
EPS 51Stella Vs Alexa

Scafco, with a sigh, looked at the arena and said, 'How long before it can be used again?'

Sylvian with a serious look at the arena said 'I don't know, but the committee is still having trouble repairing the arena due to the electric sparks generated by Primo. '

Scafco laughed and said, 'Of course ordinary people would have a hard time fighting magic like that. '

Evee asked 'So how powerful is Primo that she fights like a child. '

Stella was silent and looked at Primo who was sleeping on her shoulder.

Suddenly Primo's electric spark disappeared and the committee rushed to use their magic to repair the debris so that the arena could be used again after a long wait, the monitro screen showed Stella vs Alexa.

Primo woke up to find Stella about to fight. 

Primo, with a low voice so as not to be heard by people, asked Stella 'Who is your opponent?

Stella's expression was very surprised like fear indicating that the opponent faced by Stella was a strong opponent, seeing that Primo asked Stella once again 'who are you fighting Stella answer me'.

Stella replied 'He was my teacher before the dark knight.

Primo asked 'Is he a strong man?'

Stella replied 'Yes, although the Dark Knight is stronger. '

Primo looked at the arena firmly saying 'Whatever happens you have to win this fight. '

Stella came down to the arena without a word, making Primo a little worried.

The curious Scafco asked Primo 'what did you talk to her about? '

Primo replied 'Nothing, just encouraging her.'

Suddenly, the roar of the crowd saying that the princess of royal disgrace was following the arena they all insulted Stella with various taunts 'Disgrace' 'Princess of the Commoners' 'Murderer' it made Stella's mental drop a little. Alexa provoked the crowd by saying that Stella, the daughter of Lord Valandor, had been murdered and asserted that Stella had killed the entire pursuing army and conspired with the Terrorists to take over the throne. 

Stella screamed 'IT'S NOT TRUE'. 

Vonzo entered the arena and said that the news was true and added that Stella also captured some of the residents in exchange for the Glory Kingdom, not only that the taxes were increasing due to Stella's request, we could not do much because Stella captured the residents.

Stella cried and shouted 'IT'S NOT TRUE, YOU DID ALL THIS AND SET ME UP'.

Vonzo shouted 'Stop the charade you won't get any empathy from the people despite your beautiful face but your heart is rotten!'

Scafco looked up at the sky and said 'oee oee what the hell'.

Evee said, 'Poor Stella, I also just found out that Stella is a royal princess, but in her heart there is no malice at all. '

Sylvian said, 'What the hell is going on here, it's like Stella is being framed. '

Scafco firmly looked at Primo and said 'Hey Primo, what do you know?'

Primo replied 'I don't know.'

Evee said 'You are lying Primo I know, we will help you if you want. '

Primo couldn't help but say what really happened. After Primo explained they all understood but Scafco said 'I don't want to interfere in anything. ' 

Suddenly the crowd cheered 'KILL' 'DEATH' 'THE KINGDOM' 'LAWS THE WOMAN' but Vonzo said 'We can't arrest her now because she is now a participant we also can't refuse because the hostages are in her hands but you beloved Glory Kingdom residents don't need to worry our team will find the terrorists.' 

Stella's mental state was shattered but Scafco walked to the far end of the bleachers shouting 'This is a contest arena don't bring your internal problems here. 'Vonzo left the arena and Primo shouted 'Are the soldiers of the kingdom just a bunch of weaklings? Fighting a woman has to be like that? And you stupid, weak-minded women out there show your innocence and defeat all your opponents.'

Stella who recalled her plan got back up Alexa provoked Stella by saying 'What can a weak woman like you do?'

Stella replied shouting loudly 'What can a weak woman like me do? You want to know? I can kill you and then hunt down your entire family and burn them alive. '

Scafco said to Primo 'Look Primo, now that woman is being blown away by your blabbering.'

Primo just smiled.

The battle of Alexa Vs Stella begins. 

Alexa retreated to keep her distance from Stella while casting [Water Ball] magic towards Stella, Stella dodged to the side and saw her water ball magic easily damage the arena floor. Alexa also continuously shot [ Water Ball ] towards Stella and several times made Stella a little overwhelmed and continued to dodge. and occasionally Stella replied by casting [ Fire Ball ] magic but it was not strong enough to defeat Alexa's water ball.

Alexa laughed and said, 'Water versus Fire is the clear winner. '

Evee also said 'this is not good Stella will be in trouble,' but Primo said 'the fight is not over yet' Scafco added that it was not necessarily also in the fight everything could happen. as well as Sylvian said 'Stella is just looking for an opening maybe after this Stella will restore the situation. '

Stella took out her sword and coated it with flames that blazed on the blade. 

Alexa laughed and said, 'What's the point of that sword, to me it's like a candle.' Alexa returned to casting [Water Ball] magic on Stella. ' Alexa then cast the magic [ Water Ball ] towards Stella. Stella condensed the fire on her blade and cast [ Long Range Fire Slash ] magic and managed to cut Alexa's Water Ball magic and the slash was aimed at Alexa, Alexa who panicked cast [ Water Wall ] magic but Stella's attack was still able to penetrate Alexa's defences a few seconds before Stella's attack managed to hit Alexa. Alexa dodged to the left, making Stella's attack only scratch Alexa's arm.

Stella said 'hey teacher, is that all you've got.'

Alexa also looked at Stella with deep hatred Alexa also took out a magic weapon in the form of a water-element rapier sword. 

they also clashed melee attacks they seemed balanced dodging each other attack after attack but when they clashed swords, Stella's sword immediately broke Stella ducked and released her sword so as not to be hit by a slash from Alexa's sword but Alexa took advantage of the moment by kicking Stella's head making Stella fall and pushed back. fortunately Stella used armour making Alexa's attack not so Fatal.

Stella got up and when she realised her armour would not be able to withstand the attack from Alexa's sword Stella decided to take off all her armour.

Alexa laughed and said 'good, take it off so I can easily cut you open. '

Stella was only silent and focused while clenching her hands. Alexa also ran towards Stella Alexa with her sword tried to attack Stella but Stella who used Magic [ Speed up ] easily avoided all the attacks and at the moment Alexa was about to stab Stella with her sword Stella ducked and turned her body using magic [ Fire Kick ] and condensed her fire to kick Alexa's stomach, Alexa was pushed back and fell, Alexa also realized that the armour on her body was destroyed when kicked by Stella and made her sword fall out of her grip, making Alexa even more emotional. 

Stella also insulted Alexa by saying 'is the strongest teacher in the academy using magic still by casting?'

Alexa got up and returned to casting magic to bring out her magic weapon, the water element rapier sword. Alexa arrogantly said 'At least you learnt how to make magic weapons before insulting me. '

The crowd cheered again, saying 'Kill' 'Execute now' 'You lowly woman'.

Stella said, 'I will destroy you.' Stella pulled out her magic [Fire Needle] Stella condensed the flames and brutally attacked Alexa. Alexa tried to parry with her sword but slowly her sword was destroyed by Stella's attack by destroying all of Alexa's armour and making Alexa injured all over her body.

Alexa fell down and didn't move. Stella then casts [Burn Out] magic, burning Alexa alive. Alexa, who was burned, screamed and whimpered in pain saying 'since when can you do magic without chanting?' Stella replied 'questions don't need to be answered' Alexa died. ' Stella replied 'questions don't need to be answered' Alexa died leaving fatal burns. 

The fight was won by Stella. the audience was emotional with Stella. but Stella didn't take it too seriously. Stella returned to her seat and hugged Primo, Stella was filled with tears saying 'I was so scared. ' 

While stroking Stella's hair Primo replied you have fought now rest.