Journey towards The Rubail city

It's protected by brick wall .

People are lined up in front of the town gate. After lining after one hour, Guards came to us. He took 5 silver from us each. And handed us two white card.

."You can stay in the town for five days with this temporary residency card.

If you lost it it'll take 50 silver to renew it.


Then we enter the town.

Its already night time so we look for a normal inn. We rent 1 room of 2 beds. Finish our dinner in the inn. Because of the journey I am already quite tired so I slept till morning.

In morning i woke up early.

Meditate for some time, I need to continue practice the breathing technique until my body adjust to it. After uncle woke up we went to the inn hall to eat our breakfast.

We ordered some meat and bread.

while eating, uncle asked me,

"Where is you father friend live?"

"Uncle My father told me that he live in the inkstone city ." I told him naturally.

"Oh inkstone dutchy ,There is quite turmoil for some time . Duke inkstone control the northern territory of the kingdom. But 1 year ago his noble rank demoted 1 rank he become an earl. "

"what happen uncle?" I am quite nervous.

"I heard it from a adventurer that duke inkstone don't have a heir and crown prince went to the royalcourt and appeal against the duke for large territory. For some reason king also agree with it .But other Duke didn't attack the territory of the Inkstone duchy because. The duke inkstone said to be already a late void rank. He is likely become the first semidivine rank from the noble."

Then I sigh at relief i think i know why is crown is odd with duke inkstone. 

" To reach inkstone duchy You have to cross Rubail duchy ,It will take 4 months in horse riding, you should look for merchant center where the deliver people and goods."

But i notice that his face quite unnatural ."What is it uncle?"

"No, i just remember that there is other way to reach there in one hour which is teleportation portal but it will take 2000 low grade ,,ha,,ha ,,we poor people. Forget it." 

Hearing his word my eyes lit up immediately.

But i didn't say anything.

Then he told me the best merchant agency that i could choose but I told hm that i want to visit this town for 5 days. Then i will think about going Inkstone duchy. He just nod in my answer. 

After eating the breakfast ,

 uncle left early for the village, he don't want to journey at night that is more dangerous than day.Saying goodbye to the Uncle. I went to see the innkeeper and give him 1 silver coin 

"Hello where can i buy rank 1 color crystal?"

After seeing that silver coin his eyes lit up ,smiled at me.

"You can bye them from the treasure house adventure guild. Treasure house is under the duke house "

Then he told me about the direction.

I finally decided to buy the crystal from the treasure house because it is run by the Joston House. I can buy crystal from them without being afraid of greedy eyes.They are also a Duke house ,But they are mainly specialize in business . 

After walking 10 minutes ,I came across two story building.

Its quite luxurious then i went inside the shop nervously.

Inside its the same as other shop though its quite decorated all the item are placed in the shelf very neatly. 

Seeing that a handsome boy the attendant came and give a heart warming smile,

"Hello how can i help me? What are you looking for?"

"Hmm miss do you sell rank 4 color crystal." 

After hearing that the boy is looking for rank 4 crystal her smile broaden 10 fold because his is a big customer She inform with a big smile,

"Yes we have them 1000 low grade mana crystal for each type ."

I am quite worried after hearing the price , I don't know the market price. I think seeing my hesitated look She informed me,

"The price is fixed you can verify it in other shop.''

I am quite relieve after hearing that .

"ok ,give me 2 each type."

I took out six mid grade crystal inside the robe and gave it to her. She also handed me 2 white, green and purple crystal each. I put them in the pouch.

Seeing that no other people is inside I asked her 

" Do you know where i can find the teleportation portal?"

After listening my word she give me an odd look.

"There is no teleportation portal in this town. You can go to in the Rubail city which is also the main city of Rubail duchy. Only big cities have teleportation crystal . Its a Fifteen days journey by carriage from here."

Then i understand why she gave me an odd look. After saying bye to the attendant I left the shop. I didn't wander around the town directly went to the inn and book it for 3 days.

After closing the room in the inn i took out the crystal and star absorbing the color crytal and buld the last star that will connect the circle completely.

Time pass by ...

3 days later in the morning I connect the last star with the first . Its now a complete circle with 9 star then I sigh of relief because Now I can protect me in danger .If I can't battle then i am confident of running away from a rank 7 fighter with my teleportation skill.

To reach the next relam i just need enough mental energy ,I think in 2 months i will be able to breakthrough.

Oh the mental energy is the fundamental thing that balance every race over all world. Because if there is no need for mental energy the strong will be always strong. 

It limit one person relam.

The noble have wealth to afford mana stone, technique, skill crystal, color crystal but why they don't have the ability to step in the void relam or divine rank because you need the mental energy which work like a key to unseal the seal in human body.

Every time if you want breakthrough you need mental energy. People only able to learn two skill or void rank skill in early stages because you need enough mental energy to absorb the information from the skill crystal.

And we can gain mental energy by practicing the mental energy technique which is the most valuable treasure in a novel houses .Because if you kill 10 thousand void rank beast you may get a mental energy technique and the beast body will be disappear afterwards.

The royalties have a divine rank mental technique that's why they can rule the kingdom. And 

Even in royals only the crown and king practice it. Other family member get access to it when they reach Void rank by their talent.

You can also gain mental energy when you do life death battle or when you grow old. and the royals control the mental technique. And even a high rank technique appear count or earl noble houses cant afford them. They can only buy low rank mental technique. These is the reason i think mother didn't left the mental technique for me and I don't need it in early stages though it will be helpful for increase the speed of cultivation.

At present.... 

after packing the cloths and leave the room .I then return the room key to the innkeeper , .

After inquiring about best merchant agency I walk towards the location. 

In Road after seeing the vendor My eyes lit up.

"Spirit rabbit lag only for 50 silver coin."

I went to the shopkeeper. Its spirit rabbit which is rank 1 beast.

"Uncle give me 20."

After i gave him the money the man happily pack me 20 rabbit leg.

I took one out, started eat. its crispy and spicy, soft meats just melts in my mouth. While eating happily i walk towards the golden merchant agency. They transfer goods all around the kingdom they are very famous for their high security.

It took me one hour to go there. Then i talk with the agency they told me a carriage will leave for Rubail City in 3 three hours.

I then pay the agency for a good seat in the main carriage. Main carriage is guarded by rank 4 guards. 

I took my seat first after some time Four new people appear and ride in the carriage. Looking at their attire. Among them three are adventurer and 1 is a merchant who is quite old.

After waiting for some time the guards came, they walk Infront our carriage. 

Then my journey start towards the Rubail city.