New York War, a Gift


Trinity Church closes on time.

Ding Ze saw it and took off the cigarette in his mouth. "Let's go around the back door."

The back door is also locked, but this is not a problem.

In the blink of an eye, using the unlocking skill, Ding Ze opened the back door and said to Ron, "Notify everyone, bring tools, come in batches, and try not to attract attention."

Ron nodded and doed.

Ding Ze didn't wait. He took Mickey and Ron and slipped into the church and found his way to the tomb on the side of the church.

In one wall of the tomb, there is a row of embedded coffins.

The front end of each coffin is sealed with cement.

According to the description in the movie National Treasure, behind the coffin on the far right, there is no coffin, and there is a passage, which is a shortcut to the treasure room.

Ding Ze smiled, walked over decisively, raised his feet and kicked.

The cement is not thick, and it is a little old.

After a few kicks, Ding Ze successfully kicked the cement into a hole.

After that, things were much simpler.

It didn't take long.

The entrance appears.

At this time, the first batch of men arrived with tools.

"Start working and expand this passage to the extent that it can pass normally," Ding Ze said.

The men had no ink and began to dry up.

One hammer, two hammers, three hammers...

About half an hour later, with the efforts of 50 subordinates, the channel was successfully widened.

"Ron, assign five people to guard the front and back doors of the church. No matter who comes in, don't leave your hands and kill them directly," Ding Ze saw it and told Ron.

"Uh... the priest also killed?" Ron, like Abruc, also believed in God and asked with a little embarrassed expression.

Ding Ze really didn't expect this question, "Do you believe in God?"

Ron nodded.

Ding Ze thought for a more, "Then arrange five people who don't believe in God. Just pretend you don't know."

Ron: ". ..."

Is this also okay?

Ron moved his mouth, but he still didn't say anything. He did it obediently.

Ding Ze did not delay and turned on the flashlight. "The rest of the people, go down with me."

Nearly 50 people, he got into the channel in turn, followed Ding Ze in the front, and walked down silently.

The treasure was hidden about fifteen or sixteen meters underground, and the height was so exaggerated that the downward passage was curved and long.

On the walls on both sides of the passage, there are some lampstands that have been placed for nearly 200 years. Most of the lampstas are still candle oil. Ding Ze tried to light it, and it can be lit as in the movie.


As the crowd slowly went down, candles rose one after another, illuminating the passage one after another.

In such a dark place, the light can really bring people a sense of security.

Walking behind Ding Ze, Mickey, who had long been feeling a little creepy, quietly breathed a sigh of relief and gradually relaxed a lot.

Time flies.

I walked in silence for about ten minutes.


'Rumble and rumble.'

A noise came from above the top of everyone's head.

Many people were shocked and looked up one after another, subconsciously thinking that the place was going to collapse.

"Don't panic, it's the subway passing by," Ding Ze said in time and comforted.

When everyone heard it, they calmed down one after another.

Walk for a few more minutes.

The fire shone through the end of the passage.

Ding Ze immediately accelerated, went out of the channel, and took a photo of the mobile flashlight...


Knights Templar & America's mysterious Freemasonry, or directly or indirectly, scraved from all over the world, the treasures that have been sealed for hundreds of years are all here!!!

At this moment.

Although he knew that he would see this scene for a long time, Ding Ze couldn't help but be excited when he saw it with his own eyes.

He is not alone.

Mickey, who followed closely, and a few of his subordinates, saw such a grand treasure on a large scale, and they were so excited for the first time!

"Damn it!!"

"holly shit!"

"Oh, how many treasures are there here?"

"If it's all sold, it will have to be sold for at least billions!!!"

"Wow, this is so spectacular!"

"what the fxxk!"

For a moment, it was very reasonable, and the exclamation was endless.

Ding Ze listened quietly, and his excitement gradually cooled down.

Money is touching.

Next, the ghost knows what will happen.

Thinking about it, Ding Ze raised his feet and moved down as he said, "Make a move. Before dawn, we need to move all these treasures away."

"Okay, boss!"

Not much time.

Everyone went down the stairs and officially entered the treasure room.

Ding Ze was not idle. Ma Liu found the lamp slot and lit the candle oil inside.


Just for a moment.

The flame spread rapidly, shining brightly on the whole treasure room.

"Do your work!" Ding Ze glanced at it and shouted, "First install the small ones, and then do the large ones. In addition, your hands and feet are lighter. Don't break them for me."

"Boss, don't worry!"

"I promise it won't be broken!"

Some of his subordinates responded one after another, and the excitement in their tone was simply beyond words.

Ding Ze noticed that he shook his head gently and knew that his worries were becoming more and more likely to become a reality.

