smile. 'But it's realistic, right?'

Primo was silent, caught up in his own thoughts. They walked back towards the main hall, each lost in their own thoughts, with Dracko still holding Natali who was slowly recovering from the chaos that had just occurred.

**Distressed Primo**

Primo was stunned. Seeing all the suffering before him, his heart felt even heavier. He fell to his knees, unable to bear the guilt and fear that kept haunting his mind.

'I didn't want this to happen... all of this... my fault...' he thought to himself, filled with guilt, anger, and disappointment.

In her emotional turmoil, Primo suddenly got up and started walking towards the colony gate. Dracko, who saw this, was about to chase after him, but Kreig held him back. 'Let it go,' Kreig said. 'After all, he's still a kid. It's only natural that he'd be scared to see something like this.'

Kreig added, 'I'll talk to him. Neved, please check the medical supplies. Dann, save the equipment we can still use. Dracko, count the number of survivors. Ima, check the logistics materials we can utilise, and Yin, bring clean water. Kovacic, check the TankCargo, and those who can, help unload for dinner.'

With that order, Kreig rushed to the gate to meet Primo.

**Primo and Kreig**

When Kreig arrived at the gate, he saw Primo standing alone, his gaze blank. In his hand, Primo seemed to be releasing a bit of magic energy-as if he was venting his anger. Kreig approached him cautiously.

'Enough of wasting your castings like that,' Kreig said in a calm, yet firm tone.

Primo stopped, looking at Kreig with tear-filled eyes. 'I'm afraid... afraid of losing them all. I feel like I've failed as a leader here,' he sobbed.

Kreig was surprised to see Primo crying. Without hesitation, he hugged Primo tightly. 'That's enough... just tell me what you feel now.'

Primo sobbed, feeling the feelings she had been harbouring for so long finally breaking out. 'I'm not ready... I'm not ready to part with all of them. I want to protect them, but I... I can't...'

Kreig guided Primo to sit by the gate. In a gentle tone, he said, 'Primo, I understand how you feel. You want to protect everyone, but it's impossible. No one can do it alone.'

Primo wiped away his tears, looking at Kreig with swollen eyes. Kreig continued, 'We all need each other's help. Look at what's happening now-without co-operation, we'd all be doomed. And don't forget, there are meetings and there are partings. That's life. We have to be ready for that.'

Kreig's words reminded Primo of his father's advice. He smiled slightly. 'Your words are similar to my father's, Kreig.'

Kreig smiled a little. 'Your father must have been a wise man.'

Primo chuckled, 'I don't know... he was a complicated and unpredictable man.'

Kreig laughed lightly, then asked seriously, 'Primo, perhaps this is not the right time, but may I ask... what is Celestara?'

Primo let out a long breath. 'I don't know for sure either... Celestara is a project to create a place where all living things can live, a place full of fertile soil and clear springs. An ideal place to live.'

Kreig paused for a moment, pondering. 'Although I don't know much about that place, I believe it might exist. But I no longer care about that... I already have other goals.'

Primo looked at Kreig curiously. 'Why don't you want to look for it?'

Kreig smiled faintly. 'Because my duty now is to protect what I have built.'

Primo nodded, understanding Kreig's words. The two were silent for a moment, enjoying the brief peace they felt despite the chaotic situation around them.

Dracko then came over. 'Primo, let's go back. There's still a lot we need to do to help the others.'

Primo nodded, rising to his feet. Kreig placed his hand on Primo's shoulder, giving him one last push before they went back into the colony to help others.

With steady steps, they walked towards a future that was still full of challenges, but this time, they were ready to face them together.