A floating castle

Hearing this everyone feel a current run through their bodies. How can they forget white dragon can see Fate line. Through fate line they can peek in the future of the person.

Everyone knows what is the word 'no fate lines' mean-

From birth everyone's future is determined .What relam they can reach in their life time is pre determined, with out a great opportunity their future achievement is limited. But those who have no fate lines can create their own fate .The main importance of a fete-less person is that one can change the era by their action and their deeds.

Ron's future is boundless, Has no talent limit he can become immortal if he gets the right opportunity.

And be able to mingle with fate-less person means that they can change your fate with their action. Its not like Ron is the only person without fate line because there have been people who appear in the world and with their action they have already shake their era leave their name in history, the prime example was ice witch.

At present,,,

After learning that everyone is surprised 

"Ok Minali inform Rosalia that Its was me who decided her engagements if she has any objection inform me through conversation jade in 15 days if she has any problem with my decision.

And Mikael send your shadow squad captain in world academy inquire about Rosalia if she had any lover .I don't want to make same mistake again.''

"Yes, mother-in-law"

Then crown and his wife left there.

"Mother-in-law is there any way to protect Ron's secret from other people."

 Duke asked quite nervously because he understand if other people from dark guild or demons know about Ron his peaceful days will be over.

after pondering some time she took off her left earning which is long pin, design with a black dragon head, eyes are red like ruby She give it to the duke.

"Its a divine rank artifact which i got from my mother it can hide his fate from divine rank master and save him from hallucination, he will safe till any half immortal peek his secret."

"Thanks ,mother-in-law."

He sigh a relief. 

Time pass by .. 

1 year later ..

In the past one year many thing happen but the most notable was that Princess Rosalia worlds one of the most talented younger generation engaged with the Inkstone duke heir. It stir quite a stir all over world, Because people wanted to know who was the Ronald Inkstone that got engaged with the ice queen. people got disappointed after learning that dukes heir is only rank one. Some younger generation even wanted to challenge Ron to prove that he(Ron) is not worthy. But they cant directly act within the Inkstone duchy. So unknowingly Ron's academy life will become problematic. Though even if Ron Learn about them he wont care. Because he also wants challenge the younger generation.

In the inner castle,

 second floor,

 training area, Ron is fighting with Albert who is only toying with him .after 1 hour.

I am laying in the floor while my body soaked with sweat .

"hugh , hugh ,"

"young master congratulation for breakthrough. Your combat power is also high you can fight with normal 4 rd rankers"

Albert quite happy by Rom's progress in the past year.

I didn't response start cultivating the breathing technique it didn't take long to restore enough mana. I know that i have become strong compare to my previous self but i am not satisfied. I need more strength.

Then i went to the bathroom to take a bath,

After bath i stand in front of mirror though in one year my face didn't change much, the cheek become more refine but ear ring and the red eyes makes me more mysterious.

I went to the lake side with teleportation ,After breakthrough to the rank 3 i can use it for 5 times a day i think after i step in the rank6 i will be able use teleportation any time I wants.

In past one year i have requested Albert to build a wood ranch in the lake and put some spirit fish and many verities rank 1 fish . I can sit in the bench and catch fish some time ,I also tell him to leave some small bird ,spirit chicken and rabbit in the land side i can catch them barbeque them time to time . 

though rank 1 beast is powerful for current me i told them to put initial rank 1 , but these species are normal beast with out any ferocity .

Besides meditation, fighting with rank 3 guard or with albert, reading books is the daily routine for me in past 1 year. 

Catching fish have become my new hobby .Some time Albert or Grandpa will sit with me. They told me to buy some maid or slave but i haven't thought about it but i think i wont be needing them any time soon.

After siting there I took out 2 curved box, i looked at them and couldn't help but think,,

 1 year ago ,,

One night grandpa suddenly come to find me when I was meditating..

After giving me the 2 fruits he inform me about their effect . My heart skip a beat, because i can imagine The value of these two fruits. With the help of these fruits my cultivation will be skyrocketed. I don't have think about mental energy till i reach the void stage and the blood dragon fruit will help me to solve the fragility of the human body in body cultivation all i need to time to gather mana, gain battle experience and adjust my body in every rank i can the breakthrough easily .

But the next second my mind went blank after hearing his word.

He told me about the engagements with the genius princess.

"What marriage, I am only 15 and I come here it didn't even pass 1 month,. You didn't even ask me and set up my engagements, 

Are you trying to open a marriage agency ?", I asked with a frown.

seeing my displeased face he leave a sigh with frustration told me about the inside story 

How my great grandma suddenly came out her lair, beat the crown prince mercilessly and give me an engagement with the most precious princess.

I haven't came out of the shocked grandpa shove the divine rank artifact in my hand and described me about the fate-less thing looking at the earning in my hand, I think i have eaten a fly.


"She bribed me, didn't she?...."

blackline appear in my head.

"Cough ...ok hmm I will take it."", I thought inwardly.

