Release Berwick?

Out-of-control situations have emerged one after another.Michael's mentality is almost broken.

Abruc is an important pawn in his escape plan.

Abruch can not only provide him with transportation after escaping from prison, but also ensure his work in PI and even his safety here...

If Abruch gives up on him...

Ha ha.

It is not an exaggeration to describe losing all the game.

Michael was in a trance, his thoughts flew around, and he thought a lot.

After a long time, he barely woke up and turned his head to look at Ding Ze, who looked at himself, as if he was enjoying his work.

The source of this series of out-of-control is Ding Ze.

At this moment.

The idea of quietly getting rid of Ding Ze came out of Michael's head again.

The critical situation is almost to the point of urgency.

If Ding Ze, the murderer, doesn't die...

Then Lincoln, an innocent man, has to die in that electric chair...

'What should I do?'

Looking at Ding Ze with extremely complicated eyes, Michael asked himself silently.


Ding Ze ignored Michael's gaze and insisted on working for a while. Then he seized the opportunity and went to the grocery room next to him to find tools that could be used to unlock.

There are a lot of messy things in the utility room.

After looking for it, he found it.

So far.

The door of the infirmary is no longer a problem.


In a blink of an eye.

It's 3:30 p.m.

A prison guard came over and took Michael away and went to the warden's office to help Pop build the Taj Mahal.

Ding Ze and others worked for another half an hour until four o'clock, and were taken to the canteen for dinner by the prison guard.

Soon after, Abruch finished dinner in three or two, found a reason, and left the canteen to 'send' the key to Michael.

Everything went very smoothly.

After five o'clock, all the prisoners lined up to leave the canteen one after another. With the help of the key provided by Abruch, Michael, who should have been in Pop's office, quietly integrated into the team returning to the prison.

Back in his prison, Michael sat on the bed and looked at his watch.

The watch shows that it is 5:45, and there are still 15 minutes left. The prison guard will come to call the name.

"Mr. Ding, it's time for me to take action. Help me pay attention to the prison guards," the time was as he expected. Michael said to Ding Ze as usual with no ink.

"Of right," Ding Ze nodded and stood behind the prison door.

Michael slipped to the toilet and looked back at Ding Ze. Ma slipped open the toilet, got out, and went straight to the roof of the prison.

Regarding this operation, Michael has thought about it many times while working in Pop's office.

He thought about canceling it and waited until Ding Ze's problem was dealt with before taking action. But it also occurred to me that once it is delayed, I'm afraid that the next step-by-step actions will be delayed. Moreover, this opportunity may not often be...

In the end.

He still decided to put Ding Ze's problem aside for the time being and act as planned. He could not be confused because of Ding Ze, causing more loss of control...

From a certain point of view, in his heart, he actually wants to regain the feeling of controlling the overall situation with the help of this action, so as to calm himself down!

He clearly knew that today he was very confused, and he had to calm down.

Otherwise, I'm afraid everything will really turn into a futile dream.


It's only fifteen minutes, and it passed very fast.

At six o'clock, the prison guards on the three floors began to call the name together on time.

Click, click.

Berwick, who was in charge of this floor where Ding Ze was located, clicked at the No. 40 prison and shouted, "Scofield, Ding Ze!"

Ding Ze walked out of the prison and stood up.

Naturally, Skofield did not show up.

Seeing this, Berwick's expression changed, and he decisively pulled out the baton inserted in his waist. While looking into the No. 40 prison, he threatened, "Scofield! Get out of here!!!"

There is no response.

Berwick realized that something was wrong, raised his feet and walked to the No. 40 prison, looked around carefully, followed, withdrew, and stared at Ding Ze with an extremely fierce expression.

He stared for two seconds.

Berwick picked up the whistle, blew it, and roared, "Scowfield ran away!!!"

The roar came out.

Just for a moment.

The alarm is loud.

A group of prisoners were boiling and cheering!

"All prisoners!! Go back to the prison immediately!!" In the face of the howl of the prisoners, Berwick roared.

At this time.

More prison guards have rushed into Area A.

The prisoners saw that although they continued to howl, they did not resist and returned to their prison obediently.

Ding Ze knew that he couldn't go back, so he simply didn't move.

Seeing that the prisoners did not take the opportunity to make trouble, Berwick stared at Ding Ze again and asked viciously, "I only ask you once, where is Schowfield?"

In Ding Ze's opinion, Berwick is actually a very interesting guy.

This guy, when he has identity protection, he can't drag it. After losing his identity, he is timid... In essence, he is actually a coward.

To put it bluntly, this guy is a bullyer.

"I don't know," Ding Ze replied calmly.

When Berwick heard it, he smiled gloomy and raised his hand to greet Ding Ze with the baton.


The walkie-talkie rang.

The prison guard outside Pop's office said to Berwick, "Captain, cancel the alarm. Scooffield is in the warden's office."

Berrick was stunned, "Are you sure? Did you see him with your own eyes?

"Uh, no..."

"Go and see if he is there immediately!" Berwick roared.

A few seconds later.

"Captain... Scowfield is gone," the prison guard outside Pop's office reported in a low voice.

When Berwick heard this, the blue veins on his forehead jumped, and then looked at Ding Ze, and his eyes were already on fire.

Facing such a Berwick.

Ding Ze was very helpless, but he didn't want to be beaten, so he immediately summoned the paralyzing insect and ordered the paralyzing insect to get into Berwick's body.

It's unrealistic to fight with Berwick directly.

Before Berwick takes action, temporarily turn Berwick into a 'vegetative man', which is risky and will cause suspicion, but it is not a big problem. After all, there is no evidence.

"Last chance!" Berwick didn't do it immediately, and roared word by word, "I'll say it!!"

"I really don't know where he is," Ding Ze replied calmly.

Berrick sneered, said nothing more, and raised the baton.

See this scene.

Those prisoners who were going to fight Ding Ze tonight were all excited and couldn't wait to see Ding Ze beaten.

Abruc doesn't have it, but he is also looking forward to it. What he is looking forward to is what Ding Ze will do.

The next second.

The expectations of the prisoners, including Abruch, have come to fruit.

Just see.

Berwick, who had just raised his arm, fell silently and fell heavily to the ground, motionless, like a dead pig.

Face this result.

Several prison guards on both sides were stunned: "?????"

Wanting to see the prisoners who were beaten by Ding Ze, Qi Qi was dumbfounded: "?????"

As for Abruc...

Seek truth from facts.

Abruch was scared.

How on earth did this happen? Obviously, he is just standing there...'

Abruc is not alone.

At the same time.

'Department store' Louis, I was so scared that Berwick was killed like this??? Killed in front of so many people??? What else does this guy dare not dare???'

(End of this chapter)