However, he was not too irritable about it.

He considered this aspect and thought that even if some of these subordinates had an idea, as long as they were not really stupid, it was impossible to do it here, but would choose to wait until some time after the treasure was moved up before taking action...

After all, it is impossible for all for forty-five subordinates to stand on the united front and decide to eat black...

There must be only a small number of people who decide to eat black.

In this way, if you do it here, it will inevitably be a mess.

Who will move these treasures in this mess?

'I hope there are no stupid guys!'

Ding Ze merecited a word and silently walked to a green statue of Confucius made of some kind of gem.

There is no doubt that the statue of Confucius comes from his hometown.

In fact.

Although he didn't look at the treasures here very carefully, by now, he had seen at least a dozen treasures from his hometown.

'Global plunder.'

'I didn't expect it. It's all mine now.'

Ding Ze smiled and said in his heart. He followed, didn't look much. He turned to follow his instructions honestly and followed him, but his eyes turned around, and Mickey looked dazzled.

"Don't look around. After shipping it back, you can take your time and follow me."

Mickey smiled awkwardly and moved with Ding Ze.

When the two arrived at the other end of the treasure room, there was a high platform. Standing on the high platform, they could basically see the behavior of those men.

"Look carefully. If you find someone hiding, tell me immediately," Ding Ze whispered to Mickey.

Mickey nodded solemnly, "Okay."


The forty-five subordinates in charge of handling... To put it badly, they are all uneducated guys who like violence and fast money.

If not, these people would not have been gangster.

In that case.

In the face of such a large number of valuable treasures, it is not surprising that some people will be moved, especially for some small and convenient things to hide.

This is not.

What should have happened or has happened.

A black man, carrying it, suddenly looked around, followed, picked up a string of jade necklaces quickly and quietly stuffed it into his pocket.


Ding Ze saw it clearly and pulled out the gun without hesitation and pulled the trigger.

Nowadays, his hit rate with a pistol is 100. Although he can't hit anywhere, it is absolute to hit the target.

The gunshots sounded.

The black man who stole fell to the ground, not even knowing where the bullets came from.

The rest of the busy men stopped their movements and turned their heads to look at the place where the gunshots came, while instinctively pulling out the gun... Unfortunately, it was empty and there was no gun.

Ding Ze smiled.

In a way, he really expects someone to have unclean hands and feet so that he can warn him.

"I thought I didn't need to say anything about this kind of thing."

"Now it seems that I still have to say it!"

"This treasure is mine! No one can steal my things!"

"Did you hear me clearly?"

Hear the words.

The men nodded one after another and looked at the black man who was still bleeding on the ground and had not been breathless for the time being.

Many of them couldn't help but be afraid to be glad that they just thought about it and didn't really do it rashly.

The rest of the people despised and looked down on the black man.

"Boss, well done!"

"This guy is a disgrace to us!"

"Bh! How dare you steal something!!!"

". ..."

Ding Ze quietly waited for these people to finish saying, "Go to someone, take out everything he hid on his body, and the rest of the people, let's continue to work."

After saying that, Ding Ze turned his head and saw that Mickey was still holding a gun. His little face was tight, his face was full of tension, and his forehead was sweating coldly. He was happy. "You can put down the gun. You still need to experience more."

Mickey heard it, breathed a sigh of relief, put down the gun awkwardly, and didn't be stubborn. He admitted directly, "I'm sorry, boss, I'll try my best."

At this moment.

For Ding Ze, Mickey really dares not follow his instinct and talk nonsense.

There's nothing I can do.

Ding Ze, who kills people when he kills people, is no different from trampling an ant. It's really scary!

"It's okay. If you don't work hard, it will be you who will die anyway," Ding Ze replied half-jokingly.


Mickey's body shook and he was stunned: "?????"

Seeing Mickey's reaction, Ding Ze smiled happily and was no longer stimulating. He picked up the walkie-talkie and called Ron, who was in charge of supervision in the church, "Ron, the situation we talked about still happened."


On the plane, Ding Ze and Ron analyzed the possible situation, which is why only he, Mickey and Ron had guns.

When Ron heard this, he shivered subconsciously, and his forehead immediately sweated. He was really a little panicked.

You should know.

The men who came this time were all picked by him and Abruch himself!

Now, something really is wrong...

Thinking of Ding Ze's murder again, Ron was even more panicked, "How many?"

"There is only one for the time being," Ding Ze replied calmly.

'Lortunately, there is only one,' Ron heard it and breathed a sigh of relief, and then apologized decisively and sincerely, "I'm sorry, boss, I..."

"In this way, let's talk about it later. Keep an eye on it. I don't want other situations we have discussed to appear, okay?"