You can call me shameless but you want to me do veto, do you think who can beat the crown prince can't give me a beating. Its not like with the engagements I am losing anything . It will also help me in the long run ,because the crown now can't touch me, 

"He can't make it difficult for his cute son-in-law right? right? Ah.. I will think about it later.

No i cant take the risk. I will think about this marriage when i am strong enough and meet my so called fiancée. 

At present ............

I put the blood dragon fruit in the space ring and open the box that contains Bodhi fruit. A refreshing feeling spread around me.

 I learned from grandpa that Bodhi fruits only grows in elf kingdom, in elf kingdom there is big tree in the capital which is called world tree, Elf are intelligent beast race like dragon they also build their own kingdom in Qinhum forest which is very dangerous if one of the elf race don't help you can't enter in their Elf Kingdom.

Inside the world tree There is small a bodhi tree that produce the bodhi fruits, it takes 300 years to grow the fruits and it takes another 50 years to ripe the fruits .

Its is even more expensive than a semi divine rank golden skill crystal because it can help the late stage of the 9 th rank to step in the void rank immediately by solving their mental energy and also give some help the peak void stage to nourish their mental energy.

After calming my restless heart I take the fruit and put it in my mouth , it didn't teste any thing but melt in my mouth immediately. After some time a refreshing feeling spread in my head its like my mental energy break a barrier, my mana in my heart also became restless and 3 circle in my heart start spinning madly and start producing a astronomical amount high density mana i know i can breakthrough rank 3 mid relam or late rank 3 , but o I stopped the mana from overflowing and gather it around the mana node for later use.

I don't want to breakthrough because though my mental energy and combat power is enough, my mana circle isn't stable yet after my last breakthrough if i make star in my new circle, my foundation won't be strong enough. It will affect badly in long run.

After one hour of meditation..

I open my eyes it feel like I woke up after a long sleep.

I can perceive around me very keenly, i can even see small insect clearly around me. I guess my mental energy is enough for me to step in the rank 6 with out the mental technique.

When i look behind me i saw grandpa is looking at me trying discern my state. 

I know he appear when i took the fruit so that everything is alright,

 My heart become warm 

"You should first stabilize your relam then try to breakthrough."

"yes . Grandpa i want to master the mental technique learn a long range danger detection sensory technique." 

He nods approvingly 

"Your mental energy enough for learning detection technique but you should prepare in three months the academy will accept students from all over the kingdom.

Albert will do the procedure."

He left the place after saying that.

I look at the setting sun and thinking about the priority in this three months,

In the blink there is only 10 days left in the new admission of the Royal academy. People all over the Netheria Kingdom are going towards the capital.

In the Inkstone Duchy 

Inner castle library.

Books are arranged in the shelf according their subject. In the center of this library a 16 years boy reading books but when you look at the pile of books around the boy you will be surprised. 

After some time the boy close the book . 

ok guys its me the most handsome Ron .


after the increase of mental energy i found out that my compression ability increased a lot, so I decided to finish all the books.

In this dangerous world Knowledge is power,

After three months of continuous reading I a finished all the books about beast, their attack pattern and their weakness etc.

But interesting is mythology of the world ,i really want to know about it more, But there is a few books of mythology.

I will show you a magic.


 And all the book started floating and went towards its position. There is magic placed on all the books.

outside the library when I came across Albert .

"Young master when do you want to leave for the academy, though there is some time you should leave early to familiarize with the capital.

All the young geniuses will come from all around the kingdom."

"But albert there is still 10 days." I am quite puzzled ,

After seeing my unknown looks he tells me that,

"Young mastery you can't directly teleport from outside of the capital. To enter the capital you have to first go to the Mileston City which is the capitals outer city ,then you have to use teleportation portal to enter inner city where is the academy is located."

"Then where is the Royal palace,Albert?"

"It is in the sky and It's a floating city in the sky."


a black line appear in my head.Albert didnt want make wai too long.

"When one step in the divine relam they can build their own divine kingdom by using divine law. And divine kingdom is a symbol of power .Though its not all time a floating city but In our Netheria kingdom its a floating city where all the royal family resides.

In the center the of the milestone city is place where noble houses resides. We duke houses all have mansions in the center . Nobles have their own property in the capital." 

Though i read all the book there wasn't a single line about it.

Sigh.. i have to learn about other races .

I become shocked by the information how much power one need to build miniature town in the city and i remember again then is everything.

I am quite surprise how strong my grandpa is .

My worldview refresh again. Now i think about it In our library there isn't a single book that have information above void rank beast, skill.

I asked Albert about it .

Then i learn the main reason.

The kingdom only allows to keep below the semi divine relam book because in semi divine relam one get access to the divine law. Its whole another level compare to void relam .

Only the Royal library have all the books and records about those above void rank. And noble can read these by exchange of merits in war or item that is valuable.

I should look for a way to enter the royal library and There i can find the related record about divine law. I may be able to find some book about Black Abyss dungeon.

"How much time it will take to reach the Mileston city?"

Albert inform me that it will take 3 days to reach the milestone city from the nearest city that have teleport portal. Then i tell him I will leave for the capital tomorrow.