Ding Ze didn't say anything more.

[You successfully released Sher, reward: baby grows by one centimeter.]


I have a big grass?

Is this all right?

Hearing this reward, Ding Ze was stunned in an instant. After a few seconds, he came to his senses and was so happy.


The death of the black Shell worked very well.

This is not.

More than two hours later, all the small treasures were emptied, and no one had the courage to steal.

At this time, it was already 11 p.m., and there were about seven hours before dawn.

There are still about 50 large treasures left in the treasure room.

If nothing unexpected happens, it will definitely be able to move up before dawn.

Ding Ze is very satisfied with this.


Four hours passed in a flash.


The whole treasure room, except for the body of the black Shell, has nothing left.

Seeing the last two subordinates carrying a sculpture and walking up, Ding Ze took a look at the time. The time was a little earlier than he expected, so he simply put down the handbag he had been carrying in his hand, did not make any adjustments to the things in the handbag, and said to Mickey, "Let's go up, too."

Mickey looked at the handbag that Ding Ze put down and was a little puzzled, "Is that right?"

"A gift, you will know later. Let's go."

Mickey was still puzzled, but he didn't ask. Move obediently.


Everyone gathered in the church and looked at the treasure that had been covered with sacks.

Ding Ze took a sip of a cigarette and looked at his watch. There were still more than two hours left.

"It's almost dawn. Let's work harder again. When we get to the ship, we will have a good rest," Ding Ze said. "We all put on our overalls and go to some people to bring the truck. Let's quickly load the car and go quickly."

The words came out.

Everyone did it.

More than a dozen of his men changed into their overalls and immediately left the church through the back door to drive.

The rest of the people will wait for the time being.

So far, for Ding Ze, the most critical moment of the whole action has come!


Those who have ideas about these treasures have only two choices.

First, do it here, kill everyone else, including him, and swallow this treasure.

The second is to contact a gang in New York for a long time, and solve them on the way.

In Ding Ze's opinion, the possibility of the two choices is similar.

He prefers that those people will choose the second one, because he has made arrangements for it.

Of course, this kind of thing cannot be placed on hope.

Therefore, Ding Ze did not delay and decisively motioned to Mickey to move quietly to the side with him and find cover, so as not to let those people suddenly get into trouble and kill him with one shot.

Bullets are eyeless. He is not a god. It is impossible to control everything.


Nothing happened.

When the truck arrived, everyone began to load the treasures into the car.

More than 50 people work together, which is very efficient.

Less than an hour.

All the treasures got on the car and waited for the departure.

"Port of New York," Ron picked up the walkie-talkie and told the destination, "Let's go!"

Hear the sound.

Almost all the drivers replied together, and then stepped on the accelerator and headed for New York Harbor.

Ding Ze, Mickey and Ron didn't get on the bus and stood still and saw the motorcade for a while.


"Let's go, too," Ding Ze made a sound and moved towards a black Land Rover parked on the side of the road.

I got in the car.

"John," Ding Ze greeted Abruch in the driver's seat with a smile.

"Boss," Abruch, who arrived in New York last night, smiled, then picked up the walkie-talkie, rushed to more than 30 cars scattered around, and ordered, "The convoy has set off. Let's move."

Ding Ze didn't say anything more. He opened the luggage at his feet, took out the submachine gun and grenade, and equipped it.

Mickey sat in the back row and was confused: "?????"

Why did Abrucchi come?

What is this going to do?

I don't understand it at all.


In the darkness before dawn.

It's a rare cleaner road in New York City.

More than a dozen trucks drove all the way to the port.

Some people who got up early, just got off the night shift, taxi drivers and other kinds of people were confused when they saw this scene and couldn't figure out what had happened.

However, it's just a doubt, and no one thinks much about it.

After all, this is New York, and strange things happen here all year round.

Time goes by slowly.

The truck convoy went out of the downtown area, and the surroundings gradually became cold.

It's been about half an hour.

It was much more empty all of a sudden.


One, two, three... More and more large black off-road vehicles quietly drove on the road and kept up with the truck fleet.

A truck driver took the lead in passing through the rearview mirror and noticed the situation behind him. He immediately sank in his heart and knew that they were being targeted. He quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and wanted to contact Ron.


The gunshot suddenly sounded. A man sitting in the co-pilot's seat decisively pulled out his gun and killed the truck driver. Then, he immediately leaned over to open the door on the other side of the driver's seat, pushed the truck driver down, and then moved to the driver's seat to control the truck.

The next second.

The man picked up the walkie-talkie and said coldly and excitedly, "Action!"

At the same time.

The more than 20 black off-road vehicles behind the truck fleet speeded up, and several of the people in the cockpit of the truck fleet did not participate in the black-eating truck.

In the rest of the trucks, gunshots sounded one after another.

Bang bang!

In a flash.

These controlled trucks broke away from the fleet and drove in other directions together.


The back is not too far away.

I saw this scene.

Ding Ze sighed.

Sure enough, it happened.

"Action!!" Ding Ze picked up the walkie-talkie and said coldly.

In the moment.

More than 30 cars accelerated one after another, and one of them held an RPG in several cars. He stood up quickly and his upper body leaned out of the window.

What! What! What!!

The shells were shot out one by one and rushed straight to those black SUVs!

Beng! beng! beng!

In an instant, with a huge explosion, several black off-road vehicles were blown up!

This picture is really pleasing to the eyes!

Ding Ze was not idle. He took up the submachine gun, poked out of the window, pulled the trigger, and shot crazily!!!!

The same is true of Ron.

Mickey was scared, slowed down half a beat, and immediately, inexplicably energetic, excited, and did it!!!

That's it.

It was so thunderous that the sound of gunfire was endless.

The people in the black SUV didn't expect this to happen at all, and they were caught off guard.

In this wave alone, more than 20 people were killed.

The insiders who drove several trucks did not expect that Ding Ze would have such an arrangement at all. At that time, they panicked and despaired and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and wanted to escape.

However, the truck is a truck after all. In terms of speed and sensitivity, it is not as good as a small car.

Don't take a moment.

Several trucks where the smanders were caught up by dozens of cars, followed by intensive shooting in their cockpit.

Suddenly, suddenly!

At the same time.

Those people in the black SUV started to resist.

The men of the local Skesey family in New York angrily poked out of the car window one by one, most of them holding pistols. Only a few people held submachine guns and shot desperately at Ding Ze's group.

Ding Ze saw...

Why don't you beat you? How dare you rob my treasure with such a little guy?

There is a way to achieve things in heaven, and people to do things!

In order to deal with this incident, he made full preparations, so that Abruch did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to come to New York silently and purchase a lot of arms...

At this moment.

Adequate preparation has ushered in satisfactory results.

He really had to laugh.

Ding Ze smiled happily.

Suddenly, suddenly.

Bang, bang, bang!

The number of people is dominant, the firepower is dominant, and in addition, it is unexpected...

How to fight these men sent by the Skey family?

Less than three minutes.

The men of the Skesy family were almost half dead and injured!

The rest of the people are really afraid. They dare not do it any more. If they go on, they really have to die here!

"Withdraw and withdraw!!!"

There was an urgent roar in the walkie-talkie.

Immediately after.

The black off-road vehicle that can move and escape in all directions.

See the situation.

"Don't chase! Go to the port," Ding Ze immediately issued the order.

At this moment.

Only one of the trucks controlled by the inslo is still running away.

More than a minute later.

Without any suspense, the truck was successfully stopped.

Of course, the insider was turned into a hornet.

"Sto straight to the port!" Ding Ze received the news at the first time, without any ink, and ordered.

At this time.

They are only a few miles away from the port.

It's just a few miles.

It will come in an instant.

Ron spent 20 million yesterday afternoon to complete the relevant procedures for entering the port, and also spent 10 million to book a cargo ship.


The convoy entered the port and passed unimpeded. It drove directly to the front of the cargo ship. Then, one vehicle after another, boarded the ship at full speed.

It won't be long.

The motorcade all got on board.

"Ship," Ron had no ink and immediately told the boss of the boat.

The boat boss stood on the deck, first took a look at the place where it was not too far away from the port. The sound of gunfire explosion just now was endless, and then looked further away. He heard the countless sirens. Finally, he looked at Ron and said nothing. He went straight to the cockpit and left the boat.

"What! I earned this ten million yuan. It's really scary!"

The boat boss scolded in horror.

In the cabin.

Ding Ze got out of the car and stretched out. Then, he quickly walked to the deck and looked at the direction where the sirens were.

It seems that those police cars will take a while to reach the place before the war.

This is also normal.

After all, it is not dawn yet, the staff of the nearby police station is limited, and the efficiency will be greatly reduced.


American police officers have an unsclified rule for gang warfare, that is, not to participate in the war immediately, and then arrest people when the battle is over...

There is no reason for it.

That's a gangster war. Those police officers don't want to participate in it. They accidentally lost their lives... It's only a little salary in a month. Who really wants to fight with the gangsters...

Ding Ze smiled and looked at the time.

There was a large bag of explosives in the handbag he left in the treasure room under Trinity Church.

In eleven minutes, the countdown of the timer will come to an end.

"You are busy. Don't chase me."

Ding Ze said to himself with a smile.

(End of this chapter)